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Thesis or Dissertation
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Thesis or Dissertation
Sánchez Gómez, Ginna Paola, and Brandon Ferney Linares Ruiz. "Revisión de la seguridad de las dosis mínimas de uso de Aspartame, Acesulfame, Ciclamatos y Sacarina en bebidas de consumo diario." Químico (a) Farmacéutico (a), Universidad de Ciencias Aplicadas y Ambientales - UDCA, 2016.
Thesis or Dissertation
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Thesis or Dissertation
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Thesis or Dissertation
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Working Paper
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Thesis or Dissertation
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Book Section
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Journal Article
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Thesis or Dissertation
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Book Section
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Journal Article
Stoler, Justin, Günther Fink, John R Weeks, Richard Otoo, Joseph Ampofo, and Allan Hill. "When urban taps run dry: Sachet water consumption and health effects in low income neighborhoods of Accra, Ghana." (2011) Health & Place.
Journal Article
Brugha, Ruairí, John Kadzandira, Joseph Simbaya, Patrick Dicker, Victor Mwapasa, and Aisling Walsh. "Health workforce responses to global health initiatives funding: a comparison of Malawi and Zambia." Hum Resour Health 8, no. 1 (2010): 19-19.
Journal Article
Habib, Ndema, Anne Daltveit, Joseph Mlay, Olola Oneko, John Shao, Per Bergso, Erik Lie-Nielsen, and Rolv Lie. "Birthweight and perinatal mortality among singletons and twins in north-eastern Tanzania." Scandinavian journal of public health 36, no. 7 (2008): 761-768.
Journal Article
Owek, Collins, Benard Abong’o, Henry Oyugi, Joseph Oteku, Dan Kaseje, Charles Muruka, and John Njuguna. "Motivational Factors that Influence Retention of Community Health Workers in a Kenyan District." Public Health Research 3, no. 5 (2013): 109-115.
Journal Article
Wambura, Mwita, Joseph R Mwanga, Jacklin F Mosha, Gerry Mshana, Frank Mosha, and John Changalucha. "Acceptability of medical male circumcision in the traditionally circumcising communities in Northern Tanzania." BMC Public Health 11, no. 1 (2011): 373.
Journal Article
Grabowski, Mary K, Justin Lessler, Andrew D Redd, Joseph Kagaayi, Oliver Laeyendecker, Anthony Ndyanabo, Martha I Nelson, Derek AT Cummings, John Baptiste Bwanika, and Amy C Mueller. "The Role of Viral Introductions in Sustaining Community-Based HIV Epidemics in Rural Uganda: Evidence from Spatial Clustering, Phylogenetics, and Egocentric Transmission Models." PLoS medicine 11, no. 3 (2014).
Journal Article
Nkuah, Joseph Kofi, Abubakari Abdallah Baba, and John Paul Tanyeh. "An Assesesment of the Impact of Microfinance Schemes on Poverty Reduction among Women in Ghana." Journal of Economics and Sustainable Development 4, no. 10 (2013): 105-114.
Journal Article
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Journal Article
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Journal Article
Duda, Rosemary B, John K Anarfi, Richard MK Adanu, Joseph Seffah, Rudolph Darko, and Allan G Hill. "The health of the “older women” in Accra, Ghana: results of the Women’s Health Study of Accra." Journal of cross-cultural gerontology 26, no. 3 (2011): 299-314.
Journal Article
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Journal Article
Lindan, Christina P, Andrew Anglemyer, Wolfgang Hladik, Joseph Barker, George Lubwama, George Rutherford, John Ssenkusu, Alex Opio, and James Campbell. "High-Risk Motorcycle Taxi Drivers in the HIV/AIDS Era: A Respondent-Driven Sampling Survey in Kampala, Uganda." (2014) International Journal of STD & AIDS.
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