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Showing 961-990 of 1581
Book Section
Siroën, Jean-Marc.
La question politique en économie internationale
(2006) L'État-nation survivra-t-il à la mondialisation?.
Book Section
Morrison, Donald G, Robert C Mitchell, and John N Paden.
Black Africa
(1989) Botswana.
Working Paper
Wright, CY, MA Oosthuizen, J John, PN Albers, CJ Pauw, and HJ Snyman.
Exploring cross-sectional study design in the study of main energy carrier and respiratory health outcomes
Journal Article
Sathar, Zeba A, Rabbi Royan, and John Bongaarts.
Demographic dividend in Pakistan
(2013) Population council.
Journal Article
Lee, John T, Fozia Hamid, Sanghamitra Pati, Rifat Atun, and Christopher Millett.
Impact of Noncommunicable Disease Multimorbidity on Healthcare Utilisation and Out-Of-Pocket Expenditures in Middle-Income Countries: Cross Sectional Analysis
PloS one 10, no. 7 (2015).
Journal Article
Oyebode, Oyinlola, Utz J Pape, Anthony A Laverty, John T Lee, Nandita Bhan, and Christopher Millett.
Rural, Urban and Migrant Differences in Non-Communicable Disease Risk-Factors in Middle Income Countries: A Cross-Sectional Study of WHO-SAGE Data
PloS one 10, no. 4 (2015).
Working Paper
Wilson, John S, and Tsunehiro Otsuki.
Standards and technical regulations and firms in developing countries: new evidence from a world bank technical barriers to trade survey
Czubala, Witold, Ben Shepherd, and John S Wilson.
Help or hindrance? the impact of harmonized standards on african exports
Journal Article
Coakley, John, and Jon Fraenkel.
Resolving conflict in bipolar societies The fate of political settlements in Fiji and Northern Ireland
Political Science 66, no. 1 (2014): 23-45.
Journal Article
Brennan, Lanc, John McDonald, and Ralph Shlomowitz.
Sex differences in indian height at home and abroad
Man ln lndia.
Motala, Shireen, and John Pampallis.
Governance and Finance in the South African Schooling System: The First Decade of Democracy
: Centre for Education Policy Development, 2005.
Delailomaloma, Nelson, and David Hegarty.
BUILDING THE PARLIAMENTARY PROCESS: Legislative Needs Assessment, Republic of the Fiji Islands
Thesis or Dissertation
Cojocaru, Alexandru.
Essays on Inequality, Social Mobility and Redistributive Preferences in Transition Economies
PhD Thesis, University of Maryland, 2012.
Conference Paper
Cockburn, John, Veronique Robichaud, and Luca Tiberti.
Price Subsidies Reform and Child Poverty in Arab Countries: A Comparative CGE-Microsimulation Analysis of Egypt and Jordan
IARIW-CAPMAS Special Conference “Experiences and Challenges in Measuring Income, Wealth, Poverty and Inequality in the Middle East and North Africa”.
Cairo, Egypt, 2015.
Knodel, John.
The Situation of Older Persons in Myanmar: Results from the 2012 Survey of Older Persons
: HelpAge International, 2013.
Journal Article
Vong, John, Jeff Fang, and Song Insu.
Delivering Financial Services through Mobile Phone Technology: A Pilot Study on Impact of Mobile Money Service on Micro-entrepreneurs in Rural Cambodia
International Journal of Information Systems and Change Management 6, no. 2 (2012): 177-186.
Journal Article
Ghuman, Sharon, Vu Manh Loi, Vu Tuan Huy, and John Knodel.
Continuity and Change in Premarital Sexual Behavior in Vietnam
Population Studies Center Research Report , no. 05-585 (2005).
Journal Article
Do, Trang T. H, Linh C Le, John A Burgess, and Dinh S Bui.
Determinants of Condom Use at Sexual Debut among Young Vietnamese
International journal of adolescent medicine and health 26, no. 3 (2014): 403-410.
Journal Article
Fiedler, John L, Carlos A Villalobos, and Annette C De Mattos.
An activity-based cost analysis of the Honduras community-based, integrated child care (AIN-C) programme
Health policy and planning 23, no. 6 (2008): 408-427.
Working Paper
Anyanwu C, John.
Accounting for poverty in Africa: Illustration with survey Data from Nigeria
African Development Bank Group. Working paper , no. 149 (2012).
Journal Article
Asaju, Kayode, Sunday Onah Adagba, and Thomas John Kajang.
The Eficacy of Fiscal Policy in Promoting Economic Growth and Reducing Poverty in Nigeria
Research in World Economy 5, no. 1 (2014): 65-74.
Journal Article
Hassan, Achimugu, Abubakar Y Idu, Agboni Joy Uyo, and Orokpo John Ogbole.
Rethinking Poverty Reduction and Sustainable Development in Nigeria: An Advocacy for the Buttom-Top Paradigm
Canadian Social Science 8, no. 6 (2012): 78-90.
Journal Article
Nkundabombi, Marie Grace, Dororthy Nakimbugwe, and John H Muyonga.
Effect of processing methods on nutritional, sensory, and physicochemical characteristics of biofortified bean flour
(2015) Food Science & Nutrition.
Working Paper
Marques, José S, John Dyck, Suleiman Namara, Rita Costa, and Sybil Bailor.
Sierra Leone Social Protection Assessment
Social Protection & Labor Discussion Paper , no. 1406 (2013).
Schurrer, John, Nicholas Redel, Duncan Chaplin, and Arif Mamun.
Evaluation of the Zanzibar Interconnector Activity: Findings from the Hotel Study
Conference Paper
Pica-Ciamarra, Ugo, Derek Baker, John Chassama, Mohamadou Fadiga, and Longin Nsiima.
Linking Smallholders to Livestock Markets: Combining Market and Household Survey Data in Tanzania
4th Meeting of the Wye City Group on Statistics on Rural Development and Agriculture Household Income. Rio de Janeiro.
Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, 2011.
Chaplin, Duncan, Arif Mamun, Candace Miller, Ali Protik, and John Schurrer.
Evaluation of the Tanzania Energy Sector Project: Final Update of Design Report
Journal Article
Odozi, John Chiwuzulum, Timothy T Awoyemi, and Nnamdi C Ehirim.
The contributions of economic growth and redistribution to poverty reduction in Nigeria.
International Journal of Agriculture and Rural Development 18, no. 1 (2015): 2052-2063.
Journal Article
Akinbami K, John-Felix.
Renewable energy resources and technologies in Nigeria: present situation, future prospects and policy framework
Mitigation and Adaptation Strategies for Global Change 6, no. 2 (2001): 155-182.
Journal Article
Knight, John, Song Lina, and Ramani Gunatilaka.
Subjective well-being and its determinants in rural China
China economic review 20, no. 4 (2009): 635-649.
Showing 961-990 of 1581