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Showing 181-210 of 237
Journal Article
O’Neill, Antonia, Debra Phillips, Sothea Kok, E E Chea, B B Seng, and Bhaskar Sen Gupta.
Arsenic in groundwater and its influence on exposure risks through traditionally cooked rice in Prey Veng Province, Cambodia
(2013) Journal of hazardous materials.
Working Paper
Santos, Vanessa C, and José Sousa J Lemos.
Mapeamento da Pobreza no Estado do Rio de Janeiro: Um Estudo Através de Análise Multivariada
Journal Article
Sokchea, An, and Richard J Culas.
Impact of Contract Farming with Farmer Organizations on Farmers’ Income: A Case Study of Reasmey Stung Sen Agricultural Development Cooperative in Cambodia
(2015) Australasian Agribusiness Review.
Beresford, Melanie, Nguon Sokha, Rathin Roy, Sau Sisovanna, and Ceema Namazie.
The macroeconomics of poverty reduction in Cambodia
: Asia-Pacific Regional Programme on the Macroeconomics of Poverty Reduction, UNDP, 2004.
Thesis or Dissertation
Mhagama, Peter Matthews.
Community radio as a tool for development: a case study of community radio stations in Malawi
Doctor of Philosophy, University of Leicester, 2015.
Journal Article
Ebenstein, Avraham.
Estimating a dynamic model of sex selection in China
Demography 48, no. 2 (2011): 783-811.
Working Paper
Ebenstein Y, Avraham.
Fertility choices and sex selection in Asia: Analysis and Policy
Journal Article
Olatokun, Wole Michael.
Analysing socio-demographic differences in access and use of ICTs in Nigeria using the capability approach
(2009) Issues in Informing Science and Information Technology.
Journal Article
Bose, MM, AM Abdullah, I Kasim, R Harun, KH Mande, and AC Abdullahi.
Rainfall Trend Detection in Northern Nigeria over the Period of 1970-2012
Journal of Environment and Earth Science 5, no. 2 (2015): 94-99.
Thesis or Dissertation
Omomowo, Kolawole Emmanuel.
The lords of poverty? Micro-credit institutions and social reproduction in South Africa
Doctor of Philosophy in Sociology , University of the Western Cape , 2015.
Journal Article
Miller, David C, Anindita Sen, Lydia B Malley, and Stephanie D Burns.
Comparative Indicators of Education in the United States and Other G-8 Countries: 2009.
(2009) National Center for Education Statistics.
Journal Article
Isran, Samina, and Manzoor A Isran.
Low Female Labour Participation in Pakistan: Causes and Consequences
Pakistan Journal of Social Sciences (PJSS) 32, no. 1 (2013): 163-178.
Journal Article
Tandon, Ajay, Juzhong Zhuang, and Somnath Chatterji.
Inclusiveness of economic growth in the People's Republic of China: what do population health outcomes tell us?
Asian Development Review 23, no. 2 (2006).
Journal Article
Attwood, Heidi, Kathleen Diga, Einar Braathen, and Julian May.
Telecentre functionality in South Africa: Re-enabling the community ICT access environment
The Journal of Community Informatics 9, no. 4 (2013).
Thesis or Dissertation
Guttentag, Mauricio Moscoso J, and Kunal Sen.
Financial Development and Economic Growth: The Bolivian Case
MSc, 2011.
Journal Article
Sajoux, Muriel, and Abdelmounaim Aboussad.
Demographie, vulnerabilite socioeconomique et sante
(2011) Sante et vulnerabilites au Maroc.
Qizilbash, Mozaffar, David Clark, Dudley Horner, and Faldie Esau.
Poverty, Vulnerability and Vagueness
Journal Article
Diagana, Bocar, Adrien Mankor, Cheickh Sadibou Fall, and Adama Gueye.
Agriculture durable et réduction de la pauvreté dans le Bassin arachidier du Sénégal: Résultats du Modèle Analyse Tradeoffs
Réflexions et Perspectives 6, no. 5 (2008).
Journal Article
Bello, RA, GOA Toyebi, IO Balogun, and SB Akanbi.
Poverty Alleviation Programmes and Economic Development in Nigeria: A Comparative Assessment of Asa and Ilorin West Local Govt. Areas of Kwara State, Nigeria
African Research Review 3, no. 4 (2009): 283-297.
Abokede, Aderonke Funmi Kolade.
The Gender Agenda: Bargaining with Political Parties in Osun State, Nigeria
: Erasmus University, 2008.
Journal Article
Fabiyi, YL, MO Adetunji, and JT Ayanwola.
The Incidence and Severity of Poverty among Small-scale Farmers in Ogbomoso Area of Oyo State
International Journal of Agricultural Economics & Rural Development 1, no. 2 (2008): 108-114.
Balihuta, Arsene M, and Kunal Sen.
Macroeconomic policies and rural livelihood diversification: A Ugandan case study
: University of East Anglia Norwich, 2001.
Journal Article
Gaire, Kamal, Ruth Beilin, and Fiona Miller.
Withdrawing, resisting, maintaining and adapting: food security and vulnerability in Jumla, Nepal
Regional Environmental Change 15, no. 8 (2015): 1667-1678.
Journal Article
Sam, Koyel, and Namita Chakma.
An Inter-Block Level Analysis of Regional Disparity in the Youngest Alipurduar District of West Bengal
Space and Culture, India 3, no. 3 (2016): 10-20.
Journal Article
Knipe, Duleeka W, Shu-Sen Chang, Andrew Dawson, Michael Eddleston, Flemming Konradsen, Chris Metcalfe, and David Gunnell.
Suicide prevention through means restriction: Impact of the 2008-2011 pesticide restrictions on suicide in Sri Lanka
PLoS one 12, no. 3 (2017): e0172893.
Thesis or Dissertation
Duong, Hau Thi Bich.
Industrialization and poverty eradication in Vietnam
Doctor of Philosophy, The Univeristy of Wollongong, 2016.
Book Section
Ngoc, Ca Tran.
Universities, Inclusive Development and Social Innovation
(2017) Universities and Inclusive Innovation for Development: Concepts and Practices in Vietnam.
Book Section
Gartrell, Alexandra, and Elizabeth Hoban.
Disability in the Global South
(2016) ‘Locked in Space’: Rurality and the Politics of Location.
Thesis or Dissertation
Budike, Jurgen.
Suriname’s Social Housing Policy: Challenges & Opportunities of Achieving Affordable Housing for All
Master of Public Administration, Sun Yat-sen University, School of Government , 2016.
Journal Article
Gomez-Salcedo, Monica Sofia, Luis Armando Galvis-Aponte, and Vicente Royuela.
Quality of Work Life in Colombia: A Multidimensional Fuzzy Indicator
Social Indicators Research 130, no. 3 (2017): 911-936.
Showing 181-210 of 237