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Thesis or Dissertation
Ujewe, Samuel Jonathan. "Just Health Care in Nigeria - The Foundations for an African Ethical Framework." Doctor of Philosophy, University of Central Lancashire, 2016.
Journal Article
Parker, Erin M, Chariya Ear, Douglas R Roehler, Socheata Sann, Panhavuth Sem, and Michael F Ballesteros. "Surveillance of road crash injuries in Cambodia: An evaluation of the Cambodia Road Crash and Victim Information System (RCVIS)." Traffic Injury Prevention 15, no. 5 (2014): 477-482.
Journal Article
Sobel, Howard L, Dale Huntington, and Marleen Temmerman. "Quality at the centre of universal health coverage." Health Policy and Planning 31, no. 4 (2015): 547-549.
Journal Article
Ir, Por, Catherine Korachais, Kannarath Chheng, Dirk Horemans, Wim Van Damme, and Bruno Meessen. "Boosting facility deliveries with results-based financing: a mixed-methods evaluation of the government midwifery incentive scheme in Cambodia." BMC Pregnancy and Childbirth 15, no. 1 (2015): 170.
Journal Article
Sar, Seila, and Geoffrey C Marks. "Estimated effects of white rice consumption and rice variety selection on incidence of type 2 diabetes in Cambodia." Public Health Nutrition 18, no. 14 (2015): 2592-2599.
Journal Article
Flessa, Steffen, and Anika Zembok. "Costing of diabetes mellitus type II in Cambodia." Health Economics Review 4, no. 1 (2014): 24.
Journal Article
Perignon, Marlene, Marion Fiorentino, Khov Kuong, Marjoleine A Dijkhuizen, Kurt Burja, Megan Parker, Chhoun Chamnan, Jacques Berger, and Frank T Wieringa. "Impact of multi-micronutrient fortified rice on hemoglobin, iron and vitamin a status of Cambodian schoolchildren: a double-blind cluster-randomized controlled trial." Nutrients 8, no. 1 (2016): 29.
Journal Article
Walters, Dylan, Susan Horton, Adiatma Yudistira Manogar Siregar, Pipit Pitriyan, Nemat Hajeebhoy, Roger Mathisen, Linh Thi Hong Phan, and Christiane Rudert. "The cost of not breastfeeding in Southeast Asia." Health Policy and Planning 31, no. 8 (2016): 1107-1116.
Journal Article
Chansarn, Supachet. "Educational Attainment and Its Contribution to Labor Productivity Growth in Thailand." Journal of Population and Social Studies 21, no. 2 (2013): 189-207.
Journal Article
Yiengprugsawan, Vasoontara, Lyndall Strazdins, Lynette L-Y Lim, Matthew Kelly, Sam-ang Seubsman, and Adrian C Sleigh. "Physically and psychologically hazardous jobs and mental health in Thailand." Health promotion international 30, no. 3 (2013): 531-541.
Journal Article
Gier, Brechje, Maiza Campos Ponce, Marlene Perignon, Marion Fiorentino, Kuong Khov, Chhoun Chamnan, Michiel R Boer, Megan E Parker, Kurt Burja, and Marjoleine A Dijkhuizen. "Micronutrient-fortified rice can increase hookworm infection risk: a cluster randomized trial." PloS one 11, no. 1 (2016): e0145351.
Journal Article
Fiorentino, Marion, Prak Sophonneary, Arnaud Laillou, Sophie Whitney, Richard Groot, Marlene Perignon, Khov Kuong, Jacques Berger, and Frank T Wieringa. "Current MUAC cut-offs to screen for acute malnutrition need to be adapted to gender and age: the example of Cambodia." PloS one 11, no. 2 (2016).
Journal Article
Canavati, Sara E, Celine Zegers Beyl, Po Ly, Muhammad Shafique, Thavrin Boukheng, Chandary Rang, Maxine Anne Whittaker, Arantxa Roca-Feltrer, and David Sintasath. "Evaluation of intensified behaviour change communication strategies in an artemisinin resistance setting." Malaria Journal 15, no. 1 (2016): 249.
Journal Article
Jegannathan, Bhoomikumar, Gunnar Kullgren, and Kjerstin Dahlblom. "How do young people in Cambodia perceive the impact of societal attitudes, media and religion on suicidal behaviour?." International Journal of Social Psychiatry 62, no. 2 (2016): 114-122.
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Journal Article
Var, Chivorn, Alessandra N Bazzano, Sudesh K Srivastav, James C Welty, Navapol Iv Ek, and Richard A Oberhelman. "Newborn Infection Control and Care Initiative for health facilities to accelerate reduction of newborn mortality (NICCI): study protocol for a randomized controlled trial." Trials 16, no. 1 (2015): 257.
Journal Article
Yi, Siyan, Sovannary Tuot, Pheak Chhoun, Khuondyla Pal, Sok Chamreun Choub, and Gitau Mburu. "Mental health among men who have sex with men in Cambodia: Implications for integration of mental health services within HIV programmes." International Journal for Equity in Health 15, no. 1 (2016): 53.
Journal Article
Reinbott, Anika, Irmgard Jordan, Johannes Herrmann, Judith Kuchenbecker, Ou Kevanna, and Michael B Krawinkel. "Role of breastfeeding and complementary food on hemoglobin and ferritin levels in a Cambodian cross-sectional sample of children aged 3 to 24 months." PloS one 11, no. 3 (2016): e0150750.
Journal Article
Var, Chivorn, Sheryl Keller, Rathavy Tung, Lu Yao, and Alessandra N Bazzano. "Minor Side Effects, Tolerance and Discontinuation of Oral Contraception among Women in Rural Cambodia.." British Journal of Medicine & Medical Research 4, no. 31 (2014): 4982-5002.
Journal Article
Laillou, Arnaud, Prak Sophonneary, Khov Kuong, Rathavuth Hong, Samoeurn Un, Chhoun Chamnan, Etienne Poirot, Jacques Berger, and Frank Wieringa. "Low urinary iodine concentration among mothers and children in Cambodia." Nutrients 8, no. 4 (2016): 172.
Journal Article
Pries, Alissa M, Sandra L Huffman, Mary Champeny, Indu Adhikary, Margaret Benjamin, Aminata Ndeye Coly, El Hadji Issakha Diop, Khin Mengkheang, Ndeye Yaga Sy, and Shrid Dhungel. "Consumption of commercially produced snack foods and sugar-sweetened beverages during the complementary feeding period in four African and Asian urban contexts." Maternal & Child Nutrition 13, no. S2 (2017).
Journal Article
Eng, Sothy, Whitney Szmodis, and Kelly Grace. "Cambodian Remarried Women Are at Risk for Domestic Violence." (2017) Journal of Interpersonal Violence.
Journal Article
Pedregal, Virginie Diaz, Blandine Destremau, and Bart Criel. "Health Policy in Cambodia: To What Extent Is an Aid-Dependent Country Able to Determine Its Own Policy?." Journal of Social Policy 44, no. 1 (2015): 171-187.
Working Paper
Chea, Malika, Sebastian Abjorensen, and Lauren Dunn. "Public Health and HIV/AIDS in Cambodia." (2014)
Thesis or Dissertation
In, Sophearun. "A Study on Transition of Health Equity Fund to Universal Health Coverage in Cambodia." Master of Science, Seoul National University, 2016.
Journal Article
Saiyut, Pakapon, Isriya Bunyasiri, Prapinwadee Sirisupluxana, and Itthipong Mahathanaseth. "Changing age structure and input substitutability in the Thai agricultural sector." Kasetsart Journal of Social Sciences 38, no. 3 (2017): 259-263.
Journal Article
Ratanasiripong, Paul, Orawan Kaewboonchoo, Edith Bell, Charlotte Haigh, Indri Susilowati, Marzuki Isahak, Kitiphong Harncharoen, Toai Nguyen, and Wah Yun Low. "Depression, Anxiety and Stress among Small and Medium Enterprise Workers in Indonesia, Malaysia, Thailand, and Vietnam." International Journal Of Occupational Health and Public Health Nursing 3, no. 2 (2016): 13-29.
Journal Article
Sheikh, Kabir, Lakshmi K Josyula, Xiulan Zhang, Maryam Bigdeli, and Syed Masud Ahmed. "Governing the mixed health workforce: learning from Asian experiences." BMJ Global Health 2, no. 2 (2017).
Journal Article
Houy, Chandy, Sam Ol Ha, Margit Steinholt, Eystein Skjerve, and Hans Husum. "Delivery as Trauma: A Prospective Time-Cohort Study of Maternal and Perinatal Mortality in Rural Cambodia." Prehospital and Disaster Medicine 32, no. 2 (2017): 180-186.
Journal Article
Durham, Jo, Melissa Warner, Alongkone Phengsavanh, Vanphanom Sychareun, Viengnakhone Vongxay, and Keith Rickart. "Stakeholder Analysis of Community Distribution of Misoprostol in Lao PDR: A Qualitative Study." PloS one 11, no. 9 (2016): e0162154.
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