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Showing 91-120 of 773
Working Paper
Todd, Catherine S, Abdul Nasir, Pashtoon Hashimy, Nazifa Mousafavi, Farooq Mansoor, Suellen Miller, Jeffrey M Smith, Pashtoon Azfar, Suzette Kakar, and James F Phillips.
Counseling Considered: Results from a randomized controlled trial of concentrated postpartum counseling on birth spacing, breastfeeding, and infant vaccination completion in a Kabul urban population
Journal Article
Anand, Abhijeeta, Ray Shiraishi, Rebecca Bunnell, Kristae Jacobs, Nadiac Solehdin, Abu Abdul-Quader, Lawrence Marum, James Muttunga, Kelitag Kamoto, John Aberle-Grasse, and Theresac Diaz.
Knowledge of HIV status, sexual risk behaviors and contraceptive need among people living with HIV in Kenya and Malawi
AIDS 23, no. 12 (2009): 1565.
Working Paper
Tefft, James, Christopher Penders, Valerie Kelly, John M Staatz, Mbaye Yade, and Victoria Wise.
Linkages between agricultural growth and improved child nutrition in Mali
(2000) Food Security International Development Working Papers.
Journal Article
Guilamo-Ramos, Vincent, James Jaccard, Victor Lushin, Roberto Martinez, Bernardo Gonzalez, and Katharine McCarthy.
HIV risk behavior among youth in the Dominican Republic: The role of alcohol and other drugs
(2011) Journal of the International Association of Physicians in AIDS Care (JIAPAC).
Journal Article
Smith, James P, Duncan Thomas, Elizabeth Frankenberg, Kathleen Beegle, and Graciela Teruel.
Wages, employment and economic shocks: Evidence from Indonesia
Journal of Population Economics 15, no. 1 (2002): 161-193.
Journal Article
Wabwire-Mangen, Fred, Martin Odiit, Wilford Kirungi, David Kaweesa Kisitu, and James Okara Wanyama.
HIV modes of transmission and prevention response analysis
(2009) Kampala, Uganda National AIDS Commission.
Journal Article
Rutaremwa, Gideon, James P Ntozi, and Nambatya Diana.
Has high knowledge of HIV/AIDS among the youth translated into positive sexual behavior in Northern Uganda?
Journal Article
Shelton D, James.
Twenty criteria to make the best of scarce health resources in developing countries
(2011) BMJ.
Working Paper
Gribble N, James.
Méthode des Jours Fixes pour la planification familiale: Une réponse au Caire
View Point 29, no. 4 (2003): 0-0.
Working Paper
Magidu, Nyende, Madina Guloba, and James Wokadala.
Public Spending In The Health Sector In Uganda: Evidence From Program Budgeting Analysis
Conference Paper
Asaduzzaman, M., Claudia Ringler, James Thurlow, and Shafiqul Alam.
Investing in Crop Agriculture in Bangladesh for Higher Growth and Productivity, and Adaptation to Climate Change
Bangladesh Food Security Investment Forum.
Dhaka, Bangladesh, May 26-27, 2010.
Journal Article
Terborgh, Anne, James Rosen, Roberto Santiso Galvez, Willy Terceros, Jane T Bertrand, and Sheana E Bull.
Family planning among indigenous populations in Latin America
(1995) International Family Planning Perspectives.
Journal Article
Jones, James Holland, and Brodie Ferguson.
Demographic and social predictors of intimate partner violence in Colombia: A dyadic power perspective
Human Nature 20, no. 2 (2009): 184-203.
Phillips, James F, Ayaga A Bawah, and Fred N Binka.
Accelerating reproductive and child health program development: the Navrongo Initiative in Ghana
: The Population Council, 2005.
Journal Article
Amoako Johnson, Fiifi Amoako, Sasu S Padmadas, and James S Brown.
On the spatial inequalities of institutional versus home births in Ghana: a multilevel analysis
Journal of community health 34, no. 1 (2009): 64-72.
Thurlow, James, Jane Kiringai, and Madhur Gautam.
Rural investments to accelerate growth and poverty reduction in Kenya
: Intl Food Policy Res Inst, 2007.
Working Paper
Menon, Balakrishna, and James Mutero.
Decentralization and Local Decentralization and Local Governments in Kenya
Working Paper
Thilsted, Shakuntala H, David James, Jogeir Toppe, Rohana Subasinghe, and Iddya Karunasagar.
Maximizing the Contribution of Fish to Human Nutrition
Journal Article
Cobbe, James.
Lesotho: What will happen after apartheid goes?
Africa Today 38, no. 1 (1991): 18-32.
Journal Article
Binka, Fred N, Ayaga A Bawah, James F Phillips, Abraham Hodgson, Martin Adjuik, and Bruce MacLeod.
Rapid achievement of the child survival millennium development goal: evidence from the Navrongo experiment in Northern Ghana
Tropical Medicine & International Health 12, no. 5 (2007): 578-593.
Journal Article
Bawah, Ayaga, James F Phillips, Martin Adjuik, Maya Vaughan-Smith, Bruce Macleod, and Fred N Binka.
The impact of immunization on the association between poverty and child survival: Evidence from Kassena-Nankana District of northern Ghana
Scandinavian journal of public health 38, no. 1 (2010): 95-103.
Journal Article
Sarriot, Eric G, Eric A Swedberg, and James G Ricca.
Pro-sustainability choices and child deaths averted: from project experience to investment strategy
Health Policy and Planning 26, no. 3 (2011): 187.
Munthali, Alister, Eliya M Zulu, Nyovani Madise, Ann M Moore, Sidon Konyani, James Kaphuka, and Dixie Maluwa-Banda.
Adolescent sexual and reproductive health in Malawi: results from the 2004 National Survey of Adolescents
: Alan Guttmacher Institute New York, 2006.
Munthali, Alister, Eliya M Zulu, Nyovani Madise, Ann M Moore, Sidon Konyani, James Kaphuka, and Dixie Maluwa-Banda.
Adolescent Sexual and Reproductive Health in Malawi
Suzman, James.
An Assessment of the Status of the San in Namibia
: Legal Assistance Centre Windhoek, 2001.
Journal Article
Anderson, Steve, Whitney Dubinsky, Brandon Fenley, Kishori Kedlaya, Sait Mboob, Caroline Smith, John Thurow, and James Whitaker.
Inclusive Growth Diagnostic for Indonesia
Obeng-Ofori, Dan, Phyllis Opare, and James Agyei-Ohemeng.
Inventory of Existing and exploitable and technologies on Cocoa and Maize Production in Ghana
Journal Article
Aidoo, Robert, Rita A Danfoku, and James Osei Mensah.
Determinants of postharvest losses in tomato production in the Offinso North district of Ghana
Journal of Development and Agricultural Economics 6, no. 8 (2014): 338-344.
Working Paper
Haggblade, Steven, Peter B Hazell, and James Brown.
Farm-Nonfarm Linkages in Rural Sub-Saharan Africa
Journal Article
What has been happening to internal labour migration in South Africa, 1993-1999?
The South African Journal of Economics 71, no. 3 (2003): 455-479.
Showing 91-120 of 773