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Showing 61-90 of 773
Journal Article
Grassly, Nicholas, James Lewis, Mary Mahy, Niff Walker, and Ian Timaegus.
Comparison of household-survey estimates with projections of mortality and orphan numbers in sub-Saharan Africa in the era of HIV/AIDS
Population Studies 58, no. 2 (2004): 207-217.
Journal Article
Xue, Jiayin, Zenabu Mhango, Irving F Hoffman, Innocent Mofolo, Esmie Kamanga, James Campbell, Greg Allgood, Myron S Cohen, Francis Martinson, William Miller, and Mina C Hosseinipour.
Use of nutritional and water hygiene packages for diarrhoeal prevention among HIV-exposed infants in Lilongwe, Malawi: an evaluation of a pilot prevention of mother-to-child transmission post-natal care service
Tropical Medicine & International Health 15, no. 10 (2010): 1156-1162.
Conference Paper
McGuire W, James.
Democracy and public health in Thailand
Congress of the American Political Science Association.
Boston, MA, 2008.
Journal Article
Karra, Mahesh, and James Gribble.
Costs of induced abortion and cost-effectiveness of universal access to modern contraceptives in Uganda
Health 1, no. 1 (1996): 79-80.
Journal Article
Zere, Eyob, Joses M Kirigia, Sambe Duale, and James Akazili.
Inequities in maternal and child health outcomes and interventions in Ghana
BMC Public Health 12, no. 1 (2012): 252.
Working Paper
Tefft, James, and Valerie Kelly.
Understanding and reducing child malnutrition in MaliI: Interim research findings for the project on Linkages between Child Nutrition and Agricultural Growth (LICNAG)
(2002) Policy synthesis for cooperating USAID offices and country missions.
Robertson, Aileen, Cristina Tirado, Tim Lobstein, Marco Jermini, Cecile Knai, Jorgen H Jensen, Anna Ferro-Luzzi, and W.P.T. James.
Food and health in Europe: a new basis for action
Copenhagen, Denmark: World Health Organization, 2004.
Rajan, S. Irudaya, and K S James.
Demographic transition and economic development in Kerala: The role of emigration
: South Asia Network of Economic Research Initiatives.
Book Section
Davies, James B, Susanna Sandstrom, Anthony Shorrocks, and Edward N Wolff.
The world distribution of household wealth
(2008) Personal wealth from a global perspective.
Journal Article
Engle, Patrice L, Purnima Menon, James L Garrett, and Alison Slack.
Urbanization and caregiving: a framework for analysis and examples from southern and eastern Africa
Environment and Urbanization 9, no. 2 (1997): 253.
Journal Article
Dev, S. Mahendra, K.S. James, and Binayak Sen.
Causes of fertility decline in India and Bangladesh: role of community
(2002) Economic and Political Weekly.
Journal Article
Zafar Ullah, A.N., James N Newell, # # Jalal Uddin Ahmed, M.K.A. Hyder, and Akramul Islam.
Government collaboration: the case of tuberculosis control in Bangladesh
Health Policy and Planning 21, no. 2 (2006): 143-155.
Working Paper
Garrett, James L, and Marie T Ruel.
Stunted child-overweight mother pairs: An emerging policy concern
(2003) Food Consumption and Nutrition Division Discussion Paper, International Food Policy Research Institute.
Matlala, Herman, James Serwadda-Luwaga, and Sekwati Welcome.
Living in the Northern Cape: Selected findings of the 1995 October Household Survey
Pretoria, South Africa: Central Statistics, 1998.
Thesis or Dissertation
Hargreaves R, James.
Livelihood aspects of the household environment and the sexual behaviour and risk of HIV infection of unmarried adolescents and young adults in rural South Africa
PhD Upgrading Document, Infectious Disease Epidemiology Unit, London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine, Keppel Street, WC1E 7HT, 2002.
Journal Article
Trussell, James, Laurence Grummer-Strawn, German Rodriguez, and Mark Vanlandingham.
Trends and differentials in breastfeeding behaviour: evidence from the WFS and DHS
Population Studies 46, no. 2 (1992): 285-307.
Journal Article
Williams, Brian G, James O Lloyd-Smith, Eleanor Gouws, Catherine Hankins, Wayne M Getz, John Hargrove, Isabelle De Zoysa, Christian Dye, and Bertran Auvert.
The potential impact of male circumcision on HIV in sub-Saharan Africa
PLoS Medicine 3, no. 7 (2006): e262.
Journal Article
Garrett, James L, and Marie T Ruel.
Stunted child-overweight mother pairs: Prevalence and association with economic development and urbanization
Food and Nutrition Bulletin 26, no. 2 (2005): 209-221.
Kim, Julia, John Gear, James Hargreaves, Benjamin Makhubele, Kalipe Mashaba, Linda Morrison, Mmatshilo Motsei, Chris Peters, John Porter, Paul Pronyk, and Charlotte Watts.
Social Interventions for HIV/AIDS intervention with microfinance for AIDS and gender equity
Working Paper
Levinsohn, James.
Two policies to alleviate unemployment in South Africa
(2007) Ford School of Public Policy University of Michigan and NBER.
Journal Article
Anand, Abhijeeta, Ray Shiraishi, Rebecca Bunnell, Kristae Jacobs, Nadiac Solehdin, Abu Abdul-Quader, Lawrence Marum, James Muttunga, Kelitag Kamoto, John Aberle-Grasse, and Theresac Diaz.
Knowledge of HIV status, sexual risk behaviors and contraceptive need among people living with HIV in Kenya and Malawi
AIDS 23, no. 12 (2009): 1565.
Working Paper
Tefft, James, Christopher Penders, Valerie Kelly, John M Staatz, Mbaye Yade, and Victoria Wise.
Linkages between agricultural growth and improved child nutrition in Mali
(2000) Food Security International Development Working Papers.
Journal Article
Guilamo-Ramos, Vincent, James Jaccard, Victor Lushin, Roberto Martinez, Bernardo Gonzalez, and Katharine McCarthy.
HIV risk behavior among youth in the Dominican Republic: The role of alcohol and other drugs
(2011) Journal of the International Association of Physicians in AIDS Care (JIAPAC).
Working Paper
Levinsohn, James.
Globalization and the returns to speaking english in South Africa
NBER Working Paper , no. 10985 (2004).
Journal Article
Pronyk, Paul M., Trudy Harpham, Joanna Busza, Godfrey Phetla, Linda A. Morison, James R. Hargreaves, Julia C. Kim, Charlotte H. Watts, and John D. Porter.
Can social capital be intentionally generated? A randomized trial from rural South Africa
Social Science & Medicine 67, no. 10 (2008): 1559-1570.
Journal Article
Pronyk, Paul M., Trudy Harpham, Linda A. Morison, James R. Hargreaves, Julia C. Kim, Godfrey Phetla, Charlotte H. Watts, and John D. Porter.
Is social capital associated with HIV risk in rural South Africa?
Social Science & Medicine 66, no. 9 (2008): 1999-2010.
Journal Article
Pronyk, Paul M, Julia C Kim, Tanya Abramsky, Godfrey Phetla, James R Hargreaves, Linda A Morison, Charlotte Watts, Joanna Busza, and John DH Porter.
A combined microfinance and training intervention can reduce HIV risk behaviour in young female participants
AIDS 22, no. 13 (2008): 1659-1665.
Hargreaves, James, Paul Pronyk, Julia Kim, Mzamani B Makhubele, Linda Morison, Charlotte Watts, and John Porter.
The Intervention with Microfinance for AIDS and Gender Equity (IMAGE) study: a community randomised trial of a structural intervention to prevent HIV and gender-based violence in South Africa
Journal Article
Terborgh, Anne, James Rosen, Roberto Santiso Galvez, Willy Terceros, Jane T Bertrand, and Sheana E Bull.
Family planning among indigenous populations in Latin America
(1995) International Family Planning Perspectives.
Journal Article
Jones, James Holland, and Brodie Ferguson.
Demographic and social predictors of intimate partner violence in Colombia: A dyadic power perspective
Human Nature 20, no. 2 (2009): 184-203.
Showing 61-90 of 773