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Working Paper
Langer, Mirah, Brendan Maughan-Brown, Jeremy Seekings, and Tracy Jooste. "Inequality and Diversity in Cape Town: An Introduction and User’s Guide to the 2005 Cape Area Study." CSSR WP , no. 124 (2005).
Lind, Jeremy, Rachel Sabates-Wheeler, and Sarah Kohnstamm. Changes in the drylands of eastern Africa: technical note on the evidence synthesis and data mapping. 2016.
Working Paper
Grace, Jeremy, Charles Kenny, Christine Z Qiang, Jia Liu, and Taylor Reynolds. "Information and communication technologies and broad-based development: A partial review of the evidence." (2004) World Bank Working Paper No. 12.
Working Paper
Seekings, Jeremy. "Poverty and inequality after Apartheid." (2007) Centre for Social Science Research Working Paper No. 200.
Working Paper
Gibbons, Luz, José M Belizán, Jeremy A Lauer, Ana P Betrán, Mario Merialdi, and Fernando Althabe. "The global numbers and costs of additionally needed and unnecessary caesarean sections performed per year: overuse as a barrier to universal coverage." (2010) World Health Report 2010.
Journal Article
Taylor, Steve, Jane Messina, Carla Hand, Jonathan Juliano, Jeremy Muwonga, Antoinette Tshefu, Benjamin Atua, Michael Emch, and Steven Meshnick. "Molecular malaria epidemiology: mapping and burden estimates for the Democratic Republic of the Congo, 2007." PloS one 6, no. 1 (2011): e1642.
Journal Article
Nattrass, Nicoli, and Jeremy Seekings. "Democracy and distribution in highly unequal economies: The case of South Africa." The Journal of Modern African Studies 39, no. 03 (2001): 471.
Working Paper
Seekings, Jeremy. "Social stratification and inequality in South Africa at the end of Apartheid." CSSR Working paper no. 31 31, no. 31 (2003): 2-61.
Journal Article
Nguyen, Ha, Jeremy Snider, Nirmala Ravishankar, and Oyunbileg Magvanjav. "Assessing public and private sector contributions in reproductive health financing and utilization for six sub-Saharan African countries." Reproductive Health Matters 19, no. 37 (2011): 62-74.
Journal Article
Shakow, Aaron D, Gene Bukhman, Olumuyiwa Adebona, Jeremy Greene, Jean de Dieu Ngirabega, and Agnes Binagwaho. "Transforming South-South Technical Support to Fight Noncommunicable Diseases." Global Heart 7, no. 1 (2012): 35-45.
Journal Article
Betràn, Ana P, Mario Merialdi, Jeremy A Lauer, Wang Bing-Shun, Jane Thomas, Paul Van Look, and Marsden Wagner. "Rates of caesarean section: analysis of global, regional and national estimates." Paediatric and Perinatal Epidemiology 21, no. 2 (2007): 98-113.
Journal Article
Gibbons, Luz, Jose M Belizan, Jeremy A Lauer, Ana P Betran, Mario Merialdi, and Fernando Althabe. "Inequities in the use of cesarean section deliveries in the world." American journal of obstetrics and gynecology 206, no. 4 (2012): 331-e1.
Working Paper
Seekings, Jeremy, Murray Leibbrandt, and Nicoli Nattrass. "Income inequality after Apartheid." CSSR Working Paper No. 75 , no. 75 (2004).
Working Paper
Erichsen, Gaute, and Jeremy Wakeford. "Racial wage discrimination in South Africa: Before and after the first democratic election." DPRU Working Paper , no. 01/49 (2001).
Journal Article
Magruder, Jeremy, and Nicoli Nattrass. "Exploring attrition bias: The case of the Khayelitsha Panel Study (2000-2004)." South African Journal of Economics 74, no. 4 (2006): 769-781.
Conference Paper
Lam, David, and Jeremy Seekings. "Transitions to adulthood in urban South Africa: Evidence from a panel survey." International Union for the Scientific Study of Population (IUSSP) General Conference, Tours, France, 2005. June, 2005.
Journal Article
Magruder R, Jeremy. "Intergenerational networks, unemployment, and persistent inequality in South Africa." American Economic Journal: Applied Economics 2, no. 1 (2010): 62-85.
Journal Article
Magruder R, Jeremy. "Marital shopping and epidemic AIDS." (2011) Demography.
Working Paper
Seekings, Jeremy. "Indicators of performance in South Africa's public school system." CSSR Working Paper No. 10 , no. 10 (2002).
Journal Article
Seekings, Jeremy. "The colour of desert: Race, class and distributive justice in post-apartheid South Africa." CSSR Working Paper , no. 126 (2005).
Working Paper
Seekings, Jeremy. "Racial and class discrimination in assessments of “just desert” in post-Apartheid Cape Town." CSSR Working Paper , no. 199 (2007).
Working Paper
Seekings, Jeremy. "The mutability of distributive justice attitudes in South Africa." CSSR Working Paper no. 125 , no. 125 (2005).
Working Paper
Ferree, Karen, and Jeremy Horowitz. "Identity voting and the regional census in Malawi." Afrobarometer Working Paper no. 72 , no. 72 (2007).
Journal Article
Seekings, Jeremy. "‘Just deserts': Race, class and distributive justice in post-apartheid South Africa." Journal of Southern African Studies 34, no. 1 (2008): 39-60.
Working Paper
Magruder R, Jeremy. "High unemployment yet few small firms: The role of centralized bargaining in South Africa." (2009) University of California, Berkeley.
Working Paper
Seekings, Jeremy. "Unemployment and distributive justice in South Africa: Some inconclusive evidence from Cape Town." CSSR Working Paper , no. 024 (2002).
Journal Article
Seekings, Jeremy. "The continuing salience of race: Discrimination and diversity in South Africa." Journal of Contemporary African Studies 26, no. 1 (2008): 1-25.
Journal Article
Maughan-Brown, Brendan, Atheender Venkataramani, Nicole Nattrass, Jeremy Seekings, and Alan Whiteside. "A cut above the rest: Traditional Male Circumcision and HIV Risk Among Xhosa men in Cape Town, South Africa." Journal of Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndromes (JAIDS) 58, no. 2 (2011): 499-505 .
Journal Article
Kerac, Marko, Hanna Blencowe, Carlos Grijalva-Eternod, Marie McGrath, Jeremy Shoham, Tim J Cole, and Andrew Seal. "Prevalence of wasting among under 6-month-old infants in developing countries and implications of new case definitions using WHO growth standards: a secondary data analysis." Archives of disease in childhood 96, no. 11 (2011): 1008-1013.
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