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Showing 181-210 of 394
Journal Article
Gururaj, G, N Girish, and M K Isaac.
Mental, neurological and substance abuse disorders: Strategies towards a systems approach
(2005) Burden of Disease in India.
Working Paper
Seekings, Jeremy, Karin Alexander, Tracy Jooste, and Isaac Matzner.
The 2003 Cape area study (CAS 3): A user’s guide
CSSR Working Paper , no. 61 (2004).
Journal Article
Ogendi, George M, and Isaac M Ong'oa.
Water Policy, Accessibility and Water Ethics in Kenya
Santa Clara Journal of International Law 7, no. 1 (2009): 0-0.
Bizumuremyi M, Isaac.
The Mapping Exercise on Child Protection Programs in Rwanda
Journal Article
Lucas, Adrienne M, and Isaac M Mbiti.
Access, sorting, and achievement: the short-run effects of free primary education in Kenya
American Economic Journal: Applied Economics 4, no. 4 (2012): 226-253.
Journal Article
Singh, Susheela, Altaf Hossain, Isaac Maddow-Zimet, Hadayeat U Bhuiyan, Michael Vlassoff, and Rubina Hussain.
The Incidence of Menstrual Regulation Procedures and Abortion in Bangladesh, 2010
International Perspectives on Sexual and Reproductive Health 38, no. 3 (2012): 122-132.
Journal Article
Arku, Godwin, Paul Mkandawire, Isaac Luginaah, and Philip Baiden.
Spatial Inequalities. Health, Poverty, and Place in Accra, Ghana
(2013) GeoJournal Library.
Domfe, George, Isaac Osei-Akoto, Franklin Amuakwa-Mensah, and George Owusu.
Labour market analysis and business process outsourcing in Ghana: Poverty reduction through information and digital employment initiative
: University of KwaZulu-Natal Durban, 2013.
Yeboah-Manu, Dorothy, Adwoa Asante-Poku, Isaac Darko, Frank Bonsu Otchere, and Collins K Ahorlu.
Towards Effective Disease Control in Ghana: Research and Policy Implications: Volume 2 Other Infectious Diseases and Health Systems
Journal Article
Adeath, Isaac Azuz, and Evelia Rivera Arriaga.
Estimacion del crecimiento poblacional para los estados costeros de Mexico
Papeles de Poblacion 13, no. 51 (2007): 187-211.
Working Paper
Bird, Kate, Andy McKay, and Isaac Shinyekwa.
Isolation and Poverty: The Relationship between Spatially Differentiated Access to Goods and Services and Poverty
ODI; CPRC , no. 322/162 (2010).
Working Paper
Jayne, T S, Antony Chapoto, Isaac Minde, and Cynthia Donovan.
Tthe 2008/09 food price and food security situation in Eastern and Southern Africa: Implications for immediate and longer run responses
Book Section
Burnley, Stephen, Richard Kimbowa, and Isaac Banadda Nswa.
Environment, Development, and Sustainability: Perspectives and Cases from Around the World
(2010) Municipal Waste Management and the Environmental Health Challenge: A Tale of Two Cities.
Working Paper
Shinyekwa, Isaac, and Sam Hickey.
PRS Review: Uganda Case Study
Chronic Poverty Research Centre WP , no. 2008-09 (2007).
Van Asten, Piet, Ibrahim Wanyama, David Mukasa, Ruth Nansamba, James Kisaakye, Isaac Sserubiri, Ghislaine Bongers, and Laurence Jassogne.
Mapping and Evaluating Improved Intercrop and Soil Management Options for Ugandan Coffee Farmers
Journal Article
Sitienei, Isaac, Ashok K Mishra, and Aditya R Khanal.
Informal “Ganyu” Labor Supply, and Food Security: The Case of Malawi
(2016) Food Security in a Food Abundant World (Frontiers of Economics and Globalization, Volume 16).
Tamba, Isaac.
Planification des plans nationaux de developpement conformes aux OMD. Le cas du Cameroun.
: Organisation des Nations Unies Commission économique pour l'Afrique, 2010.
Thesis or Dissertation
Quiroz, Osler Castillo D, Erick E Godinez, Sandra M Angel, Norma G Mora Perez, and Isaac V Gonzalez.
Campaña de publicidad emocional para México unido contra la delincuencia AC
Titulo de Licenciado, Instituto Politecnico Nacional, 2016.
Journal Article
Oduro, Abena D, and Isaac Osei-Akoto.
Market participation and rural poverty in Ghana in the era of globalization
African Development Review 20, no. 1 (2008): 94-114.
Journal Article
Tebeu, Pierre Marie, J.D Kemfang Ngowa, D. Isaac Sandjong, Eugene Kongnyuy, Gregory Halle, and Anderson Sama Doh.
Geographic distribution of childbirth among adolescents in Cameroon from 2003 to 2005
(2010) Obstetrics and Gynecology International.
Working Paper
Kalonda-Kanyama, Isaac.
Civil war, sexual violence and HIV infections: Evidence from the Democratic Republic of the Congo
Journal Article
Addai, Isaac.
Religious affiliation and sexual initiation among Ghanaian women
(2000) Review of religious research.
Journal Article
Bhasin, Vijay K, Camara Obeng, and Isaac Bentum-Ennin.
Fertility, income and poverty of households in Ghana
Journal Article
Takyi, Baffour, and Isaac Addai.
Religious affiliation, marital processes and women's educational attainment in a developing society
Sociology of religion 63, no. 2 (2002): 177.
Journal Article
Ahmad, Omar B, Isaac W Eberstein, and David F Sly.
Proximate determinants of child mortality in Liberia
(1991) Journal of Biosocial Science.
Journal Article
Krakowiak-Redd, Daisy, Daniel Ansong, Easmon Otupiri, Sally Tran, Dana Klanderud, Isaac Boakye, Ty Dickerson, and Benjamin Crookston.
Family planning in a sub-district near Kumasi, Ghana: Side effect fears, unintended pregnancies and misuse of a medication as emergency contraception
African Journal of Reproductive Health September 15, no. 3 (2011): 121-132.
Journal Article
Bankole, Akinrola, Gilda Sedgh, Boniface Oye-Adeniran, Isaac Adewole, Rubina Hussain, and Susheela Singh.
Abortion-seeking behaviour among Nigerian women
Journal of Biosocial Science 40, no. 2 (2008): 247-268.
Journal Article
Sedgh, Gilda, Akinrinola Bankole, Boniface Oye-Adeniran, Isaac F Adewole, Susheela Singh, and Rubina Hussain.
Unwanted pregnancy and associated factors among Nigerian women
(2006) International Family Planning Perspectives.
Journal Article
Ruijven, Bas J, Detlef P Vuuren, Bert Vries, Morna Isaac, Jeroen Sluijs, Paul Lucas, and P. Balachandra.
Model projections for household energy use in India
Energy Policy 39, no. 12 (2011): 7747-7761.
Journal Article
Oduola, Adedayo O, Judith B Olojede, Isaac O Oyewole, Olubunmi A Otubanjo, and Taiwo S Awolola.
Abundance and diversity of Anopheles species (Diptera: Culicidae) associated with malaria transmission in human dwellings in rural and urban communities in Oyo State, Southwestern Nigeria
Parasitology research 112, no. 10 (2013): 3433-3439.
Showing 181-210 of 394