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Working Paper
Varela, Alcides, Armelinda Delgado, Elisia Cruz, Ivone Lopes, Maria Auxilia Correia, Osvaldina Duarte, and Sandra Correia. "Análise das instituições e políticas de pesca em Cabo Verde." (2011)
Thesis or Dissertation
Veiga Varela, Edna de Jesus. "Gestão do Setor das Pescas em Cabo Verde: Problemática e Propostas de Solução." Universidade Jean Piaget de Cabo Verde, 2014.
Journal Article
Tavares Varela Carvalho, Ineida Romi, and Antonio Carlos Barros Correa. "Identificação da degradação ambiental resultante da reabilitação da estrada são Domingos-Assomada, Cabo Verde, Africa ocidental." Revista de Geografia (Recife) 24, no. 2 (2008): 65-82.
Thesis or Dissertation
Amado Varela, Carmen Helena. "O financiamento do crescimento das PME de Cabo Verde, Ilha de Santiago-Praia." Mestre em Economia, Universidade da Beira Interior, 2012.
Thesis or Dissertation
Varela, Adelcides Daniel. "Aplicação dos Sistemas de Informação Geográfica no Controlo de Pragas." Universidade De Cabo Verde, 2011.
Javorcik, Beata, Fitria Fitriani, Leonardo Iacovone, Gonzalo Varela, and Victor Duggan. Productivity Performance in Indonesia's Manufacturing Sector. 2012.
Journal Article
Varela, Luis Munoz. "Matriz curricular estandarizada para la empleabilidad, identidades socioculturales, desigualdad y exclusion educativa en Costa Rica." Cuadernos Inter.c.a.mbio sobre Centroamérica y el Caribe.
Journal Article
Vélez I, Oscar Varela. "Educomunicación en la pantalla: modelo para el desarrollo de videoclases." Revista Virtual Universidad Católica del Norte , no. 48 (2016).
Journal Article
Mendoza Tascon, Luis Alfonso, Arias Guatibonza, Martha Deyfilia, Claudia Bibiana Penaranda Ospina, Laura Isabel Mendoza Tascon, Stefania Manzano Penagos, and Ana Maria Varela Bahena. "Influencia de la adolescencia y su entorno en la adherencia al control prenatal e impacto sobre la prematuridad, bajo peso al nacer y mortalidad neonatal." Revista chilena de obstetricia y ginecologia 80, no. 4 (2015): 306-315.
Journal Article
Camacho Rodriguez, Doriam Esperanza, and Yadira Pabón Varela. "Percepciones que afectan negativamente el uso del condon en Universitarios de la Costa Caribe Colombiana.." Hacia la promocion de la salud 19, no. 1 (2015): 54-67.
Thesis or Dissertation
Varela, Maria Alejandra, and Mauricio Larrarte. "Caracterización de las diferentes modalidades de maltrato infantil y su frecuencia registrados en el hospital de Vista Hermosa en la localidad de Ciudad Bolívar, Bogotá, D.C.." Especialización en Pediatría, Universidad de La Sabana, 2015.
Journal Article
Varela, Marcelo. "El Principio De Demanda Efectiva Y El Mercado De Trabajo: Enfoque Teórico Del Modelo Kaleckiano De Dos Bienes Para El Ecuador." Cuestiones Económicas 27, no. 1:2 (2017): 115-153.
Journal Article
Varela-Pinedo, Luis, Pedro J Ortiz-Saavedra, and Helver Chávez-Jimeno. "Síndrome de fragilidad en adultos mayores de la comunidad de Lima Metropolitana." Rev Soc Peru Med Interna 21, no. 1 (2008): 11-15.
Cattaneo, Adriano, Jenny Bua, Tamara Bomestar, Giorgio Tamburlini, and Arnold Timmer. Child nutrition in Central and Eastern Europe and Commonwealth of Independent States - report of a situation analysis. Geneva, Switzerland: UNICEF, 2007.
Kulkarni, Manisha, Rachelle Desrochers, Jim Goodson, Jo-Anne Mandy, Annett Cotte, Jenny Cervinskas, and Jodi vanden Eng. Evaluation of the ownership and usage of long lasting insecticidal nets (LLINs) in Madagascar six months after the October 2007 measles and malaria integrated campaign.. 2008.
Working Paper
Webster, Jayne, and Jenny Hill. "A framework of strategic options for the integrated delivery of insecticide-treated nets and immunization." Global Malaria Programme, World Health Organization .
Conference Paper
Yeatman, Sara E, and Jenny Trinitapoli. "Beyond denomination: New tests of whether and how religion matters for family planning." Annual Meeting of the Population Association of America. New York, USA, June, 2007.
Weinreb, Alexander, and Jenny Trinitapoli. Religion and AIDS in Africa. : OUP USA, 2012.
Cervinskas, Jenny, Rachelle Desrochers, Peter Berti, Jo-Anne Mandy, and Manisha Kulkarni. Evaluation of the ownership and the usage of Long Lasting Insecticidal Nets (LLINs) in Mali eight months after the December 2007 integrated campaign. Canada: Healthbridge, 2008.
Journal Article
Hanson, Claudia, Carine Ronsmans, Suzanne Penfold, Werner Maokola, Fatuma Manzi, Jenny Jaribu, Godfrey Mbaruku, Hassan Mshinda, Marcel Tanner, and Joanna Schellenberg. "Health system support for childbirth care in Southern Tanzania: results from a health facility census." BMC research notes 6, no. 1 (2013): 435.
Journal Article
MBaye, Jenny. "AURA ou de la Production Politique de la Musique Hip-Hop." Cahiers de Recherche Sociologique , no. 49 (2010).
Working Paper
Munro, Jenny. "Papuan Perspectives on Family Planning, Fertility and Birth Control." SSGM Discussion Paper , no. 7 (2014).
Working Paper
Kuper, Jenny. "Law as a Tool: The Challenge of HIV/AIDS in Uganda." Crisis States Programme , no. 1 (2005).
Journal Article
Higgins, Jenny A, Sanyukta Mathur, Elizabeth Eckel, Laura Kelly, Neema Nakyanjo, Richard Sekamwa, Josephine Namatovu, William Ddaaki, Rosette Nakubulwa, Sylvia Namakula, Fred Nalugoda, and John S Santelli. "Importance of Relationship Context in HIV Transmission: Results From a Qualitative Case-Control Study in Rakai, Uganda." American Journal of Public Health 104, no. 4 (2014): 612-620.
Journal Article
Grek, Sotiria, Martin Lawn, and Jenny Ozga. "Study on the Use and Circulation of PISA in Scotland." KNOWandPOL , no. 12 (2009).
Journal Article
Bryant-Tokalau J, Jenny. "The myth exploded: urban poverty in the Pacific." Environment and Urbanization 7, no. 2 (1995): 109-130.
Working Paper
Balboa, Jenny D, Melalyn C Mantaring, and others. "The Impact of the Global Financial Crisis on the Labor Market: The Case of the Philippines." PIDS , no. 2011-22 (2011).
Showing 31-60 of 465