
Showing 1-3 of 3
Conference Paper
Uche, Chukwudum, and Gloria Vincent-Osaghae. "Adolescent sexual behaviour: A study of Nigerian villages." IUSSP General Conference. Salvador, Brazil, August 18-24, 2001.
Journal Article
Pathak, K.B., Griffith Feeney, and Norman Y Luther. "Accelerating India's fertility decline: The role of temporary contraceptive methods." (1998) National Family Health Survey Bulletin.
Journal Article
Ebenehi, O, NM Saddiq, O Oyinbo, AA Muhammad, and JO Ichi. "Impact of the national poverty eradication programme (napep) on rural livelihood in kogi state, Nigeria." Sokoto Journal of the Social Sciences 2, no. 1 (2012): 26-36.
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