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Thesis or Dissertation
Rosero Casa E, Jacqueline. "Plan de negocios para la importación courier de los EEUU de ropa infantil y su posterior comercialización en el centro de la ciudad de Quito." Título de Ingeniero, Universidad Internacional Del Ecuador, 2012.
Journal Article
Pecenka, Clint, Umesh Parashar, Jacqueline E Tate, Jahangir AM Khan, Devin Groman, Stephen Chacko, Md Shamsuzzaman, Andrew Clark, and Deborah Atherly. "Impact and cost-effectiveness of rotavirus vaccination in Bangladesh." Vaccine 35, no. 32 (2017): 3982-3987.
Journal Article
Shahabuddin, Asm, Christiana Nostlinger, Therese Delvaux, Malabika Sarker, Alexandre Delamou, Azucena Bardaji, Jacqueline EW Broerse, and Vincent De Brouwere. "Exploring Maternal Health Care-Seeking Behavior of Married Adolescent Girls in Bangladesh: A Social-Ecological Approach." PloS one 12, no. 1 (2017).
Book Section
Kajembe, Jacqueline, Ignas Lupala, George Kajembe, Wilson Mugasha, and Faraji Nuru. "Climate Change and Multi-Dimensional Sustainability in African Agriculture." (2016) The Role of Selected Agroforestry Trees in Temperature Adaptation on Coffea arabica: A Case Study of the Moshi District, Tanzania.
Journal Article
Kaljee, Linda M, Alfred Pach, Kamala Thriemer, Benedikt Ley, Said M Ali, Mohamed Jiddawi, Mahesh Puri, Lorenz Seidlein, Jacqueline Deen, and Leon Ochiai. "Utilization and accessibility of healthcare on Pemba Island, Tanzania: implications for health outcomes and disease surveillance for typhoid fever." The American Journal of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene 88, no. 1 (2013): 144-152.
Working Paper
Crankshaw, Owen, and Jacqueline C Borel-Saladin. "Measuring Trends in Urban Inequality and Poverty in the Copperbelt, Zambia." (2017) Urban Forum.
Journal Article
Msuya, Sia E, Tamara H Hussein, Jacqueline Uriyo, Noel E Sam, and Babill Stray-Pedersen. "Anaemia among pregnant women in northern Tanzania: prevalence, risk factors and effect on perinatal outcomes." Tanzania journal of health research 13, no. 1 (2011): 33-39.
Journal Article
Ramke, Jacqueline, and Garry Brian. "BMI among Timorese aged≥ 40 years." Public health nutrition 15, no. 11 (2012): 2118-2123.
Journal Article
Wechsberg, Wendee M, Courtney Peasant, Tracy Kline, William A Zule, Jacqueline Ndirangu, Felicia A Browne, Colby Gabel, and Charles Horst. "HIV Prevention Among Women Who Use Substances And Report Sex Work: Risk Groups Identified Among South African Women." (2017) AIDS and Behavior.
Working Paper
Thomas, Jacqueline, Niklaus Holbro, and Dale Young. "A review of sanitation and hygiene in Tanzania." (2013)
Journal Article
Moodley, Jacqueline, and Lauren Graham. "The importance of intersectionality in disability and gender studies." Agenda 29, no. 2 (2015): 24-33.
Journal Article
Moodley, Jacqueline. "Education on an Equal Basis: A Comparison of Persons With and Without Disabilities in South Africa." International Journal of Disability, Development and Education 64, no. 3 (2017): 283-293.
Journal Article
Stray-Pedersen, Arne, Babill Stray-Pedersen, Jacqueline G Uriyo, Melina Mgongo, Nikolas AS Chotta, and Sia E Msuya. "Rubella sero-prevalence among children in Kilimanjaro region: a community based study prior to the introduction of rubella vaccine in Tanzania." Italian Journal of Pediatrics 43, no. 1 (2017): 63.
Working Paper
Ahuja, Vinod, and Elizabeth Redmond. "Economic and policy issues in livestock service delivery to the poor." (2001) Background paper for the FAO project memorandum “Pro-Poor Livestock Policy Initiative: Fostering the Policy Dialogue in Support of Equitable, Safe and Clean Livestock Farming.
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Working Paper
King, Elizabeth M, and Rosemary T Bellew. "The effects of Peru's push to improve education." (1989) Policy, Planning and Research.
Journal Article
Hazel, Elizabeth, Kate Gilroy, Ingrid Friberg, Robert E Black, Jennifer Bryce, and Gareth Jones. "Comparing modelled to measured mortality reductions: applying the Lives Saved Tool to evaluation data from the Accelerated Child Survival Programme in West Africa." International journal of epidemiology 39, no. suppl 1 (2010): i32-i39.
Journal Article
Ngondi, Jeremiah, Tesfaye Teferi, Teshome Gebre, Estifanos B Shargie, Mulat Zerihun, Berhan Ayele, Liknaw Adamu, Jonathan D King, Elizabeth A Cromwell, and Paul M Emerson. "Effect of a community intervention with pit latrines in five districts of Amhara, Ethiopia." Tropical Medicine & International Health 15, no. 5 (2010): 592-599.
Journal Article
Hardee, Karen, and Elizabeth Leahy. "Population, fertility and family planning in Pakistan: a program in stagnation." (2008)
Working Paper
Fotso, Jean C, James O Ajayi, Elizabeth E Idoko, Ilene Speizer, David A Fasiku, Blessing Mberu, and Michael Mutua. "Family planning and reproductive health in urban Nigeria: Levels, trends and differentials." (2011) Measurement, Learning & Evaluation Project for the Urban Reproductive Health Initiative.
Journal Article
Piwoz, Ellen, Sandra Huffman, Diane Lusk, Elizabeth Zehner, and Chloe O’Gara. "Issues, risks and challenges of early breastfeeding cessation to reduce postnatal transmission of HIV in Africa." (2001) SARA Project.
Working Paper
Piwoz, Ellen, Sandra Huffman, Diane Lusk, Elizabeth Zehner, and Chloe O’Gara. "Early breastfeeding cessation as an option for reducing postnatal transmission of HIV-in Africa." (2001) Issues, risks and challenges. Washington: SARA Project, The Academy for Educational Development.
Working Paper
Zaba, Basia, Ties Boerma, Elizabeth Pisani, and Nahum Baptiste. "Estimation of levels and trends in age at first sex from surveys using survival analysis." (2002) Carolina Population Center.
Collins, David, Elizabeth Lewis, and Karen Stenberg. Scaling up child survival interventions in Cambodia: The cost of national programme resource needs. Geneva, Switzerland: World Health Organization, 2007.
Journal Article
Baker, Elizabeth J, Linda C Sanei, and Nadra Franklin. "Early initiation of and exclusive breastfeeding in large-scale community-based programmes in Bolivia and Madagascar." Journal of Health, Population, and Nutrition 24, no. 4 (2006): 530-539.
Journal Article
Jain, Seema, Osman K Sahanoon, Elizabeth Blanton, Ann Schmitz, Kathleen A Wannemuehler, Robert M Hoekstra, and Robert E Quick. "Sodium dichloroisocyanurate tablets for routine treatment of household drinking water in periurban Ghana: A randomized controlled trial." The American journal of tropical medicine and hygiene 82, no. 1 (2010): 16-22.
Dayaratna, Varuni, William Winfrey, William McGreevey, Karen Hardee, Janet Smith, Elizabeth Mumford, Jeffrey Sine, and Ruth Berg. Reproductive health interventions: Which ones work and what do they cost?. : The POLICY Project, 2000.
Filmer, Deon, Elizabeth M King, and Lant Pritchett. Gender disparity in South Asia: comparisons between and within countries. Washington, DC, USA: World Bank, Development Research Group, Poverty and Human Resources, 1998.
Journal Article
Bongiovanni, Annette, Manal Samam’h, Raja Al’Sarabi, Salwa Masri, Elizabeth Zehner, and Sandra L Huffman. "Promoting the lactational amenorrhea method (LAM) in Jordan increases modern contraception use in the extended postpartum period." (2005) LINKAGES’ final report of its LAM research in Jordan.
Showing 121-150 of 692