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Showing 271-300 of 442
Journal Article
Agho, Kingsley E, Michael J Dibley, Justice I Odiase, and Sunday M Ogbonmwan.
Determinants of exclusive breastfeeding in Nigeria
BMC pregnancy and childbirth 11, no. 1 (2011).
Journal Article
Niekerk A, Anton.
Three Ethical Issues in the Development of Public Genetic Health Policies in Africa
(2015) Journal of AIDS & Clinical Research.
Working Paper
Negura, Ion, and Veronica Peev.
Identity patterns in the roma minority from the Republic of Moldova
(2009) Nouvelles identites rom en Europe centrale & orientale.
Thesis or Dissertation
Dinbabo, Mulugeta Fitamo.
Social welfare policies and child poverty in South Africa: a microsimulation model on the child support grant
PhD thesis, University of the Western Cape, 2011.
Hamalainen, Anna-Mari, Guy-Michel Brandtner, Larissa Titarenko, and Howard Williamson.
Youth policy in Moldova An international review
Strasbourg: Council of Europe Publishing, 2009.
Journal Article
Chiumbu, Sarah.
Social movements, media practices and radical democracy in South Africa
French Journal For Media Research , no. 4 (2015).
Journal Article
Opiniano, Jeremaiah.
International migration as social protection mechanism in the Philippines: Issues and implications
(2010) Global crossroads in social welfare: Emergent issues, debates and innovations across the globe.
Journal Article
Mughal, Muhammad Shahid.
Good governance for the sustainable public housing development: case study: Karachi, Pakistan
(2005) HKU Theses Online (HKUTO).
Working Paper
Quentin-Baxter, Alison.
Ethnic Accommodation in the Republic of the Fiji Islands
(1999) Wellington, New Zealand, Paper prepared for the School of Law, Waikato University, Hamilton, New Zealand.
Naidu, Vijay, Annewaite Matadradra, and Maria Sahib.
Fiji: the challenges and opportunities of diversity
: Minority Rights Group International, 2013.
Journal Article
Vally, Salim.
Citizenship and children’s education rights in South Africa
(2005) Journal of Education.
Conference Paper
Cariño V, Ledivina.
Building Trust in Government in Southeast Asia
7th Global Forum on Reinventing Government.
Vienna, Austria, June 26-29, 2007.
Thesis or Dissertation
Nan M,.
Submission to the Government (Rom 13: 1-7): biblical perspective with Christian ethical reflection for present day Myanmar
Master in Theology, Norwegian School of Theology, 2011.
Thesis or Dissertation
Cubitt P, Christine.
Sierra Leones Post-conflict Reconstruction: A Study of the Challenges for Building Long Term Peace
PhD Thesis, University of Bradford, 2011.
Thesis or Dissertation
Togawa, Shotaro.
Politics of Pride: Why do People Participate in Civil Society in South Africa?
Master Thesis, University of Cape Town, 2011.
Working Paper
Mohieldin, Mahmoud, Zamir Iqbal, Ahmed Mohamed Rostom, and Xiaochen Fu.
The role of Islamic finance in enhancing financial inclusion in Organization of Islamic Cooperation (OIC) countries
Journal Article
Fry, Lincoln.
Trust of the police in South Africa: A research note
International Journal of Criminal Justice Sciences 8, no. 1 (2013): 36-46.
Journal Article
De Kock, Chris, Anine Kriegler, and Mark Shaw.
A citizen’s guide to SAPS crime statistics: 1994 to 2015
(2015) Centre of Criminology.
Journal Article
Bruce, David.
Counting the covert: using data to understand corruption in South Africa
ISS Monograph.
Journal Article
AbouZahr, Carla, Don De Savigny, Lene Mikkelsen, Philip W Setel, Rafael Lozano, Erin Nichols, Francis Notzon, and Alan D Lopez.
Civil registration and vital statistics: progress in the data revolution for counting and accountability
The Lancet 386, no. 10001 (2015): 1373-1385.
Cook, Nicolas.
South Africa: Politics, economy and US relations
: Congressional Research Service , 2013.
Journal Article
Haire, Bridget G, Morenike O Folayan, and Brandon Brown.
Standards and Guidelines for HIV Prevention Research: Considerations for Local Context in the Interpretation of Global Ethical Standards
African Journal of Reproductive Health 18, no. 3 (2015): 55-65.
Journal Article
Moller, Jana.
The state of multilingual publishing in South Africa
Revue électronique d’études sur le monde anglophone , no. 11.1 (2013).
Working Paper
Williams, CK.
Making every day a Mandela Day in the Public Service
Journal Article
Escallier, Robert.
Marges et Marginalités Socio-spatiales dans la Ville Marocaine. Changements et Permanences
Cahiers de la Méditerranée , no. 69 (2004).
Thesis or Dissertation
Nudelman, Craig.
Language in South Africa's higher education transformation: a study of language policies at four universities
Master of Philosophy in Justice and Transformation , University of Cape Town, 2015.
Journal Article
Hunt, Frances.
Learner councils in South African schools: Adult involvement and learners’ rights
Education, Citizenship and Social Justice 9, no. 3 (2014): 268-285.
Journal Article
Albertyn, Cathi.
Claiming and defending abortion rights in South Africa
Revista Direito GV 11, no. 2 (2015): 429-454.
Journal Article
Hunter, Justin.
Native Title in Australia and South Africa: A Search for Something That Lasts
(2014) University of Miami Law School Institutional Repository.
Working Paper
Mee, Alan, Eric Wright, and Philip Astley.
Rhizomatic Healthscapes
(2014) W104-Open Building Implementation DURBAN 2014.
Showing 271-300 of 442