
Showing 1-16 of 16
Thesis or Dissertation
Yukich, J. "Costs and consequences of malaria control in sub-Saharan Africa. the economics of vector control and parasitological diagnosis." PHD Thesis, University of Basel, Faculty of Science, 2009.
Journal Article
Yukich, Joshua O, Mehari Zerom, Tewolde Ghebremeskel, Fabrizio Tediosi, and Christian Lengeler. "Costs and cost-effectiveness of vector control in Eritrea using insecticide-treated bed nets." Malaria Journal 8, no. 1 (2009).
Journal Article
Eisele, Thomas P, Kate Macintyre, Josh Yukich, and Tewolde Ghebremeskel. "Interpreting household survey data intended to measure insecticide-treated bednet coverage: results from two surveys in Eritrea." (2006) Malaria Journal.
Journal Article
Eisele, Thomas P, David A Larsen, Neff Walker, Richard E Cibulskis, Joshua O Yukich, Charlotte M Zikusooka, and Richard W Steketee. "Estimates of child deaths prevented from malaria prevention scale-up in Africa 2001-2010." Malaria Journal 11, no. 93 (2012): 0-0.
Journal Article
Jaeger, Mulako S, Olivier JT Briet, Joseph Keating, Collins K Ahorlu, Joshua O Yukich, Samuel Oppong, Peter Nardini, and Constanze Pfeiffer. "Perceptions on the effect of small electric fans on comfort inside bed nets in southern Ghana: a qualitative study." Malaria Journal 15, no. 1 (2016).
Journal Article
Briet, Olivier JT, Joshua O Yukich, Constanze Pfeiffer, William Miller, Mulako S Jaeger, Nitin Khanna, Samuel Oppong, Peter Nardini, Collins K Ahorlu, and Joseph Keating. "The effect of small solar powered ‘Bͻkͻͻ’net fans on mosquito net use: results from a randomized controlled cross-over trial in southern Ghana." Malaria Journal 16, no. 1 (2017).
Journal Article
Yukich, Joshua O, Olivier JT Briet, Collins K Ahorlu, Peter Nardini, and Joseph Keating. "Willingness to pay for small solar powered bed net fans: results of a Becker-DeGroot-Marschak auction in Ghana." Malaria Journal 16, no. 1 (2017): 316.
Journal Article
Bennett, Adam, Donal Bisanzio, Joshua O Yukich, Bonnie Mappin, Cristin A Fergus, Michael Lynch, Richard E Cibulskis, Samir Bhatt, Daniel J Weiss, and Ewan Cameron. "Population coverage of artemisinin-based combination treatment in children younger than 5 years with fever and Plasmodium falciparum infection in Africa, 2003-2015: a modelling study using data from national surveys." The Lancet Global Health 5, no. 4 (2017): e418-e427.
Journal Article
Meekers, Dominique, and Joshua O Yukich. "The association between household bed net ownership and all-cause child mortality in Madagascar." Malaria journal 15, no. 1 (2016).
Journal Article
Clouston, Sean AP, Josh Yukich, and Phil Anglewicz. "Social inequalities in malaria knowledge, prevention and prevalence among children under 5 years old and women aged 15-49 in Madagascar." Malaria journal 14, no. 1 (2015).
Journal Article
Koenker, Hannah M, Joshua O Yukich, Alex Mkindi, Renata Mandike, Nick Brown, Albert Kilian, and Christian Lengeler. "Analysing and recommending options for maintaining universal coverage with long-lasting insecticidal nets: the case of Tanzania in 2011." Malaria Journal 12, no. 1 (2013): 150.
Journal Article
Yukich, Joshua O, Cameron Taylor, Thomas P Eisele, Richard Reithinger, Honelgn Nauhassenay, Yemane Berhane, and Joseph Keating. "Travel history and malaria infection risk in a low-transmission setting in Ethiopia: a case control study." Malaria journal 12, no. 1 (2013).
Journal Article
Bennett, Adam, Joshua Yukich, John M Miller, Penelope Vounatsou, Busiku Hamainza, Mercy M Ingwe, Hawela B Moonga, Mulakwo Kamuliwo, Joseph Keating, and Thomas A Smith. "A methodological framework for the improved use of routine health system data to evaluate national malaria control programs: evidence from Zambia." Population Health Metrics 12, no. 1 (2014): 30.
Journal Article
Paz-Soldan, Valerie A, Josh Yukich, Amara Soonthorndhada, Maziel Giron, Charles S Apperson, Loganathan Ponnusamy, Coby Schal, Amy C Morrison, Joseph Keating, and Dawn M Wesson. "Design and testing of novel lethal ovitrap to reduce populations of Aedes mosquitoes: community-based participatory research between industry, academia and communities in Peru and Thailand." PloS one 11, no. 8 (2016): e0160386.
Showing 1-16 of 16