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Showing 211-240 of 936
Journal Article
Roca, John B, Vikki C Los Reyes, Sheryl Racelis, Imelda Deveraturda, Nemia Sucaldito, Enrique Tayag, and Michael O’Reilly.
Fireworks-related injury surveillance in the Philippines: trends in 2010-2014
Western Pacific surveillance and response journal: WPSAR 6, no. 4 (2015): 1-6.
Working Paper
Tabuga, Aubrey D, Christian D Mina, Celia M Reyes, Ronina D Asis, and Maria Blesila G Datu.
Persons with disability (PWDs) in rural Philippines: Results from the 2010 field survey in Rosario, Batangas
PIDS Discussion Paper Series , no. 2011-06 (2011).
Journal Article
Jago-on, Karen Ann B, Fernando P Siringan, Rosana Balangue-Tarriela, Makoto Taniguchi, Yvette K Reyes, Ronald Lloren, Maria A Peña, and Elenito Bagalihog.
Hot spring resort development in Laguna Province, Philippines: Challenges in water use regulation
(2017) Journal of Hydrology: Regional Studies.
Working Paper
Reyes, Celia M, Christian D Mina, and Ronina D Asis.
Inequality of opportunities among ethnic groups in the Philippines
WIDER WP , no. 2017/154 (2017).
Journal Article
Reyes, Rodrigo M, and Miguel Q Navarrete.
Homicidios e investigación criminal en México
Perfiles latinoamericanos 24, no. 48 (2016): 297-318.
Journal Article
Reyes-Mercado, Pável, Julieta Mercado-González, and Diana Dávila-Ruiz.
Changing lifestyles in the age of fear: projective analysis of social insecurity and consumption patterns
International Journal of Business Competition and Growth 5, no. 1-3 (2016): 72-90.
Journal Article
Fondevila, Gustavo, and Rodrigo M Reyes.
El rol del policía municipal en México. Trabajo social y mediación de conflictos/ The role of the Municipal Police in Mexico: social Work and conflict Mediation
Gestión y Política Pública 26, no. 1 (2017): 139-165.
Journal Article
Reyes, Gilda C, and Carmen E Jimenez.
Espacios públicos sustentables para la inclusión social y la seguridad pública: su inserción en los planes de desarrollo, programas de desarrollo urbano y legislación aplicables en México (a nivel nacional y en el estado de Nuevo León)
(2016) Realidades.
Journal Article
Yamashita, Tadashi, Maria Teresa Reyes Tuliao, Magdalena Concel Meana, Sherri Ann Suplido, Cecilia L Llave, Yuko Tanaka, and Hiroya Matsuo.
Utilization of healthcare services in postpartum women in the Philippines who delivered at home and the effects on their health: a cross-sectional analytical study
(2017) International journal of women's health.
Book Section
Kutengule, Milton, Antonio Nucifora, and Hassan Zaman.
Poverty and social impact analysis of reforms: Lessons and examples from implementation
(2006) Malawi: Agricultural development and marketing corporation reform.
Journal Article
Cain, Jennifer, Antonio Duran, Amya Fortis, and Elke Jakubowski.
Health care systems in transition: Bosnia and Herzegovina
European Observatory on Health Care Systems 4, no. 7 (2002): 1-118.
Book Section
Campino, Antonio C, Maria D Diaz, Leda M Paulani, Robert G de Oliveira, Sergio Piola, and Andres Nunes.
Investment in Health: Social and Economic Returns
(2001) Heath system inequalities and poverty in Brazil.
Wilson, David, Shipla Chilla, Kathleen Beegle, Damien De Walque, and Antonio C David.
The changing HIV/AIDS landscape: Selected papers for the World Bank's Agenda for Action in Africa, 2007-2011
Working Paper
Azzarri, Carlo, Gero Carletto, Benjamin Davis, and Antonio Nucifora.
Child undernutrition in Mozambique
(2011) (unpublished draft).
Journal Article
Benelli, Prisca, Antonio Donini, and Norah Niland.
Afghanistan: Humanitarianism in Uncertain Times
(2012) Feinstein International Center.
Thesis or Dissertation
Rondón Abuhadba, Evelina Andrea.
Prevalencia y características de la violencia intrafamiliar en gestantes usuarias del Hospital Antonio Lorena de la Ciudad del Cusco (septiembre 2006 – marzo 2007)
Tesis para obtener el grado de Magíster en Salud Infantil comunitaria, Universidad Internacional de Andalucia, 2011.
Thesis or Dissertation
Alegría Velásquez, Fiorella.
Inventario y uso sostenible de pastizales en la zona colindante a los depósitos de relavera de Ocroyoc-Comunidad de San Antonio de Rancas-Pasco
Tesis para optar el grado de Magíster en Desarrollo Ambiental, Pontifica Universidad Católica Del Peru. Escuela de Posgrado , 2013.
Thesis or Dissertation
Crespo Herrera, Rolando Antonio.
Capital Humano y Crecimiento Económico: la Experiencia de Honduras en Las Últimas Cuatro Décadas (1970 - 2010)
Working Paper
Duperier, Nuria, and Antonio Santamaria.
El campo en la ciudad: estrategias alimentarias de la población de Maputo
Nova Africa , no. 24 (2009).
Journal Article
Cappiello, Antonio.
Considerazioni sui recenti censimenti dell'agricolutra, dell'industria e dei servizi in Mozambico
Rivista Italiana di Economia Demografia e Statistica LVIII, no. 3-4 (2004).
Working Paper
Naude, Antonio Yúnez, Jesús Arellano González, and Jimena Méndez Navarro.
Consumo, pobreza y desigualdad municipal en México, 1990-2005
Working Paper
Villegas, Bernardo M, Rosa Linda G Valenzona, Jo M Imbong, Roberto E Vera, Raul Antonio Nidoy, and Robert Z Cortes.
Handbook of truths behind the RH Bill. Defending a culture of life using human reason.
Journal Article
Macêdo, Antonio L, and Silva Filho.
A Laboriosa Domesticação do Estranho: Uso E Consumo de Objetos Elétricos em Fortaleza (1945-65)
Revista Cadernos do Ceom 19, no. 24 (2014): 167-216.
Journal Article
Ambrozio M, Antonio Hoelz.
Brasil se Destaca no Panorama do Emprego no Mundo
BNDES , no. 61 (2009).
Working Paper
Moura, Antônio Pires P, Eduardo C Pinto, Ricardo S. Pereira L Souza, Samantha Félix F Rego, and Vitor A Filgueiras.
O Mal Estar Social e a Estagnação Econômica
Journal Article
Rego, Samantha Félix F, Eduardo C Pinto, and Antônio Pires P Moura.
Mercado de Trabalho: Taxa de Desemprego Estável e Queda na Renda Arrefecem Expectativa de Recuperação
Conjuntura e Planejamento , no. 138 (2005).
Journal Article
Moura, Antônio Pires P, Bruno R Pinheiro, Eduardo C Pinto, Paulo Souza S Ferreira, and Samantha Félix F Rego.
Brasil: Entre Tsunami Político e Xiitismo Monetarista Economia Desacelera e Sinaliza Mais um Ano de Crescimento Reduzido
Conference Paper
Santa Rosa, José G, Antônio Pereira Jr, and Andrei Gurgel.
Prototipagem no Design Participativo de Jogo Digital para Reabilitação Neural de Pacientes com Sequelas de AVC (Prototyping in Design of Digital Game for Neural Rehabilitation of Patients with sequelae of Stroke)
6th Information Design International Conference, 5th InfoDesign, 6th CONGIC.
May, 2014.
Journal Article
Oliveira Carvalhaes, Flavio Alex, Rogério Jerônimo Barbosa, Pedro Herculano G. F. de Souza, and Carlos Antônio Costa Ribeiro.
Os Impactos da Geração de Empregos Sobre as Desigualdades de Renda: Uma análise da década de 2000
Revista Brasileira de Ciencias Sociais 29, no. 85 (2014): 79-221.
Thesis or Dissertation
Damiani S, Antonio.
Fertilizantes: Atividade Agrícola, Aspectos Gerais da Indústria e Estudo da Demanda
Curso de PósGraduação, Escola de Administração de Empresas de São Paulo, 1987.
Showing 211-240 of 936