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Showing 391-420 of 1624
Journal Article
Hoddinott, John.
Wages and unemployment in an urban African labour market
Economic Journal 106, no. 439 (1996): 1610-.
Journal Article
Strauss, John, and Duncan Thomas.
Health, nutrition, and economic development
Journal of economic literature 36, no. 2 (1998): 766-817.
Journal Article
Gafar, John.
Income distribution, inequality, and poverty during economic reforms in Guyana
The Journal of Developing Areas 38, no. 1 (2005): 55-77.
Thesis or Dissertation
John, Laurah Mavis.
Wasted lives: determining the feasibility of establishing a test case resource recovery programme in the urban poor community of Faux-a-Chaud, Saint Lucia
Master of Urban Studies, Simon Fraser University, 2012.
Journal Article
Dean, Geoffrey, and John F Kurtzke.
On the Risk of Multiple Sclerosis According to Age at Immigration to South Africa
BMJ 3, no. 5777 (1971): 725-729.
Peterson, Nate, Richard Hamilton, John Pita, Willie Atu, and Robyn James.
Ridges to reefs conservation plan for Isabel Province, Solomon Islands
Working Paper
Durston, John, and Guillermo Rosenbluth.
Procesos de cambio en la estructura socio-ocupacional panameña 1960-1980
CEPAL , no. E/CEPAL/SEM.10/R.10 (1983).
Journal Article
Abdel-Aziz, Abdallah, John E Anderson, Leo Morris, Phyllis Wingo, and Borhan Shrydeh.
Family Planning in Jordan: 1983 Survey Data
Studies in Family Planning 17, no. 4 (1986): 199-206.
Working Paper
Smale, Melinda, Mary K Mathenge, Thomas S Jayne, Eduardo Magalhaes, John Olwande, Lilian Kirimi, Mercy Kamau, and James Githuku.
An Overview and Economic Assessment of Sorghum Improvement in Mali
Working Paper
Mason B, John.
Measuring hunger and malnutrition
Journal Article
Balabanova, Dina, and Martin McKee.
Access to health care in a system transition: the case of Bulgaria
The International journal of health planning and management 17, no. 4 (2002): 377-395.
Dimova, Ralitza, Ira Gang, and John Landon-Lane.
The informal sector during crisis and transition
Conference Paper
Oya, Carlos, Christopher Cramer, and John Sender.
Reflecting about Economic Questions
Conference of The Institute for Social and Economic Studies.
Thesis or Dissertation
Azigwe, John Bosco.
Searching for teaching factors that explain variation in student learning outcomes: a longitudinal study in primary schools of Ghana
PhD thesis, University of Cyprus, 2016.
Journal Article
Pegg, John, and Debra Panizzon.
Inequities in student achievement for literacy: Metropolitan versus rural comparisons
Australian Journal of Language and Literacy 30, no. 3 (2007): 177-190.
Journal Article
Grisay, Aletta, John A. L. H De Jong, Eveline Gebhardt, Alla Berezner, and Beatrice Halleux-Monseur.
Translation Equivalence across PISA Countries
Journal of Applied Measurement 8, no. 3 (2007): 249-266.
Dossey, John A, Sharon S McCrone, and Christine O'Sullivan.
Problem Solving in the PISA and TIMSS 2003 Assessments. Technical Report.
Washington, DC, USA: National Center for Education Statistics, 2006.
Journal Article
Cobin M, John.
The Enterprise of Fire Safety Services in Lagos, Nigeria
The Independent Review 17, no. 3 (2013): 379-414.
Journal Article
Ray, Ranjan.
Poverty and expenditure pattern of households in Pakistan and South Africa: a comparative study
Journal of International Development 12, no. 2 (2000): 241-2.
Journal Article
Maluccio, John, Reynaldo Martorell, and Luis F Ramirez.
Household expenditures and wealth among young Guatemalan adults
The Human Capital 2002--04 Study in Guatemala: A Follow-up to the INCAP Longitudinal Study 1969--77 26, no. 2 Supplement 1 (2005): 110.
Journal Article
Carletto, Calogero, Katia Covarrubias, and John A Maluccio.
Migration and child growth in rural Guatemala
Food Policy 36, no. 1 (2011): 16 - .
Journal Article
Asfaw, Abay.
Does consumption of processed foods explain disparities in the body weight of individuals? The case of Guatemala
Health Economics 20, no. 2 (2011): 184-195.
Thesis or Dissertation
Murima, John Mwangi.
The effect of free maternal health care services on perceived quality of service delivery at Nakuru Provincial General Hospital
MBA, Strathmore University, 2016.
Annabi, Nabil, John Cockburn, and Bernard Decaluwé.
Formes Fonctionnelles et Paramétrisation dans les MCEG
Coudouel, Aline, Sheila Marnie, and John Micklewright.
Targeting social assistance in a transition economy: the mahallas in Uzbekistan
: UNICEF Paris, 1998.
Working Paper
Park, Jay H. J, and John D McLennan.
Time Trends for Child Diarrhea Prevalence & ORS Use in a Dominican Republic Peri-urban Community
Working Paper
Lipatov, John Earle Student Willen.
Applicability Of The Theory Of Compensating Differentials To The Russian Economy
Journal Article
Hoddinott, John, Jere Behrman, and Reynaldo Martorell.
Labor force activities and income among young Guatemalan adults.
Food and nutrition bulletin 26, no. 2 Suppl 1 (2005): S98.
Conference Paper
McNeish, John-Andrew, and Oscar L Rivera.
The ugly poetics of violence in post-accord Guatemala
Forum for Development Studies.
Journal Article
Edwards, John, and Cnristian Langpap.
Startup costs and the decision to switch from firewood to gas fuel
Land Economics 81, no. 4 (2005).
Showing 391-420 of 1624