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Showing 5431-5460 of 6459
Journal Article
Castro, J, and D Chirinos.
Impact of a Comprehensive Intervention on Food Security in Poor Families of Central Highlands of Peru
Food and Public Health 5, no. 6 (2015): 213-219.
Journal Article
Simas, Moana S, Laura Golsteijn, Mark AJ Huijbregts, Richard Wood, and Edgar G Hertwich.
The “Bad Labor” footprint: quantifying the social impacts of globalization
Sustainability 6, no. 11 (2014): 7514-7540.
Working Paper
Gurbuzer, Leman Yonca, and Mustafa Hakki Ozel.
Youth Employment in the Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan: Characteristics and Determinants
Thesis or Dissertation
Dlamini, NE.
Dietary diversity and food access of deep-rural households of Idutywa, Eastern Cape
Master in human ecology, University of South Africa, 2013.
Journal Article
Soleimani, Farin, Roshanak Vameghi, Akbar Biglarian, and Mehdi Rahgozar.
Prevalence of motor developmental disorders in children in Alborz Province, Iran in 2010
Iranian Red Crescent Medical Journal 16, no. 12 (2014).
Conference Paper
Salehi-Isfahani, Djavad, and Sara Taghvatalab.
Rural electrification and female empowerment in Iran: decline in fertility
IIEA Annual Conference, Boston College, October 24-25, 2014.
Journal Article
Aghajanian, Akbar, and Vaida Thompson.
Household Size and Structure in Iran: 1976-2006
(2013) Open Family Studies Journal.
Journal Article
Larsen McClarty, Katie.
Life in the Fast Lane Effects of Early Grade Acceleration on High School and College Outcomes
Gifted Child Quarterly 59, no. 1 (2015): 3-13.
Journal Article
Kiani, Reza, and Nadia Shakeri.
Fertility Changing: Effects On Economic Development In Iran (Case Study: 1956-2006)
Cumhuriyet Science Journal 36, no. 3 (2015): 1821-1824.
Journal Article
Lee, Seung-yeon, Sukkyung You, and Michael J Furlong.
Validation of the Social Emotional Health Survey - Secondary for Korean Students
(2015) Child Indicators Research.
Gurl, Theresa J, Limarys Caraballo, Leslee Grey, John H Gunn, David Gerwin, and Héfer Bembenutty.
Policy, Professionalization, Privatization, and Performance Assessment
: Springer, 2016.
Journal Article
Rebgui, Hajar, Hinde Hami, Lhcen Ouammi, Abdelmajid Soulaymani, Rachida Soulaymani-Bencheikh, and Abdelghani Mokhtari.
Epidemiological characteristics of accidental poisonings in children in Eastern Morocco (Oriental region)
American Journal of Advanced Scientific Research (AJASR) 1, no. 11 (2013).
Thesis or Dissertation
Tuthill L, Emily.
Exclusive Breastfeeding Promotion Among HIV-infected Women: A Theory-based Approach
Doctor of Philosophy, University of Connecticut , 2015.
Journal Article
Bhandari, Shiva, Jamuna Tamrakar Sayami, Pukar Thapa, Matina Sayami, Bishnu Prasad Kandel, and Megha Raj Banjara.
Dietary intake patterns and nutritional status of women of reproductive age in Nepal: findings from a health survey
Archives of Public Health 74, no. 1 (2016).
Working Paper
Mahrt, Kristi, and Malokele Nanivazo.
Estimating multidimensional childhood poverty in the Democratic Republic of Congo, 2007 through 2013
WIDER WP , no. 2015/131 (2015).
Journal Article
Crandall, AliceAnn, Kristin Vanderende, Yuk Fai Cheong, Sylvie Dodell, and Kathryn M Yount.
Women's age at first marriage and postmarital agency in Egypt
(2016) Social science research.
Working Paper
Sobek, Matthew, and Sheela Kennedy.
The Development of Family Interrelationship Variables for International Census Data
Minnesota Population Center , no. 2009-02 (2009).
Working Paper
Novella, Rafael, and Claire Zanuso.
Vulnerability and Children’s Time Allocation in Haiti: Evidence from the 2010 Earthquake
Singh, Renu, and Sudipa Sarkar.
Learning Environments in Andhra Pradesh, India
Working Paper
Schultz T, Paul.
Fertility and income
Yale University Economic Growth Center Discussion Paper , no. 925 (2005).
Journal Article
Wusu, Onipede, and Ucbe C lsiugo-Abanihez.
Interconnections among changing family structure, child rearing and fertility behaviour among the Ogu, Southwestern Nigeria: A qualitative study
(2006) Demographic research.
Journal Article
Ordinioha B,.
Social marketing of insecticide-treated bed net for malaria control: an experience in a semi-urban community in south-south Nigeria
Port Harcourt Medical Journal 1, no. 3 (2007): 145-150.
Working Paper
Deolalikar B, Anil.
The Determinants of Primary School Enrollment and Household Schooling Expenditures in Kenya: Do they Vary by Income?
Working Paper
Onsomu, Eldah N, David I Muthaka, Moses W Ngware, and Damiano K Manda.
Determinants and strategies for expanding access to secondary education in Kenya
KIPPRA Discussion Paper , no. 63 (2006).
Journal Article
Hoddinott, John, Derek Headey, and Mekdim Dereje.
Cows, Missing Milk Markets, and Nutrition in Rural Ethiopia
The Journal of Development Studies 51, no. 8 (2015): 958-975.
Journal Article
Nwokocha E, Ezebunwa.
Pregnancy Outcomes among the Ibani of Rivers State, Nigeria: Findings from Casestudies
African Population Studies 21, no. 1 (2006): 93-118.
Journal Article
Jones, Andrew D, Aditya Shrinivas, and Rachel Bezner-Kerr.
Farm production diversity is associated with greater household dietary diversity in Malawi: findings from nationally representative data
(2014) Food Policy.
Journal Article
Olasoji, HO, VI Ugboko, and GT Arotiba.
Cultural and religious components in Nigerian parents’ perceptions of the aetiology of cleft lip and palate: Implications for treatment and rehabilitation
British Journal of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery 45, no. 4 (2007): 302-305.
Journal Article
O Campos, Ana Paula, Katia Alejandra Covarrubias, and Alberto Prieto Patron.
How Does the Choice of the Gender Indicator Affect the Analysis of Gender Differences in Agricultural Productivity? Evidence from Uganda
(2016) World Development.
Journal Article
Akinleye, Stella O, Catherine O Falade, and Ikeoluwapo O Ajayi.
Knowledge and utilization of intermittent preventive treatment for malaria among pregnant women attending antenatal clinics in primary health care centers in rural southwest, Nigeria: a cross-sectional study
BMC pregnancy and childbirth 9, no. 1 (2009): 1.
Showing 5431-5460 of 6459