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Showing 8491-8520 of 8559
Thesis or Dissertation
Tang, Uymeng.
The Recent Development of the Cambodian Garment Industry: Global Firms, Government Policies, and Exports to the US
Master of Arts , Ohio University, 2016.
Thesis or Dissertation
Rappaport, Aviva.
A 12 month randomized control trial assessing the efficacy of an iron ingot to improve hemoglobin concentration in rural Cambodian women
Master of Science, University of British Columbia, 2016.
Journal Article
Charles, Christopher V, Cate E Dewey, Ann Hall, Chantharith Hak, Son Channary, and Alastair JS Summerlee.
Anemia in Cambodia: A cross-sectional study of anemia, socioeconomic status and other associated risk factors in rural women
Asia Pacific Journal of Clinical Nutrition 24, no. 2 (2015): 253-259.
Working Paper
Cebeillac, Alexandre, Eric Daude, and Thomas Huraux.
Where? When? And how often? What can we learn about daily urban mobilities from Twitter data and Google map in Bangkok (Thailand) and what are the perspectives for dengue studies ?
Journal Article
Fernandes, Meenakshi, Gloria Folson, Elisabetta Aurino, and Aulo Gelli.
A free lunch or a walk back home? The school food environment and dietary behaviours among children and adolescents in Ghana
Food Security 9, no. 5 (2017): 1073-1090.
Journal Article
Virani, Shama, Surichai Bilheem, Wasan Chansaard, Imjai Chitapanarux, Karnchana Daoprasert, Somsak Khuanchana, Atit Leklob, Donsuk Pongnikorn, Laura S Rozek, and Surattaya Siriarechakul.
National and Subnational Population-Based Incidence of Cancer in Thailand: Assessing Cancers with the Highest Burdens
Cancers 9, no. 8 (2017): 108.
Journal Article
Deaton, Angus.
Income, health, and well-being around the world: Evidence from the Gallup World Poll
The journal of economic perspectives 22, no. 2 (2008): 53-72.
Journal Article
Demanelis, Kathryn, Hutcha Sriplung, Rafael Meza, Surapon Wiangnon, Laura S Rozek, Michael E Scheurer, and Philip J Lupo.
Differences in childhood leukemia incidence and survival between Southern Thailand and the United States: a population-based analysis
Pediatric Blood Cancer 62, no. 10 (2015): 1790-1798.
Thesis or Dissertation
Suphanchaimat, Rapeepong.
" Health Insurance Card Scheme" for cross-border migrants in Thailand: Responses in policy implementation & outcome evaluation.
Doctor of Philosophy , London School of Hygiene & Tropical Medicine, 2016.
Working Paper
Posel, Dorrit, and Michael Rogan.
Measured as poor versus feeling poor: Comparing objective and subjective poverty rates in South Africa
WIDER Working Paper , no. 2014/133 (2014).
Journal Article
Makhado, Lufuno, and Mashudu Davhana-Maselesele.
Knowledge and psychosocial wellbeing of nurses caring for people living with HIV/AIDS (PLWH)
(2016) Health SA Gesondheid.
Journal Article
Yamcharoen, Nattapong.
Buddhist Communication Styles for New Generation in Present-Day Thailand
Asian Social Science 11, no. 2 (2014): 174-180.
Working Paper
Tran, Tuan Anh, Phong Tran, Tran Huu Tuan, and Kate Hawley.
Review of Housing Vulnerability
(2012) Institute for Social and Environmental Transition-International.
Organization, World Health.
Health of adolescents in Viet Nam
: Manila: WHO Regional Office for the Western Pacific, 2011.
Van Tien, Tran, Hoang Thi Phuong, Inke Mathauer, and Nguyen Thi Kim Phuong.
A health financing review of Viet Nam with a focus on social health insurance
: Geneva: World Health Organization, 2011.
Working Paper
Viet Dung, Tran, Quynh Nguyen Nhu, and Le Nam Giang.
Vietnam-A Case Study for Sustainable Technology Transfer
Journal Article
Maloma, I.
The socioeconomic determinants of household poverty status in a low-income settlement in South Africa
International Journal of Social Sciences and Humanity Studies 8, no. 2 (2016): 122-131.
Thesis or Dissertation
Lappeman, James.
Monthly expenditure category fluctuations and trade-off in South Africa bottom of the pyramid households
Doctor of Philosophy, University of Cape Town, 2017.
Journal Article
Tran, Huong TB, Thu TN Du, Nhat D Phung, Ninh H Le, Toan B Nguyen, Hai T Phan, De T Vo, Edgar L Milford, and Sinh N Tran.
A simple questionnaire to detect chronic kidney disease patients from Long An province screening data in Vietnam
BMC Research Notes 10, no. 1 (2017): 523.
Working Paper
Takagi, Hiroshi, Nguyen Danh Thao, and Le Tuan Anh.
1997 Typhoon Linda Storm Surge and People’s Awareness 20 Years Later: Uninvestigated Worst Storm Event in the Mekong Delta
Ntshongwana, Phakama, Gemma Wright, and Michael Noble.
Supporting lone mothers in South Africa: Towards comprehensive social security
Thesis or Dissertation
Lamijo, Lamijo.
The Development of Border Regions in Southeast Asia: Cross-border Trade in the Vietnam-Lao PDR Border Areas
Master of Philosophy, Australian National University , 2016.
Thesis or Dissertation
Masunga, Angelina Wenceslaus.
Assessment of socio-economic and institutional factors influencing tomato productivity amongst smallholder farmers: a case study of Musoma municipality, Tanzania
Master of Science, Sokoine University of Agriculture, 2014.
Thesis or Dissertation
Gaetan, Lunyungu.
Home delivery and risks of Fistula in Mufindi District, Tanzania
Master of Arts, Sokoine University of Agriculture, 2015.
Thesis or Dissertation
Lugangira, David.
The contribution of mobile banking on business Growth, perceptions of sme customers of NMB Bank: a case of kenyatta road branch, Mwanza Tanzania
Master of Business Administration, Mzumbe University, 2015.
Thesis or Dissertation
Kanza, Mary Geoffrey.
Evaluation of Feasibility of NGO Activities to Strengthen Social Economic Status of Youth Living with HIV: A Case of PASADA in Temeke Municipality
Master in Social Work, The Open University of Tanzania, 2014.
Thesis or Dissertation
Mwela R, Tomaides.
Information and communication technology usage in development of microfinance institutions services in peri-urban areas Tanzania: a case of Ilala Municipality in Dar-es-Salaam city
Master of Business Administration, The Open University of Tanzania, 2014.
Thesis or Dissertation
Chuwa, Mary Joseph.
Determinants of Mathematics and Science Career Choices Among Secondary School Female Students in Ilala District Dar es Salaam Region
Master of Education, The Open University of Tanzania, 2014.
Thesis or Dissertation
Moh’d, Said Kassim.
Assessment of Factors affecting uptake of Voluntary Counseling and Testing among Youth in Central District, Zanzibar
Master of Arts, The Open University of Tanzania, 2015.
Thesis or Dissertation
Pallangyo, Noel Phineas.
The Analysis of the Performance of Medical Stocks Control System. A Case of Dodoma Regional Hospital
Master of Business Administration, The Open University of Tanzania, 2014.
Showing 8491-8520 of 8559