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Showing 61-90 of 875
Thesis or Dissertation
Fossi Vera, Julio A, and Hazbleidy A Zarazo Osorio.
Efectos De La Ley 1098 Del 8 De Noviembre Del 2.006 Sobre La Población Adolescente Embarazada En El Municipio De San José De Cúcuta
Título de Abogado, Universidad Libre Seccional Cúcuta, 2016.
Journal Article
Pierre-Louis, Anne-Maryse, Jumana Qamruddin, Isabel Espinosa, and Shilpa Challa.
The Malaria control success story
Fink, Gunther, Isabel Gunther, and Kenneth Hill.
Water, sanitation and child health - Evidence from the Demographic and Health Surveys 1986-2007
Working Paper
Fink, Gunther, Isabel Gunther, and Kenneth Hill.
Urban Mortality Transitions: The Role of Slums
(2011) International Union for the Scientific Study of Population.
Conference Paper
Gunther, Isabel, and Kenneth Harttgen.
Deadly cities? A note on spatial inequalities in mortality in Sub-Saharan Africa
German Development Economics Conference.
Berlin, Germany, 2011.
Working Paper
Roman Vega, Isabel.
Social protection systems in Latin America and the Caribbean: Costa Rica
Journal Article
Robles, Isabel Vega.
La Familia Costarricense en Las Postrimerias del Siglo XX:¿ Se Desintegra o se Transforma?
Revista Parlamentaria 4, no. 3 (1996): 803-820.
Páez Rosas, Elisa Isabel, and Patricia Mijares Ramírez.
Panorama histórico de la población nativa y migrante en méxico y baja California sur
Cerbino, Mauro, Isabel Ramos, Paula Castello, Andrés Madrid, and Andrés Tapia.
Jóvenes en el Saber: Experiencias en Ecuador
Quito, Ecuador: FLACSO, 2010.
Working Paper
Alejandre, Jesus Arroyo, Isabel Corvera Valenzuela, and David Rodriguez J Alvarez.
La micro, pequeña y mediana empresa local: evolución, estructura y retos estratégicos
Working Paper
Parahyba I, Maria Isabel.
Diferenciais Sociodemograficos entre Os Idosos no Brasil
(2005) Seminário sobre Educação Superior e Envelhecimento Populacional no Brasil MEC - SESU/CAPES.
Thesis or Dissertation
Utimura, Isabel.
Conforto Térmico em Habitações de Favelas e Possíveis Correlações com Sintomas Respiratórios: O Caso do Assentamento Futuro Melhor-SP
Doutor, Universidade de Sao Paulo, 2010.
Working Paper
Conboy, Joseph, Inês Santos, Isabel Moreira, and Jesuína Fonseca.
Práticas e Consequências da Retenção Escolar: Alguns Dados do PISA
Working Paper
Camp, Jacob, Neesha Champaneri, JC Conway, Isabel Evans, Caitlin McKennie, Mark Narducci, and Jen Sturm.
Thailand and Adult Diapers Feasibility Study
Working Paper
Kwarteng, Tamara, Siula Bulu, Wan S Theatre, Isabel Bergeri, Jaylene Malverus, Steve Badman, Alyce Vella, and Mark Stoové.
Vanuatu Integrated Bio-Behavioural Survey and Population Size Estimation with Men Who Have Sex with Men and Transgender People, 2011
(2011) Secretariat of the Pacific Community.
Peterson, Nate, Richard Hamilton, John Pita, Willie Atu, and Robyn James.
Ridges to reefs conservation plan for Isabel Province, Solomon Islands
Book Section
Acuña, Cesar T, Isabel B Setén, Carla Tamagno, and Marcos Bubniak.
Public Policies on Migration and Civil Society in Latin America
(2013) Public Policies on Migration and Civil Society in Peru.
Thesis or Dissertation
Malo Cordova, Pamela Isabel.
Sistemas de alerta temprana: modelo CAMEL para empresas del sector-productor alimenticio de la ciudad de Cuenca periodo 2013-2015
título de economista, Universidad del Azuay, 2017.
Gutiérrez, Luis P, and Isabel Carvajal C Zapata.
Plan de Desarrollo Departamental Antioquia piensa en grande 2016 – 2019. Diagnóstico de situación de los niños, niñas, adolescentes y jóvenes Antioquia 2016
Thesis or Dissertation
Sarmiento A, Anita Sarmiento.
El Desempleo En El Cantón Santa Isabel Perteneciente A La Provincia Del Azuay, En Relación Con La Falta De Inversión Productiva En El Período 2009-2010
Título de Economista, Universidad Católica De Cuenca, 2013.
Book Section
Mfutso-Bengo, JM, Lucinda Manda-Taylor, Vincent Chipiliro Jumbe, Isabel Kazanga, and Francis Masiye.
Handbook of Global Bioethics
(2014) Malawi.
De León, Aracelly, Ana V Ríos, Isabel Atencio, Nicolasa T Barrios, Yolanda M Serra, Judith Rivera, and Maribel Landau.
Economía Y Género En Panamá: Visibilizando la participación de las mujeres
Journal Article
Bloom, David E, David Canning, Isabel Gunther, and Sebastian Linnemayr.
Social interactions and fertility in developing countries
(2008) Program on the Global Demography of Aging (PGDA) Working Series.
Working Paper
Gunther, Isabel, and Gunther Fink.
Water, sanitation and children's health: evidence from 172 DHS surveys
(2010) World Bank Policy Research Working Paper.
Journal Article
Hassan, Fatma, Laura S Sadowski, Shrikant I Bangdiwala, Beatriz Vizcarra, Laurie Ramiro, Cristiane S De Paula, Isabel S Bordin, and M.K. Mitra.
Physical intimate partner violence in Chile, Egypt, India and the Philippines
Injury control and safety promotion 11, no. 2 (2004): 111-116.
Journal Article
Bloom, David, David Canning, Isabel Guenther, and Sebastian Linnemayr.
Mortality Expectations and Fertility Decisions
(2008) Harvar School of Public Heath, 140 Mt. Auburn St., Cambridge, MA.
Working Paper
Moreno, Ana Isabel, Janneke Pieters, and Abdul Azeez Erumban.
Subcontracting and the Size and Composition of the Informal Sector: Evidence from Indian Manufacturing
(2012) Institute for the Study of Labor (IZA).
Working Paper
Gunther, Isabel, and Stefan Klasen.
Measuring chronic non-income poverty
(2009) Poverty dynamics: interdisciplinary perspectives.
Journal Article
Goicolea, Isabel, Ann Öhman, Mariano S Torres, Ione Morrás, and Kerstin Edin.
Condemning violence without rejecting sexism? Exploring how young men understand intimate partner violence in Ecuador
(2012) Global health action.
Journal Article
Avadí, Angel, Pierre Fréon, and Isabel Quispe.
Environmental assessment of Peruvian anchoveta food products: is less refined better?
The International Journal of Life Cycle Assessment 19, no. 6 (2014): 1276-1293.
Showing 61-90 of 875