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Showing 1-30 of 269
Journal Article
Kukeyinge, Shopati Abner, Kabwebwe Honore Mitonga, and Isaacs Albert Johannes.
Staff members’ satisfaction level with the ministry of health and social services strategic plan implementation at three intermediate public hospitals in Namibia
International Journal of Health 5, no. 1 (2017): 48-54.
Journal Article
Fernand, Facile, Allen G Ross, and Henry B Perry.
Assessing the causes of under-five mortality in the Albert Schweitzer Hospital service area of rural Haiti
Pan American Journal of Public Health 18, no. 3 (2005): 178-186.
Working Paper
Isaacs, Hedy.
Regional policy dialogue public policy management and transparency network
Isaacs, Gilad.
Financialisation and Development: The South African Case Study
Working Paper
Savahl, Shazly, Sabirah Adams, Serena Isaacs, Gaironeesa Hendricks, Arnold Matzdorff, Cassandra Wagenaar, Lameez Abrahams, and Rose September.
Children’s Worlds National Report South Africa
J, Baird, Talia Isaacs, Sandra Johnson, Gordon Stobart, Guoxing Yu, Terra Sprague, and Richard Daugherty.
Policy effects of PISA
Journal Article
Isaacs, Thuraya, Mzudumile R Ngwanya, Sipho Dlamini, and Rannakoe J Lehloenya.
Annular erythema and photosensitivity as manifestations of efavirenz-induced cutaneous reactions: a review of five consecutive cases
Journal of Antimicrobial Chemotherapy 68, no. 12 (2013): 2871-2874.
Working Paper
Isaacs, Gilad.
The commodification, commercialisation and financialisation of low-cost housing in South Africa
Journal Article
Albert, Simon, Shankar Aswani, Paul L Fisher, and Joelle Albert.
Keeping food on the table: human responses and changing coastal fisheries in solomon islands
PloS one 10, no. 7 (2015).
Journal Article
Singh, Mitesh, Nombulelo P Magula, Sudesh Hariparshad, and Alain GH Assounga.
A comparison of urban and rural patients with chronic kidney disease referred to Inkosi Albert Luthuli Central Hospital in Durban, South Africa
African Journal of Nephrology 20, no. 1 (2017): 34-38.
Book Section
Jakab, Melitta, Alexander S Preker, Chitra Krishnan, Pia Schneider, Francois Diop, Johannes P Jutting, Anil Gumber, M K Ranson, and Siripen Supakankunti.
Health financing for poor people: resource mobilization and risk sharing
(2004) Chapter 5: Analysis of community financing using household surveys .
Journal Article
Fedderke, Johannes, and J M Luiz.
Production of educational output: Time-series evidence from socioeconomically heterogeneous populations—the case of South Africa, 1927–1993
Economic Development and Cultural Change 51, no. 1 (2002): pp. 1.
Okwero, Peter, Ajay Tandon, Susan Sparkes, Julie McLaughlin, and Johannes G Hoogeveen.
Fiscal space for health in Uganda
Washington, DC, USA: World Bank Publications, 2010.
Journal Article
Fedderke, Johannes.
The structure of growth in the South African economy: Factor accumulation and total factor productivity growth 1970-97
South African Journal of Economics 70, no. 4 (2002): 282-299.
Blas, Erik S, Johannes Sommerfeld, and Anand S Kurup.
Social determinants approaches to public health: from concept to practice
Mueller, Johannes.
Namibia: Selected Issues and Statistical Appendix
: International Monetary Fund, 2005.
Silaen, Victor.
Dokter Johannes Leimena, Negarawan Sejati dan Politisi Berhati Nurani
: BPK Gunung Mulia, 2007.
Working Paper
Herrmann, Johannes, and Kamira M Sánchez.
Impact of Higher Education on Firm‘s Innovativeness
Journal Article
Hoogeveen, Johannes G, and Youdi Schipper.
Correcting Survey Non-Response With Census Data
(2005) Journal of African Statistics.
Thesis or Dissertation
Nhlapo, Sibusiso Johannes.
The potential short and long term benefits of major infrastructure projects to the South African economy
University of Johannesburg, 2013.
Working Paper
Magenheim, Johannes.
Towards a competence model for educational standards of informatics
Alderman, Harold, Johannes Hoogeveen, and Mariacristina Rossi.
Preschool nutrition and subsequent schooling attainment: longitudinal evidence from Tanzania
Working Paper
Bogetic, Zeljko, and Johannes Fedderke.
Forecasting investment needs in South Africa's electricity and telecommunications sectors
World Bank Policy Research Working Paper , no. 3829 (2006).
Journal Article
Grab, Johannes, and Jan Priebe.
Low malnutrition but high mortality: Explaining the paradox of the lake Victoria Region
(2009) Ibero America Institute for Econ. Research (IAI) Discussion Papers.
Working Paper
Croke, Kevin, Andrew Dabalen, Gabriel Demombynes, Marcelo Giugale, and Johannes Hoogeveen.
Collecting high-frequency data using mobile phones: Do timely data lead to accountability?
Hango, Johannes Ndeutapo.
Prevention of development and spread of Multi-Drug Resistant (MDR) tuberculosis in Ohangwena region, Namibia
: Royal tropical institute (KIT), 2009.
Working Paper
Fedderke, Johannes, Jeenesh Manga, and Farah Pirouz.
Challenging Cassandra: Household and per capita household income distribution in the October Household Surveys 1995-1999, Income and Expenditure Surveys 1995 & 2000, and the Labour Force Survey 2000
Economic Research Southern Africa , no. 13 (2004).
Working Paper
Hoogeveen, Johannes G, and Berk Özler.
Not separate, not equal: Poverty and inequality in post-Apartheid South Africa
William Davidson Institute Working Paper no. 739 , no. wp739 (2005).
Working Paper
Ghobadi, Negar, Johannes Koettl, and Renos Vakis.
Moving out of poverty: migration insights from rural Afghanistan
Thesis or Dissertation
Kip, Johannes Pieter.
The prevalence of obstructed labour among pregnant women at a selected hospital, west Wollega, Ethiopia
Master of Public Health, University of South Africa, 2013.
Showing 1-30 of 269