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Shargie, Estifanos B, Teshome Gebre, Jeremiah Ngondi, Patricia M Graves, Aryc W Mosher, Paul M Emerson, Yeshewamebrat Ejigsemahu, Tekola Endeshaw, Dereje Olana, Asrat WeldeMeskel, Admas Teferra, Zerihun Tadesse, Abate Tilahun, Gedeon Yohannes, and Frank O Richards. "Malaria prevalence and mosquito net coverage in Oromia and SNNPR regions of Ethiopia." (2008) BMC Public Health.
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Shargie, Estifanos, Jeremiah Ngondi, Patricia Graves, Asefaw Getachew, Jimee Hwang, Teshome Gebre, Aryk Mosher, Pietro Ceccato, Daddi Jima, Zerihun Tadesse, Eskindir Tenaw, Richard Reithinger, Paul Emerson, Frank Richards, and Tedros Ghebreyesus. "Rapid increase in ownership and use of long-lasting insecticidal nets and decrease in prevalence of malaria in three regional States of Ethiopia (2006-2007)." (2010) Journal of Tropical Medicine.
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