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Journal Article
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Journal Article
Tumlinson, Katherine, Brian W Pence, Siân L Curtis, Stephen W Marshall, and Ilene S Speizer. "Quality of Care and Contraceptive Use in Urban Kenya." International Perspectives on Sexual and Reproductive Health 41, no. 2 (2015): 69-79.
Working Paper
Marshall, Katherine. "Religious engagement in family planning policies." (2015)
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Journal Article
Ganaba, Rasmané, Tom Marshall, Issiaka Sombie, Rebecca F Baggaley, Thomas W Ouedraogo, and Véronique Filippi. "Women's sexual health and contraceptive needs after a severe obstetric complication ("near-miss"): a cohort study in Burkina Faso." Reproductive Health 7, no. 1 (2010): 22.
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Working Paper
Schady, Norbert, Jere Behrman, Maria C Araujo, Rodrigo Azuero, Raquel Bernal, David Bravo, Florencia Lopez-Boo, Karen Macours, Daniela Marshall, Christina Paxson, and Renos Vakis. "Gradientes de Riqueza en el Desarrollo Cognitivo Durante la Primera Infancia en Cinco Países de América Latina." Banco Interamericano de Desarrollo , no. 482 (2014).
Journal Article
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Working Paper
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Journal Article
Meller, Patricio, Rene Cortazar, and Jorge Marshall. "Employment Stagnation in Chile: 1974-1978." Latin American Research Review 16, no. 2 (1981): 144-155.
Working Paper
Wong, Joyce, Quinn Marshall, Alexa Jay, and Rizaldi Boer. "The Use of a Seasonal Fire Early Warning Tool for Managing Peat Fires in Indonesia." (2015) International Research Institute For Climate And Society.
Journal Article
Presler-Marshall, Elizabeth, and Nicola Jones. "The adolescent imperative." (2017) ODI Policy briefing.
Journal Article
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Journal Article
Addai, Issac, and Frank Trovato. "Structural assimilation and ethnic fertility in Ghana." Journal of Comparative Family Studies 30, no. 3 (1999): 409-427.
Journal Article
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Working Paper
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Journal Article
Ronsmans, Carine, S Scott, Siti N Qomariyah, Endang L Achadi, David Braunholtz, T Marshall, Eko S Pambudi, Karen H Witten, and Wendy J Graham. "Professional assistance during birth and maternal mortality in two Indonesian districts." Bulletin of the World Health Organization 87, no. 6 (2009): 416-423.
Najjumba, Innocent Mulindwa, and Jeffery H Marshall. Improving Learning In Uganda, Volume 2: Problematic Curriculum Areas and Teacher Effectiveness: Insights from National Assessments. : World Bank Publications, 2013.
Journal Article
Sahlu, Ida, Chanelle J Howe, Melissa A Clark, and Brandon D Marshall. "HIV status, knowledge of mother-to-child transmission of HIV and antenatal care use among Ethiopian women." Journal of Epidemiology and Global Health 4, no. 3 (2014): 177-184.
Journal Article
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Journal Article
Monteiro, João Filipe G, Brandon Marshall, Daniel Escudero, Sandra G Sosa-Rubí, Andrea Gonzalez, Timothy Flanigan, Don Operario, Kenneth H Mayer, Mark N Lurie, and Omar Galarraga. "Preventing HIV Transmission Among Partners of HIV-Positive Male Sex Workers in Mexico City: A Modeling Study." (2014) AIDS and Behavior.
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