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Showing 31-60 of 133
Journal Article
Larsen, David A, Ingrid K Friberg, and Thomas P Eisele.
Comparison of Lives Saved Tool model child mortality estimates against measured data from vector control studies in sub-Saharan Africa
BMC public health 11, no. Suppl 3 (2011): S34.
Bhorat, Haroon, Murray Leibbrandt, Muzi Maziya, Servaas van der Berg , and Ingrid Woolard.
Fighting poverty: labour markets and inequality in South Africa
Cape Town, South Africa: Juta Academic, 2001.
Working Paper
Thompson, Keith, and Ingrid Woolard.
Achieving employment equity in the public service: A study of changes between 1995 and 2001
Working Paper
Woolard, Ingrid.
A comparison of wage levels and wage inequality in the public and private sectors, 1995 and 2000
DPRU Working Paper , no. 02/62 (2002).
Acuña, Carlos Zelada J, Cynthia S Ticllacuri, Ingrid D Castillo, Paula S Bavio, Beatriz R Huaroto, and Julissa M Falcón.
Los derechos de las mujeres en la mira. Perú
Working Paper
Eyal, Katherine, and Ingrid Woolard.
School Enrolment and the Child Support Grant: Evidence from South Africa
SALDRU Working Paper , no. 125 (2013).
Working Paper
Woolard, Ingrid, Thabani Buthelezi, and Jonathan Bertsher.
Child grants: Analysis of the NIDS Wave 1 and 2 Datasets
Saldru Working Paper , no. 84 (2012).
Journal Article
Leibbrandt, Murray, and Ingrid Woolard.
A comparison of poverty in South Africa's nine provinces
Development Southern Africa 16, no. 1 (1999): 37-54.
Journal Article
Burger, Rulof, and Ingrid Woolard.
The state of the labour market in South Africa after the first decade of democracy
Journal of Vocational Education & Training 57, no. 4 (2005): 453-476.
Journal Article
Klasen, Stephan, and Ingrid Woolard.
Surviving unemployment without state support: Unemployment and household formation in South Africa
Journal of African Economies 18, no. 1 (2009).
Working Paper
Leibbrandt, Murray, and Ingrid Woolard.
Household incomes, poverty and inequality in a multivariate framework
DPRU Working Paper , no. 31 (1999).
Journal Article
Leibbrandt, Murray, Pranushka Naidoo, Laura Poswell, Matthew Welch, and Ingrid Woolard.
South African poverty and inequality: Measuring the changes
(2004) Economic Transformation Audit .
Working Paper
Argent, Jonathan, Arden Finn, Murray Leibbrandt, and Ingrid Woolard.
Poverty: Analysis of the NIDS Wave 1 dataset
(2009) NIDS Discussion Paper no.13.
Working Paper
Finn, Arden, Murray Leibbrandt, and Ingrid Woolard.
Income & expenditure inequality: Analysis of the NIDS Wave 1 dataset
(2009) NIDS Discussion Paper no.5.
Working Paper
Leibbrandt, Murray, Ingrid Woolard, Arden Finn, and Jonathan Argent.
Trends in South African income distribution and poverty since the fall of Apartheid
(2010) OECD Social, Employment and Migration Working Papers no.101.
Working Paper
Leibbrandt, Murray, Ingrid Woolard, and Louise de Villiers.
Methodology: Report on NIDS Wave 1
(2009) NIDS Technical Paper no.1.
Journal Article
Leibbrandt, Murray, Vimal Ranchhod, and Ingrid Woolard.
Introduction to the special edition on the South African National Income Dynamics Study
Journal for Studies in Economics and Econometrics 34, no. 3 (2010): 1-5.
Working Paper
McEwen, Hayley, Catherine Kannemeyer, and Ingrid Woolard.
Social assistance grants: Analysis of the NIDS Wave 1 dataset
(2009) NIDS Discussion Paper no.10.
Journal Article
Woolard, Ingrid, Murray Leibbrandt, and Louise de Villiers.
The South African National Income Dynamics Study: design and methodological issues
Journal for Studies in Economics and Econometrics 34, no. 3 (2010): 7-24.
Working Paper
Banerjee, Abhijit, Sebastian F Galiani, Jim A Levinsohn, Zoë McLaren, and Ingrid Woolard.
Why has unemployment risen in the new South Africa?
Nber Working Paper Series , no. 13167 (2007).
Journal Article
Woolard, Ingrid, and Stephan Klasen.
Determinants of income mobility and household poverty dynamics in South Africa
Journal of Development Studies 41, no. 5 (2005): 865-897.
Conference Paper
Eyal, Katherine, and Ingrid Woolard.
Female labour force participation and South Africa's Child Support Grant
CSAE 25th Anniversary Conference 2011: Economic Development in Africa.
March 8, 2011.
Working Paper
Banerjee, Abhijit, Sebastian Galiani, Jim Levinsohn, Zoë McLaren, and Ingrid Woolard.
Why has unemployment risen in the new South Africa?
International Policy Center Working Paper Series , no. 35 (2006).
Working Paper
Eyal, Katherine, and Ingrid Woolard.
Throwing the book at the CSG
Southern Africa Labour and Development Research Unit , no. 53 (2011).
Working Paper
Woolard, Ingrid, and Murray Leibbrandt.
The evolution and impact of unconditional cash transfers in South Africa
Southern Africa Labour and Development Research Unit , no. 51 (2010).
Journal Article
McEwen, Hayley, and Ingrid Woolard.
The fiscal cost of child grants in the context of high adult mortality in South Africa: A simulation to 2015
Development Southern Africa 29, no. 1 (2012): 141-156.
Journal Article
Thang, Nguyen Minh, Ingrid Elizabeth Swenson, Vuy Den Man, and Phan Trinh.
Contraceptive use in Vietnam: the effect of individual and community characteristics
Contraception 45, no. 5 (1992): 409-427.
Journal Article
Luc, Nguyen, Nguyen Minh Thang, Ingrid Swenson, and Pham Bich San.
Selected determinants of fertility in Vietnam: age at marriage, marriage to first birth interval and age at first birth
(1993) J. biosoc. Sci.
Journal Article
Thang, Nguyen Minh, and Ingrid Swenson.
Variations in Vietnamese marriages, births and infant deaths by months of the Julian calendar and years of the Vietnamese and Chinese astrological calendars
Journal of biosocial Science 28, no. 3 (1996): 367-378.
Journal Article
Swenson, Ingrid, and N.M. Thang.
Determinants of birth intervals in Vietnam: A hazard model analysis
Journal of Tropical pediatrics 39, no. 3 (1993): 163-167.
Showing 31-60 of 133