
Showing 271-300 of 508
Sharma, A. A Socio-Economic Study of Women of Delhi. New Delhi, India: Mittal Publications, 1990.
Working Paper
Mohapatra, S N, Padmini Pani, and Monika Sharma. "Rapid Urban Expansion and Its Implications on Geomorphology: A Remote Sensing and GIS Based Study." (2014) Geography Journal.
Sharma, P, N Ogale, and S Singh. Women in Hill Agriculture. New Delhi, India: Concept Publishing Company, 2010.
Sharma D, D. Studies in Tibeto-Himalayan languages. New Delhi, India: Mittal Publications, 1994.
Sharma N, K. The Khairwars. New Delhi, India: Northern Book Centre, 1999.
Sharma, Sanjay, and Deepak Thapa. Taken for Granted. Kathmandu, Nepal: Centre for the Study of Labour and Mobility, 2013.
Sharma K, R. Urban Sociology. New Delhi, India: Atlantic Publishers and Distributors, 1997.
Working Paper
Sharma, C, A Dasgupta, and A P Mitra. "Future scenarios of inventories of GHGs and urban pollutants from Delhi and Calcutta." Population 839, no. 1001 (2002).
Sharma, S. Health Problems of Rural Population in India. New Delhi, India: APH Publishing Corporation, 2001.
Sharma, M. Dynamics of Indian Banking: Views and Vistas. New Delhi, India: Atlantic Publishers & Distributors, 2008.
Working Paper
Chhabra, Sangeeta, R L Raina, and G L Sharma. "MGNREGA-A step towards meeting the challenges of inclusive growth: A study of six states." LBS Journal of Management & Research 8, no. 1 (2010): 113-149.
Working Paper
Kansal, Arun, Mukesh Khare, and Chandra Shekhar Sharma. "Air quality modelling study to analyse the impact of the World Bank emission guidelines for thermal power plants in Delhi.." Atmospheric Pollution Research 2, no. 1 (2011): 99-105.
Working Paper
Deshingkar, Priya, Pramod Sharma, Sushil Kumar, Shaheen Akter, and John Farrington. "Circular migration in Madhya Pradesh: changing patterns and social protection needs." The European Journal of Development Research 20, no. 4 (2008): 612-628.
Working Paper
Sharma, Reetu, Premila Webster, and Sanghita Bhattacharyya. "Factors affecting the performance of community health workers in India: a multi-stakeholder perspective." (2014) Global health action.
Working Paper
Pal, Partha Pratim, Shilpi Sharma, Tarun Kumar Sarkar, and Pevel Mitra. "Iron and Folic Acid Consumption by the Ante-natal Mothers in a Rural Area of India in 2010." International journal of preventive medicine 4, no. 10 (2013): 1213-1216.
Working Paper
Chaudhary, Anurag, Mahesh Satija, Sarit Sharma, G P Singh, R K Soni, and R K Sachar. "Awareness and perceptions of school children about female feticide in urban Ludhiana." Indian journal of community medicine: official publication of Indian Association of Preventive & Social Medicine 35, no. 2 (2010): 302-304.
Working Paper
Narzary, Pralip Kumar, and Shilpi Mishra Sharma. "Daughter preference and contraceptive-use in matrilineal tribal societies in Meghalaya, India." Journal of health, population, and nutrition 31, no. 2 (2013): 278-289.
Sharma, Kishor. Trade policy, growth and poverty in Asian developing countries. London, United Kingdom: Routledge, 2003.
Journal Article
Mekonnen, Fikru, Firew Mekbib, Shiv Kumar, Seid Ahmed, and Tilak R Sharma. "Agromorphological Traits Variability of the Ethiopian Lentil and Exotic Genotypes." (2014) Hindawi Publishing Corporation Advances in Agriculture.
Journal Article
Sengupta, Urmi, and Sujeet Sharma. "No longer Sukumbasis: Challenge in relocating squatters with special reference to Kirtipur Housing Project, Kathmandu." (2008) N-AERUS (Network Association of European Researchers on Urbanization in the South), Accessed on: March.
Journal Article
Sharma, Khim Kabi, and Bhim Prasad Subedi. "Insurgency and its predictors: the Nepalese experience." (2004)
Sharma, Suneeta, William Winfrey, and Mona Marin. A family planning market segmentation analysis: A first step in operationalizing contraceptive security policies in Romania. : US Agency for International Development: Policy Project, 2001.
Journal Article
Manjunatha, BL, DUM Rao, MB Dastagiri, JP Sharma, and Roy R Burman. "Need for government intervention in regulating seed sale price and trait fee: A case of Bt cotton." (2015) Journal of Intellectual Property Rights.
Journal Article
Manjunatha, BL, DUM Rao, MB Dastagiri, JP Sharma, and Roy R Burman. "New Indian Seeds Bill: Stakeholders’ Policy Advocacies to Enact." (2016) Journal of Intellectual Property Rights.
Working Paper
Sharma, Aishwarya, BBC Nepali, Bindu Pariyar Thapa, Furtemba Sherpa, Gauri Malla, Gyalsumdo Sewa Sanstha, and Heavenly Path. "Caste Based Health Discrimination in Nepal PDF Print E-mail." (2009)
Sharma, Manohar. Orphans in Malawi: Prevalence, outcomes, and targeting of services. Washington, D.C., United States of America: International Food Policy Research Institute, 2005.
Working Paper
Bhatta, Saurav Dev, and Suman Kumari Sharma. "The determinants and consequences of chronic and transient poverty in Nepal." (2006) Chronic Poverty Research Centre.
Journal Article
Sharma, Yam, and Abdu Muwonge. "An opportunity to improve service delivery in Nepal through local governance." (2010)
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