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Showing 61-90 of 237
Thesis or Dissertation
Pila Cárdenas N, Mayra.
Ecuador como destino turístico emergente: orígenes y evolución reciente de la actividad
Grado de Turismo, Universidad de Sevilla, 2015.
Thesis or Dissertation
Roa P, Jeimi Torres.
Formulación de un plan financiero para adquisición de vivienda orientado a familias de estratos 1 y 2
Maestría, Universidad Militar Nueva Granada, 2015.
Thesis or Dissertation
Dorband, Ira.
Using Revenues from Carbon Pricing to Close Infrastructure Access Gaps-Distributional Impacts on Nigerian Households
Master’s Thesis, Freie Universität Berlin, 2016.
Thesis or Dissertation
Ferraz C, João Silvério Rocha.
Capacidade adicional de trabalho dos idosos brasileiros
Título de Magister, Universidade Federal de Viçosa, 2017.
Journal Article
Sen, Binayak, Mustafa Mujeri, and Quazi Shahabuddin.
Explaining pro-poor growth in Bangladesh: puzzles, evidence, and implications
(2006) Delivering on the Promise of Pro-poor Growth.
Sen, Binayak, and David Hulme.
Chronic poverty in Bangladesh: tales of ascent, descent, marginality and persistence
: Bangladesh Institute of Development Studies (BIDS) , 2005.
Sen, Gita, Piroska Ostlin, and Asha George.
Unequal, unfair, ineffective and inefficient. Gender inequity in health: why it exists and how we can change it
: WHO Commission on Social Determinants of Health, 2007.
Journal Article
Himanshu, and Abhijit Sen.
Poverty and Inequality in India: II: Widening Disparities during the 1990s
(2004) Economic and Political Weekly.
Journal Article
Palmer-Jones, Richard, and Kunal Sen.
On India's poverty puzzles and statistics of poverty
(2001) Economic and Political Weekly.
Book Section
Palmer-Jones, Richard, and K. Sen.
India Macroeconomics Annual 2006
(2006) Did Agricultural Growth Trickle Down in India? What do we Really-Really Know?.
Journal Article
Palmer-Jones, Richard, and K. Sen.
Did agricultural growth trickle down in India? What do we really-really know?
(2006) India Macroeconomics Annual 2006.
Sen, Tapas K, H K Amarnath, Mita Choudhury, and Anit Mukherjee.
Financing human development in Tamilnadu: Consolidating and building upon achievements
New Delhi, India: National Institute of Public Finance and Policy, 2008.
Journal Article
Sen, Abhijit.
Estimates of consumer expenditure and its distribution: Statistical priorities after NSS 55th round
(2000) Economic and Political weekly.
Desai, Sonalde B, Amaresh Dubey, Brij L Joshi, Mitali Sen, Abusaleh Shariff, and Reeve Vanneman.
Human development in India: Challenges for a society in transition
New Delhi, India: Oxford University Press, 2010.
Sen, Tapas K, H.K. Amar Nath, Mita Choudhury, and Protiva Kundu.
Fiscal reforms, persistent poverty, and human development: The case of Orissa
New Delhi, India: National Institute of Public Finance and Policy, 2008.
Sen, Tapas, Amar Nath, Mita Choudhury, and Surajit Das.
Rapid transition of a young state to maturity: Resources for human development in Chhattisgarh
New Delhi, India: National Institute of Public Finance and Policy New Delhi , 2010.
Conference Paper
Cappa, Claudia.
An application of Sen’s capability approach to well-being distribution in India: sorting out the issues.
The 4th International Conference on the Capability Approach “Enhancing Human Security”.
Pavla, Italy, September 5-7, 2004.
Book Section
Narayan, Deepa, Binayak Sen, and Ashutosh Varshney.
Moving out of poverty: The promise of empowerment and democracy in India
(2009) Who benefits from conflict? Some evidence from Assam.
Sen, Soham, and Mikael Hook.
Gender-inclusive nutrition activities in South Asia: mapping report
: World Bank South Asia Region - Social Development Unit, 2012.
Working Paper
Ravallion, Martin, and Binayak Sen.
When Method Matters: Toward a Resolution of the Debate about Bangladesh's Poverty Measures
(1994) Policy Research WP 1359.
Working Paper
Sen, Binayak, Mustafa K Mujeri, and Quazi Shahabuddin.
Operationalizing Pro-Poor Growth: Bangladesh as a Case Study
Working Paper
Osmani, S. R, Wahiduddin Mahmud, Binayak Sen, Hulya Dagdeviren, and Anuradha Seth.
The Macroeconomics of Poverty Reduction: The Case Study of Bangladesh
United Nations Development Programme.
Working Paper
Sen, Binayak, Mansur Ahmed, Mohammad Yunus, and Zulfiqar Ali.
Regional Inequality in Bangladesh in the 2000s: Re-Visiting the East-West Divide Debate
(2014) BIDS-REF Study Series No.14-01 .
Journal Article
Sen, AS, and RN Basu.
Economics of Health: The Cost of Tuberculosis
Sen, S.
Tribes and Castes of Manipur: Description and Select Bibliography
New Delhi, India: Mittal Publications, 1992.
Working Paper
Kynch, Jocelyn, and Amartya Sen.
Indian women: well-being and survival
Cambridge Journal of Economics 7, no. 3/4 (1983): 363-380.
Sen, A.
Psycho-social Integration of the Handicapped: A Challenge to the Society
New Delhi, India: Mittal Publications, 1988.
Working Paper
Hazra, Sugata, Tuhin Ghosh, Rajashree DasGupta, and Gautam Sen.
Sea level and associated changes in the Sundarbans
Science and Culture 68, no. 9/12 (2002): 309-321.
Working Paper
Tisdell, Clem, Kartik Roy, and Ananda Ghose.
Sen's theory of entitlement and the deprivation of females: an assessment with Indian illustrations
(1999) Social economics, policy and development.
Working Paper
Bisai, Samiran, Dilip Mahalanabis, Amitava Sen, Kaushik Bose, and Nandini Datta.
Maternal early second trimester pregnancy weight in relation to birth outcome among Bengalee Hindus of Kolkata, India
Annals of human biology 34, no. 1 (2007): 91-101.
Showing 61-90 of 237