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Showing 1741-1770 of 2624
Working Paper
McDaniel, Anne, Thomas A DiPrete, Claudia Buchmann, and Uri Shwed.
The black gender gap in educational attainment: Historical trends and racial comparisons
Demography 48, no. 3 (2011): 889-914.
Journal Article
Risso-Gill, Isabelle, Dina Balabanova, Fadhlina Majid, Kien K Ng, Khalid Yusoff, Feisul Mustapha, Charlotte Kuhlbrandt, Robby Nieuwlaat, J D Schwalm, and Tara McCready.
Understanding the modifiable health systems barriers to hypertension management in Malaysia: a multi-method health systems appraisal approach
BMC health services research 15, no. 1 (2015): 254.
Journal Article
Oyesola, Olutokunbo B, and Ibikunle E Obabire.
Farmers’ perceptions of organic farming in selected local government areas of Ekiti State, Nigeria
Journal of Organic Systems 6, no. 1 (2011): 20-26.
Journal Article
Bode, CO, AO Ademuyiwa, EA Jeje, OA Elebute, SO Ikhisemojie, and OA Adesanya.
Preferred methods of male neonatal circumcision among mothers in Lagos Nigeria
Journal of the West African College of Surgeons 1, no. 2 (2011): 29-37.
Journal Article
Perez, Anthony Daniel, and Charles Hirschman.
Estimating net interracial mobility in the United States: A residual methods approach
Sociological methodology 39, no. 1 (2009): 31-71.
Journal Article
Fry, Richard.
Are Immigrant Youth Faring Better in US Schools?
International Migration Review 41, no. 3 (2007): 579-601.
Thesis or Dissertation
Rafiu, Kamoru Adewale.
Patterns of language loss: a study of the benue-congo languages in Niger state, Nigeria
Doctor of Philosophy, University of Ilorin, 2011.
Thesis or Dissertation
Tancred, Tara.
Implementation of community-level quality improvement in southeastern Tanzania: a mixed methods process evaluation of what worked, what didn’t, and why?
Doctor of Philosophy, London School of Hygiene & Tropical Medicine, 2016.
Journal Article
Mugisha, S, and E Agwu.
Cross-border movement of people and its effect on the Spread of HIV/AIDS in Kisoro district south western Uganda
Special viral Pathogens Journal 1, no. 1 (2015): 26-37.
Journal Article
Soura, Abdramane Bassiahi, Bruno Lankoande, Roch Millogo, and Martin Bangha.
Comparing causes of death between formal and informal neighborhoods in urban Africa: evidence from Ouagadougou Health and Demographic Surveillance System
(2014) Global health action.
Journal Article
Meinck, Franziska, Lucie D Cluver, Mark E Boyes, and Lodrick D Ndhlovu.
Risk and protective factors for physical and emotional abuse victimisation amongst vulnerable children in South Africa
Child Abuse Review 24, no. 3 (2015): 182-197.
Thesis or Dissertation
Ugwu, Samuel Chinwero.
Micro-credit and capacity enhancement in Nigeria: an evaluation of the national poverty eradication programme (NAPEP) in Enugu State (2001 – 2007)
Doctor of Philosophy in Public Administration, University of Nigeria, Nsukka, 2011.
Oreopoulos, Philip, Marianne E Page, and Ann Huff Stevens.
Does human capital transfer from parent to child? The intergenerational effects of compulsory schooling
Journal Article
Harvey-Leeson, Sarah, Crystal D Karakochuk, Meaghan Hawes, Pierrot L Tugirimana, Esto Bahizire, Pierre Z Akilimali, Kristina D Michaux, Larry D Lynd, Kyly C Whitfield, and Mourad Moursi.
Anemia and Micronutrient Status of Women of Childbearing Age and Children 6-59 Months in the Democratic Republic of the Congo
Nutrients 8, no. 2 (2016): 98.
Journal Article
Morrison, Peter.
Islam in China: An update
Religion, State and Society: The Keston Journal 13, no. 2 (1985): 152-155.
Journal Article
Johnston F, Bruce.
The political economy of agricultural development in the Soviet Union and China
Food Research Institute Studies 21, no. 2 (1989): 97-138.
Journal Article
Arat, Gizem.
The Link Between Nutrition and Mental Health in Sub-Saharan African Adolescents: Findings from the Global School-Based Health Survey
(2016) Global Social Welfare.
Thesis or Dissertation
Guo, Liu.
Interprovincial migrations in China: an analysis based on the 1990 census
Master of Art , McMaster University , 1994.
Working Paper
Page, Marianne, Ann Huff Stevens, and Philip Oreopoulos.
The intergenerational effects of compulsory schooling
Journal Article
Navin, Francies, Art Bergan, Jinsong Qi, and Jiang Li.
Road safety in China
(1994) Transportation research record.
Conference Paper
Postiglione A, Gerard.
State Schooling and Ethnicity in China: The Rise or Demise of Multiculturalism?.
World Congress of Sociology (14th, Montreal, Quebec, Canada, July 26-August 1, 1998).
Working Paper
Gullickson, Aaron.
The Interracial Context of Educational Partnering within Marriage
Working Paper
Mazumder, Bhashkar.
How Did Schooling Laws Improve Long-Term Health and Lower Mortality?
Federal Reserve Bank of Chicago Working paper , no. 2006-23 (2006).
Journal Article
Wheeler H, Christopher.
Industry localisation and earnings inequality: Evidence from US manufacturing*
Papers in Regional Science 86, no. 1 (2007): 77-100.
Journal Article
He, Xiaoxing Z, Ellen Cyran, and Mark Salling.
National trends in the United States of America physician assistant workforce from 1980 to 2007
Hum Resour Health 7, no. 86 (2009): 1-10.
Working Paper
DiPrete, Thomas A, Anne McDaniel, Claudia Buchmann, and Uri Shwed.
Race and the Growing Female Advantage in Educational Attainment: A Trend Comparison
Journal Article
Ishaku, HT, Rafee M Majid, AP Ajayi, and A Haruna.
Water supply dilemma in Nigerian rural communities: looking towards the sky for an answer
Journal of Water Resource and Protection 3, no. 8 (2011): 598.
Thesis or Dissertation
James, OdunsiI Oluwatosin.
Genetic and non-genetic factors affecting morphology and heat tolerance traits of Nigerian sheep
Bachelor of Agriculture, university of Agriculture, Abeokuta, Nigeria, 2011.
Journal Article
Akinro, AO, OB Ikumawoyi, Olotu Yahaya, and NM Ologunagha.
Environmental Impacts of Polyethylene generation and disposal in Akure City, Nigeria
Global journal of Science Frontier Research Agriculture and Biology 12, no. 3 (2012): 1-8.
Journal Article
Hao, Yan.
Tibetan population in China: Myths and facts re-examined
Asian Ethnicity 1, no. 1 (2000): 11-36.
Showing 1741-1770 of 2624