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Showing 571-600 of 619
Thesis or Dissertation
Castillo Avila, Irma Yolanda, Karen Arrieta Yepes, Maira Caballero Pacheco, Jennifer Ramirez Aguilar, and Karen Silva Yepes.
Conocimientos, actitudes, susceptibilidad y autoeficacia en adolescentes escolarizados frente a la infección por VIH Cartagena, 2015
enfermeria, Universidad de Cartagena, 2015.
Thesis or Dissertation
Cuellar Chacon, July Viviana, and Jennifer Alejandra Jaimes Villamil.
Vivencias del cuidado de la salud durante el embarazo en Mujeres con diagnóstico de VIH en Bogotá
Enfermería, Pontificia Universidad Javeriana, 2015.
Journal Article
Musicha, Patrick, Jennifer E Cornick, Naor Bar-Zeev, Neil French, Clemens Masesa, Brigitte Denis, Neil Kennedy, Jane Mallewa, Melita A Gordon, and Chisomo L Msefula.
Trends in antimicrobial resistance in bloodstream infection isolates at a large urban hospital in Malawi (1998-2016): a surveillance study
(2017) The Lancet Infectious Diseases.
Journal Article
Lemani, Clara, Jennifer H Tang, Dawn Kopp, Billy Phiri, Chrissy Kumvula, Loyce Chikosi, Mwawi Mwale, and Nora E Rosenberg.
Contraceptive uptake after training community health workers in couples counseling: A cluster randomized trial
PloS One 12, no. 4 (2017): e0175879.
Thesis or Dissertation
Piragauta García, María F, Jennifer T Espitia Molano, and Alison D Almeciga Chaparro.
No a la erotización infantil
Licencia, Universidad Católica De Colombia, 2017.
Journal Article
McCarthy, Katharine J, Sandra Braganza, Kevin Fiori, Christophe Gbeleou, Vivien Kpakpo, Andrew Lopez, Jennifer Schechter, Alicia Singham Goodwin, and Heidi E Jones.
Identifying inequities in maternal and child health through risk stratification to inform health systems strengthening in Northern Togo
PloS one 12, no. 3 (2017).
Journal Article
Kopp, Dawn M, Jennifer H Tang, Gretchen S Stuart, William C Miller, Michele S O’Shea, Mina C Hosseinipour, Phylos Bonongwe, Mwawi Mwale, and Nora E Rosenberg.
Dual Method Use among Postpartum HIV-Infected and HIV-Uninfected Malawian Women: A Prospective Cohort Study
(2017) Infectious Diseases in Obstetrics and Gynecology.
Journal Article
Rohr, Julia K, Xavier F Gomez-Olive, Molly Rosenberg, Jennifer Manne-Goehler, Pascal Geldsetzer, Ryan G Wagner, Brian Houle, Joshua A Salomon, Kathleen Kahn, and Stephen Tollman.
Performance of self-reported HIV status in determining true HIV status among older adults in rural South Africa: a validation study
(2017) Journal of the International AIDS Society.
Journal Article
Valeri, Linda, Oscar Patterson-Lomba, Yared Gurmu, Akweley Ablorh, Jennifer Bobb, William F Townes, and Guy Harling.
Predicting Subnational Ebola Virus Disease Epidemic Dynamics from Sociodemographic Indicators
PloS one 11, no. 10 (2016).
Journal Article
Pedraza, Lilibeth, Ximena Socarras Plaza, Rafael Sevilla, Jose Lopez, and Jennifer Jimenez.
Opiniones hacia las practicas anticonceptivas en estudiantes de la Universidad del Magdalena, Santa Marta (Colombia)
Ciencia y Salud Virtual 6, no. 2 (2014): 82-91.
Journal Article
Ryan, Julia, Gloria Hamela, Nelecy Chome, Charity Kabondo, Mina Hosseinipour, and Jennifer Tang.
Experiences and beliefs of Malawian women who have delivered with a traditional birth attendant
International Journal of Gynecology & Obstetrics 129, no. 1 (2015): 38-41.
Pendleton, Jennifer, Madison Mellish, Henry Sapuwa, and Laili Irani.
Gender and reproductive health policy in Malawi
: USAID and Health Policy Project, 2015.
Journal Article
Amouzou, Agbessi, Benjamin Banda, Willie Kachaka, Olga Joos, Mercy Kanyuka, Kenneth Hill, and Jennifer Bryce.
Monitoring child mortality through community health worker reporting of births and deaths in Malawi: Validation against a household mortality survey
PloS one 9, no. 2 (2014): e88939.
Journal Article
Weinhardt, Lance S, Loren W Galvao, Thokozani Mwenyekonde, Katarina M Grande, Patricia Stevens, Alice F Yan, Lucy Mkandawire-Valhmu, Winford Masanjala, Jennifer Kibicho, and Emmanuel Ngui.
Methods and protocol of a mixed method quasi-experiment to evaluate the effects of a structural economic and food security intervention on HIV vulnerability in rural Malawi: The SAGE4Health Study
SpringerPlus 3, no. 1 (2014): 296.
Journal Article
Rylance, Sarah, Jennifer Yan, and Elizabeth Molyneux.
Can transcutaneous bilirubinometry safely guide phototherapy treatment of neonatal jaundice in Malawi?
Paediatrics and International Child Health 34, no. 2 (2014): 101-107.
Journal Article
Hall, Jennifer, Geraldine Barrett, Nicholas Mbwana, Andrew Copas, and Judith Stephenson.
Understanding pregnancy planning in a low-income country setting: validation of the London measure of unplanned pregnancy in Malawi
BMC Pregnancy and Childbirth 13, no. 1 (2013): 200.
Journal Article
Amouzou, Agbessi, Willie Kachaka, Benjamin Banda, Martina Chimzimu, Kenneth Hill, and Jennifer Bryce.
Monitoring child survival in ‘real time’using routine health facility records: results from Malawi
Tropical Medicine & International Health 18, no. 10 (2013): 1231-1239.
Journal Article
Stalter, Randy, Mario Chen, Glorieuse Uwizeye, Elise Mutunge, Anita Ahayo, Placidie Mugwaneza, Fabienne Shumbusho, and Jennifer Wesson.
Association of sexual risk behaviour with previous HIV testing among voluntary HIV counselling and testing clients in Kigali, Rwanda
International Journal of STD & AIDS 27, no. 14 (2016): 1317-1325.
Journal Article
Sarwar, Zahida, Andrea Cutherell, Arif Noor, Farah Naureen, and Jennifer Norman.
Analysis of misoprostol and chlorhexidine policy gains in Pakistan: the advocacy experience of Mercy Corps Pakistan
Health Research Policy and Systems 13, no. 1 (2015): S50.
Journal Article
Flemington, Tara, Cathrine Fowler, Quang Nhat Tran, and Jennifer Fraser.
Clinician Response to Child Abuse Presentations in the Vietnamese Hospital Emergency Setting
(2017) Journal of Interpersonal Violence.
Journal Article
Saha, Shampa, Md Hasan, Lindsay Kim, Jennifer L Farrar, Belal Hossain, Maksuda Islam, ASM Nawshad Uddin Ahmed, Ruhul M Amin, Mohammed Hanif, and Manzoor Hussain.
Epidemiology and risk factors for pneumonia severity and mortality in Bangladeshi children< 5 years of age before 10-valent pneumococcal conjugate vaccine introduction
BMC public health 16, no. 1 (2016).
Journal Article
Praptiningsih, Catharina Y, Kathryn E Lafond, Yunita Wahyuningrum, Aaron D Storms, Amalya Mangiri, Angela D Iuliano, Gina Samaan, Christiana R Titaley, Fitra Yelda, Jennifer Kreslake, Douglas Storey, and Timothy M Uyeki.
Healthcare-seeking behaviors for acute respiratory illness in two communities of Java, Indonesia: a cross-sectional survey
Journal of epidemiology and global health 6, no. 2 (2016): 77-86.
Journal Article
Cover, Jane, Maymouna Ba, Jeanette Lim, Jennifer Kidwell Drake, and Bocar M Daff.
Evaluating the feasibility and acceptability of self-injection of subcutaneous depot medroxyprogesterone acetate (DMPA) in Senegal: a prospective cohort study
Contraception 96, no. 3 (2017): 203-210.
Journal Article
Johnson, Derek C, Pema Lhaki, Madhav P Bhatta, Mirjam-Colette Kempf, Jennifer S Smith, Pankaj Bhattarai, Shilu Aryal, Eric Chamot, Kiran Regmi, and Sten H Vermund.
Spousal migration and human papillomavirus infection among women in rural western Nepal
International health 8, no. 4 (2016): 261-268.
Journal Article
Pun, Kunta Devi, Jennifer J Infanti, Rajendra Koju, Berit Schei, and Elisabeth Darj.
Community perceptions on domestic violence against pregnant women in Nepal: a qualitative study
Global health action 9, no. 1 (2016).
Thesis or Dissertation
Pedersoli, Jennifer.
Disabilita infantile nel Burundi rurale. Il ruolo delle caregivers informali
Tesi di Laurea, Universita Ca'Foscari Venezia, 2014.
Journal Article
Dao, Amy, Jennifer S Hirsch, Le Minh Giang, and Richard G Parker.
Social science research on HIV in Vietnam: A critical review and future directions
Global Public Health 8, no. sup1 (2013): S7-S29.
Journal Article
Bamford, Andrew J, Daniella Ferrol-Schulte, and Jennifer Wathan.
Human and wildlife usage of a protected area buffer zone in an area of high immigration
Oryx 48, no. 4 (2014): 504-513.
Journal Article
Smith, Jennifer L, Joyce Auala, Erastus Haindongo, Petrina Uusiku, Roly Gosling, Immo Kleinschmidt, Davis Mumbengegwi, and Hugh JW Sturrock.
Malaria risk in young male travellers but local transmission persists: a case-control study in low transmission Namibia
Malaria Journal 16, no. 1 (2017): 70.
Journal Article
Kriss, Jennifer L, Roselina J Wee, Eugene Lam, Reinhard Kaiser, Messeret E Shibeshi, Emmy-Else Ndevaetela, Clementine Muroua, Nicholaus Shapumba, Balcha G Masresha, and James L Goodson.
Development of the World Health Organization Measles Programmatic Risk Assessment Tool using experience from the 2009 measles outbreak in Namibia
Risk Analysis 37, no. 6 (2017): 1072-1081.
Showing 571-600 of 619