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Showing 5491-5520 of 6459
Journal Article
Sajjad, Asif, Saeed Akbar, Asad Imran, and Arif Hamid Makhdum.
Current Trends of Decent Work in Cotton Ginning Small and Medium Enterprises of Pakistan
Journal of Environmental and Agricultural Sciences 2, no. 10 (2015): 1-6.
Journal Article
Tobin-West, Charles I, and Seye Babatunde.
Community perceptions and practices in management of malaria in under-five children in Rivers State in Nigeria
International Journal of Health Research 4, no. 3 (2011): 127-133.
Working Paper
Bich, Tran Huu, Dinh Thi Phuong Hoa, and Nguyen Thanh Ha.
Changes in knowledge of exclusive breastfeeding for six months among fathers-findings from community intervention study in a rural area of Vietnam
Vietnam Journal of Public Health 1, no. 1 (2012).
Journal Article
Olasoji, Hector Oladapo, Abubakar Hassan, and Wasiu L Adeyemo.
Survey of management of children with cleft lip and palate in teaching and specialist hospitals in Nigeria
The Cleft Palate-Craniofacial Journal 48, no. 2 (2011): 150-155.
Journal Article
Shakya, Kushum, and Bhakta Gubhaju.
Factors Contributing to Fertility Decline in Nepal
Journal of Population and Social Studies 24, no. 1 (2016): 13-29.
Journal Article
Joda, AE, BO Bamkefa, and OA Olugbake.
Knowledge of HIV and its transmission by women living with HIV/AIDS (WLWHA) attending HIV clinic in lagos university teaching hospital (Luth), Nigeria
Journal of Applied Pharmaceutical Science 1, no. 6 (2011): 197-203.
Journal Article
Scales, Peter C, Maura Shramko, and Kim Ashburn.
Developmental assets and sexual and reproductive health among 10-to 14-year-olds in Northern Uganda
International Journal of Child, Youth and Family Studies 7, no. 1 (2016): 45-64.
Journal Article
Alam, Nurul, Hafizur R Chowdhury, Ali Ahmed, Mahfuzur Rahman, and Kim P Streatfield.
Distribution of cause of death in rural Bangladesh during 2003-2010: evidence from two rural areas within Matlab Health and Demographic Surveillance site
(2014) Global health action.
Journal Article
Uzochukwu, Benjamin, Benjamin Onwughalu, Erik Blas, Obinna Onwujekwe, Daniel Umeh, and Uche Ezeoke.
Immunization programme in Anambra state, Nigeria
(2011) Social determinants approaches to public health.
Journal Article
Camfield, Laura, Gina Crivello, and Martin Woodhead.
Wellbeing research in developing countries: Reviewing the role of qualitative methods
Social Indicators Research 90, no. 1 (2009): 5-31.
Thesis or Dissertation
Simons L, Katie.
No time to thrive: Armed conflict and early language and cognitive development in Ethiopia and Peru
Master of Public Policy, Georgetown University, 2011.
Working Paper
Dasgupta, Aparajita.
Can the Major Public Works Policy Buffer Negative Shocks in Early Childhood?
Journal Article
Bode, Christopher, Adesoji Ademuyiwa, Sylvester Ikhisemojie, and Olumide Elebute.
HIV Seropositivity among Paediatric Surgical Patients at the Lagos University Teaching Hospital: What Risk to the Surgeon
Surgical Science 2, no. 01 (2011): 22-24.
Thesis or Dissertation
Villafuerte Manzano, Alba Cecilia.
The social costs of migration: transnational parenthood and the effects on left behind children
MSc, 2012.
Thesis or Dissertation
Shafi, Ajebush Argaw.
Childhood Poverty in Ethiopia: Deprivations and Disparities in Child Well-Being
Master of Science, Maastricht University, 2010.
Journal Article
She, Xinshu, Deqing Zhao, and Jenna Scholnick.
Measuring the Gap A Health Assessment of Rural Chinese Children Compared to Urban Children
(2016) Global Pediatric Health.
Working Paper
Singh, Renu, and Protap Mukherjee.
Determinants of Successful Completion of Secondary Education. Evidence from Young Lives, Andhra Pradesh
Working Paper
Leon, Juan, Alejandra Miranda, and Santiago Cueto.
Equating Children’s PPVT Scores Across Survey Rounds and Age Cohorts in Peru
Working Paper
Ebenstein Y, Avraham.
The causal effect of fertility on female labor supply: evidence from taiwanese son preference
Page, Marianne.
Father's education and children's human capital: Evidence from the World War II GI Bill
Journal Article
Harvey-Leeson, Sarah, Crystal D Karakochuk, Meaghan Hawes, Pierrot L Tugirimana, Esto Bahizire, Pierre Z Akilimali, Kristina D Michaux, Larry D Lynd, Kyly C Whitfield, and Mourad Moursi.
Anemia and Micronutrient Status of Women of Childbearing Age and Children 6-59 Months in the Democratic Republic of the Congo
Nutrients 8, no. 2 (2016): 98.
Journal Article
Johnston F, Bruce.
The political economy of agricultural development in the Soviet Union and China
Food Research Institute Studies 21, no. 2 (1989): 97-138.
Journal Article
Gu, Baochang, and Shuzhang Yang.
Fertility trends in rural China in the 1980s: Cohort effect versus period effect
Asia-Pacific Population Journal 6, no. 4 (1991): 3-34.
Working Paper
Page, Marianne, Ann Huff Stevens, and Philip Oreopoulos.
The intergenerational effects of compulsory schooling
Working Paper
Ciccone, Antonio, and Giovanni Peri.
Skills Substitutability and Technological Progress: US States 1950-1990
Thesis or Dissertation
Soloveichik, Rachel Harris.
Family Transfers in Rural Mexico: An Application to Risk Sharing and Labor Supply Elasticity
University of Chicago, 2007.
Boustan, Leah Platt, and Allison Shertzer.
Demography and Population Loss from Central Cities, 1950-2000
Conference Paper
Adu, DA, and AS Aremu.
Assessment of sanitation facilities in selected private primary schools within Ilorin metropolis
the 3rd Annual Conference of Civil Engineering Department, University of Ilorin, Nigeria.
Journal Article
Lawan, Umar Muhammad, Sanusi Abubakar, and Mahdi Dissi Gambo.
HIV risk behaviors and knowledge of HIV/AIDS and its prevention among unmarried adolescents in Kano Metropolis, Northwestern Nigeria
Journal of Behavioral Health 1, no. 4 (2012): 252-259.
Journal Article
Zeng, Yi, and Linda George.
Family dynamics of 63 million (in 1990) to more than 330 million (in 2050) elders in China
(2000) Demographic Research.
Showing 5491-5520 of 6459