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Thesis or Dissertation
Jean Louis, Joseph Jean Claude. "Migración Interna en Haití e Inserción Socioeconómica de los Inmigrantes en la Zona Metropolitana de Puerto Príncipe en 2010." Master thesis, El Colegio de la Frontera Norte, Mexico, 2012.
Journal Article
Kim, Woon Cho, Jean Claude Byiringiro, Georges Ntakiyiruta, Patrick Kyamanywa, Jean Jacques Irakiza, Jean Paul Mvukiyehe, Zeta Mutabazi, Jean Paul Vizir, Jean Croix Allen Ingabire, and Steven Nshuti. "Vital statistics: estimating injury mortality in Kigali, Rwanda." World Journal of Surgery 40, no. 1 (2016): 6-13.
Thesis or Dissertation
Tomasso, Flora. "Santé des Villes, Santé des Champs: Le Cas de la Reproduction dans le Département de Saint-Louis au Sénégal." PhD Thesis, Université Montpellier Iii - Paul Valéry, 2013.
Journal Article
Farmer, Paul E, Cameron T Nutt, Claire M Wagner, Claude Sekabaraga, Tej Nuthulaganti, Jonathan L Weigel, Didi B Farmer, Antoinette Habinshuti, Soline D Mugeni, Jean-Claude Karasi, and Peter C Drobac. "Reduced Premature Mortality in Rwanda: Lessons from Success." BMJ: British Medical Journal 346, no. f65 (2013).
Journal Article
Guerchet, Maëlenn, Pascal Mbelesso, Bébène Ndamba-Bandzouzi, Sophie Pilleron, Ileana Desormais, Philippe Lacroix, Victor Aboyans, Pierre Jésus, Jean-Claude Desport, Achille E Tchalla, Benoît Marin, Jean-Charles Lambert, Jean-Pierre Clément, Jean-François Dartigues, and Pierre-Marie Preux. "Epidemiology of Dementia in Central Africa (EPIDEMCA): Protocol for a Multicentre Population-based Study in Rural and Urban Areas of the Central African Republic and the Republic of Congo." (2014) SpringerPlus.
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Behanzin, Luc, Souleymane Diabate, Isaac Minani, Catherine M Lowndes, Marie-Claude Boily, Annie-Claude Labbe, Severin Anagonou, Djimon Marcel Zannou, Anne Buve, and Michel Alary. "Decline in HIV prevalence among young men in the general population of Cotonou, Benin, 1998-2008." PloS one 7, no. 8 (2012).
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Kiawi, Emmanuel, Richard Edwards, Joseph Shu, Nigel Unwin, Raoul Kamadjeu, and Jean Claude Mbanya. "Knowledge, attitudes, and behavior relating to diabetes and its main risk factors among urban residents in Cameroon: a qualitative survey." Ethnicity & Disease 16, no. 2 (2006): 503-509.
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Babigumira, Joseph, Andy Stergachis, David Veenstra, Jacqueline Gardner, Joseph Ngonzi, Peter Mukasa-Kivunike, and Louis Garrison. "Potential cost-effectiveness of universal access to modern contraceptives in Uganda." PloS one 7, no. 2 (2012).
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Doupa, Dominique, Abdou Salam Mbengue, Fatou Agne Diallo, Modou Jobe, Arame Ndiaye, Adama Kane, Alassane Diatta, and Meissa Toure. "Lipid profile frequency and the prevalence of dyslipidaemia from biochemical tests at Saint Louis University Hospital in Senegal.." (2013) The Pan African medical journal.
Journal Article
Jiagho, Evaliste, Louis Zapfack, Louis Banoho, Moise Tsayem-Demaze, Jeannine Corbonnois, and Paul Tchawa. "Diversité de la flore ligneuse à la périphérie du Parc national de Waza (Cameroun)." [VertigO] La revue electronique en sciences de l’environnement 16, no. 1 (2016).
Thesis or Dissertation
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Journal Article
Berthelemy, Jean-Claude, Josselin Thuilliez, Ogobara Doumbo, and Jean Gaudart. "Malaria and protective behaviours: is there a malaria trap?." Malaria Journal 12, no. 1 (2013): 200.
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Kearney, Alexis S, Lise M Kabeja, Naomi George, Naz Karim, Adam R Aluisio, Zeta Mutabazi, Jean Eric Uwitonze, Jeanne D’Arc Nyinawankusi, Jean Claude Byiringiro, and Adam C Levine. "Development of a trauma and emergency database in Kigali, Rwanda." African Journal of Emergency Medicine 6, no. 4 (2016): 185-190.
Thesis or Dissertation
Alomoto Herrera A, Daniel. "Estudio para la Creación de una Empresa de Confección de Pantalones Jean y su Comercialización en el Distrito Metropolitano de Quito." Thesis, Escuela Politécnica del Ejército, 2010.
Thesis or Dissertation
Samson-Akpan, Ufok Juliana. "An assessment of clinical care and outcomes of HIV infected patients on antiretroviral therapy, using Therapy-Edge database at St. Joseph's Hospital, Roma - Lesotho." Master of Family Medicine, Faculty of Health Sciences, University of the Witwatersrand, Johannesburg, 2013.
Book Section
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Journal Article
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Journal Article
Minten, Bart, Jean-Claude Randrianarisoa, and Christopher B Barrett. "Productivity in Malagasy rice systems: wealth-differentiated constraints and priorities." Agricultural Economics 37, no. s1 (2007): 225-237.
Working Paper
Randrianarisoa, Jean-Claude, and Bart Minten. "Accessibilité et utilisation des engrais chimiques à Madagascar." (2003) Centre National de la Recherche Appliquée au Développement Rural; Conférence "Agriculture et pauvreté".
Working Paper
Randrianarisoa, Jean-Claude. "Analyse spatiale de la production rizicole malgache." (2003) Centre National de la Recherche Appliquée au Développement Rural; Conférence "Agriculture et pauvreté".
Journal Article
Abramovay, Miriam, Marisa Feffermann, and Jean-Claude Régnier. "Coesão Social e Vulnerabilidade no Brasil Juventudes e Violências." (2012) Revista do Programa de Pós-Graduação em Educação.
Working Paper
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Journal Article
Seruyange, Eric, Jean-Bosco Gahutu, Claude Mambo Muvunyi, Zena G Uwimana, Maurice Gatera, Theogene Twagirumugabe, Swaibu Katare, Ben Karenzi, and Tomas Bergstrom. "Measles seroprevalence, outbreaks, and vaccine coverage in Rwanda." Infectious Diseases 48, no. 11-12 (2016): 800-807.
Journal Article
Tiedeu, Barbara Mma Atogho, Liliane Mekue Tadjouo, Olivia Achonduh-Atijegbe, Olivier Tresor Donfack Sontsa, Jean Claude Mbanya, and Wilfred Fon Mbacham. "The assessment of fever in under-five children in the Ekounou Health Area of Yaounde, Cameroon: Usefulness of rapid diagnostic tests." International Journal of Medicine and Medical Sciences 9, no. 4 (2017): 33-40.
Journal Article
Dury, Sandrine, Jean-Claude Medou, Divine Foudjem Tita, and Christian Nolte. "Limites du systeme local d'approvisionnement alimentaire urbain en Afrique subsaharienne: le cas des feculents au Sud-Cameroun." Cahiers Agricultures 13, no. 1 (2004): 116-124.
Journal Article
Gaymard, Sandrine, Nicole Kay, and Jean-Claude Etoundi. "Climate change and beliefs in Cameroon: A qualitative study among farmers in the Equatorial and Sudano-Sahelian zones." Canadian Social Science 11, no. 7 (2015): 53-64.
Journal Article
Mutimura, Eugene, Diane Addison, Kathryn Anastos, Donald Hoover, Jean Claude Dusingize, Ben Karenzie, Isabelle Izimukwiye, Leo Mutesa, Sabin Nsanzimana, and Denis Nashi. "Trends in and correlates of CD4+ cell count at antiretroviral therapy initiation after changes in national ART guidelines in Rwanda." AIDS (London, England) 29, no. 1 (2015): 67-76.
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