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Showing 31-60 of 631
Journal Article
Berthelemy, Jean-Claude, Josselin Thuilliez, Ogobara Doumbo, and Jean Gaudart.
Malaria and protective behaviours: is there a malaria trap?
Malaria Journal 12, no. 1 (2013): 200.
Journal Article
Kearney, Alexis S, Lise M Kabeja, Naomi George, Naz Karim, Adam R Aluisio, Zeta Mutabazi, Jean Eric Uwitonze, Jeanne D’Arc Nyinawankusi, Jean Claude Byiringiro, and Adam C Levine.
Development of a trauma and emergency database in Kigali, Rwanda
African Journal of Emergency Medicine 6, no. 4 (2016): 185-190.
Journal Article
Nahimana, Marie-Rosette, Alypio Nyandwi, Marie Aimee Muhimpundu, Olushayo Olu, Jeanine Umutesi Condo, Andre Rusanganwa, Jean Baptiste Koama, Candide Tran Ngoc, Jean Bosco Gasherebuka, and Martin O Ota.
A population-based national estimate of the prevalence and risk factors associated with hypertension in Rwanda: implications for prevention and control
BMC Public Health 18, no. 1 (2017).
Journal Article
Nzihou, Jean Fidèle, Jean Koulidiati, and Gérard B Segda.
Potential and Feasibility of Solid Municipal Waste Treatment with Gasifiers in a Developing Country: A Review for Burkina Faso
British Journal of Applied Science & Technology 4, no. 3 (2014): 450-464.
Conference Paper
Betti, Jean Lagarde, and Jean Lejoly.
Importance en medecine traditionnelle de Combretum mucronatum Shum. & Thon (Combretaceae) dans le Dja (Cameroun)
La Gestion des Forets Denses Africaines Aujourd’hui. Seminaire FORAFRI de Libreville—Session.
Journal Article
Tamba, Jean Gaston, Donatien Njomo, Jean Luc Nsouandele, Beguide Bonoma, and Sakaros Bogning Dongue.
Assessment of Greenhouse Gas Emissions in Cameroon's Road Transport Sector
Universal Journal of Environmental Research & Technology 2, no. 6 (2012): 475-488.
Journal Article
Landier, Jordi, Jean Gaudart, Kevin Carolan, Danny Lo Seen, Jean-Fraccois Guegan, Sara Eyangoh, Arnaud Fontanet, and Gaetan Texier.
Spatio-temporal patterns and landscape-associated risk of Buruli ulcer in Akonolinga, Cameroon
PLoS Neglected Tropical Diseases 8, no. 9 (2014): e3123.
Thesis or Dissertation
León Plúas, Rebeca E, and Lupe J Macias Romero.
Estudio de factibilidad para la creación de una empresa dedicada a la confección y distribución de prendas de vestir femeninas en tela jean en el Cantón Milagro provincia del Guayas
Título de Ingeniería, Universidad Estatal De Milagro, 2012.
Journal Article
Kozycki, Christina T, Noella Umulisa, Stephen Rulisa, Emil I Mwikarago, Jean Pierre Musabyimana, Jean Pierre Habimana, Corine Karema, and Donald J Krogstad.
False-negative malaria rapid diagnostic tests in Rwanda: impact of Plasmodium falciparum isolates lacking hrp2 and declining malaria transmission
Malaria Journal 16, no. 1 (2017): 123.
Sourisseau, Jean-Michel, Henri-Michel Tsimisanda, Jean-Franccois Belieres, Ariel Elyah, Pierre-Marie Bosc, and Hanitriniana Mamy Razafimahatratra.
Les agricultures familiales a Madagascar: Un atout pour le developpement durable
Betti, Jean Lagarde.
Mission de renforcement des capacites technique de l’autorite scientifique cites du Burundi sur les techniques modernes d’inventaire de Prunus Africana
Journal Article
Deconinck, Hedwig, Mahaman E Hallarou, Anais Pesonen, Jean C Gérard, Bart Criel, Philippe Donnen, and Jean Macq.
Understanding factors that influence the integration of acute malnutrition interventions into the national health system in Niger
Health policy and planning 31, no. 10 (2016): 1364-1373.
Journal Article
Grosh, Margaret, Kristin Fox, and Maria Jackson.
An observation on the bias in clinic-based estimates
Berton, Hélène, Rica Garde, Rosie Jackson, Frances Mason, Abigail Perry, Alex Rees, Victoria Sibson, Anna Taylor, and Delphine Valette.
Hungry for change
London: Save the Children UK, 2009.
Jackson, Ken.
Is heterogeneity a barrier to coordination? A cross-country analysis of diversity and public goods
Powell-Jackson, Timothy, Basu D Neupane, Suresh Tiwari, Jo Morrison, and Anthony Costello.
Support to the Safe Motherhood Programme, Nepal: Evaluation of the safe delivery incentive programme: Final report of the evaluation
Book Section
Jackson, Cecile, Nitya Rao, and Shahra Razavi.
The gendered impacts of liberalization: Towards “embedded liberalism?
(2009) 3. Gender inequality and agrarian change in liberalizing India.
Working Paper
Jackson, Cecile, and Nitya Rao.
Understanding gender and agrarian change under liberalisation: the case of India
(2004) (unpublished draft; UNRISD report).
Conference Paper
Thornton, Rebecca L, and David Lam.
Measuring subjective life expectancy in developing countries: The case of Malawi and South Africa
Subjective probabilities and expectations: Methodological issues and empirical applications to economic decision-making, Jackson Hole, Wyoming, September 2007.
Jackson, Ashley.
Promises, Promises: A briefing paper for the Kabul Conference on Afghanistan
: Oxfam, 2010.
Working Paper
Jackson, Ashley.
High Stakes: Girls' Education in Afghanistan
Huang, Shirlena, Brenda SA Yeoh, and Richard T Jackson.
Labour in Southeast Asia: Local Processes in a Globalised World
Journal Article
Wamala, Joseph F, Luswa Lukwago, Mugagga Malimbo, Patrick Nguku, Zabulon Yoti, Monica Musenero, Jackson Amone, William Mbabazi, Miriam Nanyunja, Sam Zaramba, Alex Opio, Julius J Lutwama, Ambrose O Talisuna, and Sam I Okware.
Ebola Hemorrhagic Fever Associated with Novel Virus Strain, Uganda, 2007-2008
Emerging Infectious Diseases 16, no. 7 (2010): 1087-1092.
Book Section
Rao, Appa S, J M Schiller, C Bounphanousay, P Inthapanya, and M T Jackson.
Rice in Laos
(2006) The colored pericarp (black) rice of Laos .
Jackson, Tony.
Equal Access to Education: A Peace Imperative for Burundi.
London, UK: International Alert, 2000.
Thesis or Dissertation
Lumenyela, Jonathan Jackson.
Assessment of the performance in revenue collection from fresh water fishes at Nyamagana municipal council in Mwanza, Tanzania
Master of Science, Sokoine University of Agriculture, 2014.
Working Paper
Jackson, K.
Why does diversity matter? An empirical analysis of piped water provision in Sub-Saharan Africa
Journal Article
Yajnik, C.S., S.S. Deshpande, A.A. Jackson, H. Refsum, S. Rao, D.J. Fisher, D.S. Bhat, K.J. Naik, C.V. Coyaji, S.S. Joglekar, and others.
Vitamin B 12 and folate concentrations during pregnancy and insulin resistance in the offspring: the Pune Maternal Nutrition Study
Diabetologia 51, no. 1 (2008): 29-38.
Working Paper
Hanson, Kara, and Timothy Powell-Jackson.
Financial incentives for maternal health: Impact evaluation of a national programme in Nepal
Journal Article
Debpuur, Cornelius, James F Phillips, Elizabeth F Jackson, Alex Nazzar, Pierre Ngom, and Fred N Binka.
The impact of the Navrongo Project on contraceptive knowledge and use, reproductive preferences, and fertility
Studies in Family Planning 33, no. 2 (2003): 141-164.
Showing 31-60 of 631