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Showing 1-30 of 167
Journal Article
Sanders, Michael, Natasha Houghton, Ofa Dewes, Judith McCool, and Peter R Thorne.
Estimated prevalence of hearing loss and provision of hearing services in Pacific Island nations
Journal of Primary Health Care 7, no. 1 (2015): 5-15.
Working Paper
Ecker, Olivier, Clemens Breisinger, Christen McCool, Xinshen Diao, Jose Funes, Liangzhi You, and Bingxin Yu.
Assessing food security in Yemen
IFPRI Discussion Paper , no. 00982 (2010).
Journal Article
Kimiywe, Judith, Judith Waudo, Dorcus Mbithe, and Patrick Maundu.
Utilization and medicinal value of indigenous leafy vegetables consumed in urban and peri-urban Nairobi
(2007) Ajfand online.
Steyn, NP, Talip Whadiah, J Nel, Judith N Waudo, Judith Kimiywe, R Ayah, and Dorcus Mbithe.
Dietary intake of adult women in South Africa and Nigeria with a focus on the use of spreads
Bruce, Judith, and Erica Chong.
The diverse universe of adolescents, and the girls and boys left behind: A note on research, program and policy priorities (Background paper to Public choices, private decisions: Sexual and reproductive health and the Millennium Development Goals)
New York, USA: UN Millennium Project, 2006.
Amu, Nora Judith.
The Role of Women in Ghana's Economy
Conference Paper
Bruce, Judith.
A note on the social and economic development and reproductive health of vulnerable adolescent girls
United Nations Division for the Advancement of Women (DAW) in collaboration with UNICEF Expert Group Meeting Elimination of all forms of discrimination and violence against the girl child.
Florence, Italy, 2006.
Journal Article
Shabaya, Judith, and Kwadwo Konadu-Agyemang.
Unequal access, unequal participation: some spatial and socio-economic dimensions of the gender gap in education in Africa with special reference to Ghana, Zimbabwe and Kenya
Compare: A Journal of Comparative and International Education 34, no. 4 (2004): 395-424.
Journal Article
MENSCH, Barbara S, Judith BRUCE, and Margaret E GREENE.
The Unchartered Passage: Girls' Adolescence in the Developing World
(1998) Population Council.
Thesis or Dissertation
Roa Meggo, Ysis Judith.
Criterios para determinar a la infertilidad como problema de salud pública en el Perú
Tesis para optar el Grado Académico de Maestro en Salud Pública con Mención En Salud Reproductiva , Universidad Nacional Federico Villarreal Escuela Universitaria De Postgrado , 2008.
Conference Paper
Mollers, Judith, Wiebke Meyer, Gertrud Buchenrieder, and Sherif Xhema.
The contribution of migration to poverty reduction in rural households in Kosovo
World Bank International Conference on Poverty and Social Inclusion in the Western Balkans, Brussels, Belgium, December 14-15, 2010 .
Journal Article
Satoguina, Judith, Brigitte Walther, Christopher Drakeley, Davis Nwakanma, Eniyou C Oriero, Simon Correa, Patrick Corran, David Conway, and Michael Walther.
Comparison of surveillance methods applied to a situation of low malaria prevalence at rural sites in The Gambia and Guinea Bissau
Malaria Journal 8, no. 1 (2009): 1-12.
Journal Article
Clark, Shelley, Judith Bruce, and Annie Dude.
Protecting young women from HIV/AIDS: the case against child and adolescent marriage
(2006) International Family Planning Perspectives.
Working Paper
Westeneng, Judith, and Ben D’Exelle.
The influence of fertility and household composition on female labor supply: evidence from panel data on Tanzania
(2011) DEV International Development Working Paper Series.
Journal Article
Mariscal, Judith, and Walter Lepore.
Oportunidades y uso de TICs: innovaciones en programa de combate a la pobreza
Aurora, Franco Nunez, and Zubieta Garcia Judith.
La migracion interna en Mexico
Seltzer, Judith R, Lawrence Day, Susan Z Kopp, and Ronald Parlato.
Midterm Evaluation of the Ecuador Health and Family Planning Project
Journal Article
Prost, Marc-André, Andreas Jahn, Sian Floyd Floyd, Hazzie Mvula, Eleneus Mwaiyeghele, Venance Mwinuka, Thomas Mhango, Amelia Crampin, Nuala McGrath, Paul Fine, and Judith.
Implication of new WHO growth standards on identification of risk factors and estimated prevalence of malnutrition in rural Malawian infants
PloS one 3, no. 7 (2008): e2684.
Journal Article
Eng, Sothy, Yingli Li, Miriam Mulsow, and Judith Fischer.
Domestic violence against women in Cambodia: Husband's control, frequency of spousal discussion, and domestic violence reported by Cambodian women
Journal of Family Violence 25, no. 3 (2010): 237-246.
Journal Article
Konadu-Agyemang, Kwadwo, and Judith Shabaya.
What has corruption got to do with it? Understanding the persistence of rural-urban and inter-regional inequalities in Ghana and Zimbabwe
GeoJournal 62, no. 1 (2005): 129-146.
Mariscal, Judith, and Regina Angoitia.
Inclusión de jóvenes al mundo laboral vía capacitación en TIC: el papel de ONG en cuatro centros comunitarios
: Centro de Investigaci{\'o}n y Docencia Econ{\'o}micas (CIDE), Divisi{\'o}n de Administraci{\'o}n P{\'u}blica, 2009.
Journal Article
Hampden-Thompson, Gillian, and Judith Bennett.
Science Teaching and Learning Activities and Students’ Engagement in Science
International Journal of Science Education 35, no. 8 (2013): 1325-1343.
Book Section
Rowe S, Judith.
(1977) Non-American census data in machine readable form.
Working Paper
Griffiths, Marcia, and Judith S McGuire.
A new dimension for health reform-the Integrated Community Child Health Program in Honduras
Working Paper
Shaw, Judith.
Decent Work or Distress Adaptation? Employment Choice and Job Satisfaction in the Sri Lankan Garment Industry
(2004) Women and Work: Current RMIT University Research.
Journal Article
Radloff, Scott R, Barbara H Seligman, Judith R Seltzer, and Richard M Cornelius.
Reproductive risks and intentions in six countries in Sub-Saharan Africa
(1989) International Family Planning Perspectives.
Journal Article
Simister, John, and Judith Makowiec.
Domestic violence in India
Indian Journal of Gender Studies 15, no. 3 (2008): 507.
Journal Article
Kranzer, Katharina, Nuala McGrath, Jacky Saul, Amelia C Crampin, Andreas Jahn, Simon Malema, Dominic Mulawa, Paul E Fine, Basia Zaba, and Judith R Glynn.
Individual, household and community factors associated with HIV test refusal in rural Malawi
Tropical Medicine & International Health 13, no. 11 (2008): 1341-1350.
Blue, Richard N, Roxann Van Dusen, Julie Johnson, and Judith Justice.
Health Care in Nepal: An Assessment of AID's Program
: US Agency for International Development, 1991.
Journal Article
Bruce, Judith, Miriam Temin, and Kelly Hallman.
Evidence-based approaches to protecting adolescent girls at risk of HIV
(2012) AIDSTAR-One Spotlight on Gender.
Showing 1-30 of 167