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Showing 31-60 of 193
Cohen, Barney, Carole L Jolly, James N Gribble, Etienne van de Walle, Althea Hill, Ian A Timaeus, John O Oucho, William T Gould, Sharon S Russell, and Michael A Stoto.
Demographic change in Sub-Saharan Africa
Journal Article
Grassly, Nicholas C, and Ian M Timaeus.
Methods to estimate the number of orphans as a result of AIDS and other causes in Sub-Saharan Africa
Journal of Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndromes JAIDS 39, no. 3 (2005): 365-375.
Journal Article
Matthews, Zoe, and Ian Diamond.
Child immunisation in Ghana: the effects of family, location and social disparity
(1997) Journal of Biosocial Science.
Miller, Kate, Robert Miller, Ian Askew, Marjory C Horn, and Lewis Ndhlovu.
Clinic-based family planning and reproductive health services in Africa: findings from situation analysis studies
New York, New York: Population Council Africa Operations Research and Technical Assistance Project. United States Agency for International Development, 1998.
Moultrie, Tom A, and Ian M Timaeus.
Trends in South African fertility between 1970 and 1998
South Africa: Medical Research Council, 2002.
Chege, Jane, Diouratié Sanogo, Ian Askew, Angela Bannerman, Steve Grey, Evam Glover, Francis Yankey, and Joana Nerquaye-Tetteh.
An assessment of the community based distribution programs in Ghana
Journal Article
Chege, Jane Njer, and Ian Askew.
An assessment of community-based family planning programmes in Kenya
(1997) Nairobi: Population Council.
Journal Article
Jaldesa, Guyo W, Ian Askew, Carolyne Njue, and Monica Wanjiru.
Female genital cutting among the Somali of Kenya and management of its complications
Chege, Jane, Ian Askew, Susan Igras , and Jacinta Mutesh.
Testing the effectiveness of integrating community-based approaches for encouraging abandonment of female genital cutting into CARE's reproductive health programs in Ethiopia and Kenya
: Frontiers in Reproductive Health, Population Council, 2004.
Journal Article
Timceus M, Ian.
Mortality in Sub-Saharan Africa
Ditlopo, Prudence, Saiqo Mullick, Ian Askew, Ricardo Vernon, Edwin Maroga, Sgidi Sibeko, Mokgethi Tshabalala, Rabbuh Raletsemo, Dean Peacock, and Andrew Levack.
Testing the effectiveness of the Men as Partners program (MAP) in Soweto, South Africa
Washington, DC: USAID, 2007.
Timaeus M, Ian.
Estimation and Projection of Dual Orphans in Populations with Generalized HIV Epidemics: Updated Methods
London, U.K.: London School of Hygien and Tropical Medicine, 2007.
Journal Article
Coxhead, Ian, Diep Phan, Kim N. B. Ninh, and Dinh Vu Trang Ngan.
Getting to work
(2009) Labour Market, Employment, and Urbanization in Viet Nam to 2020: Learning from International Experience.
Dorrington, Rob, Tom A Moultrie, and Ian M Timæus.
Estimation of mortality using the South African Census 2001 data
South Africa: Centre for Actuarial Research (CARe), 2004.
Budlender, Debbie, and Ian Macun.
Mean and minimum wages in South Africa.
Pretoria, South Africa: Statistics South Africa, 2000.
Book Section
Houston, Gregory, Ian Liebenberg, and William Dichaba.
Public participation in democratic governance in South Africa
(2001) The social dynamics of public participation in legislative processes in South Africa.
Journal Article
Cilliers, Jakkie, Charl Schutte, Ian Liebenberg, and Bill Sass.
Public attitudes regarding the image and the future of the South African military and defence industry
African Security Review 6, no. 5 (1997).
Journal Article
Cilliers, Jakkie, Chart Schutte, Lindy Heineken, Ian Liebenberg, and Bill Sass.
Public attitudes regarding women in the security forces and language usage in the SANDF
African Security Review 6, no. 3 (1997): 3-14.
MacAuslan, Ian, and Abdou S Fall.
Prise en Compte des Interets de L’enfant dans les DSRP et les Budgets: Perspectives du Senegal
: UNICEF, 2010.
Journal Article
Dennis, Ian.
European Union Countries Practice on Relative Poverty Measurement
(2009) Statistics on Income, Poverty & Social Exclusion, Eurostay.
Working Paper
Timæus, Ian M, and Tom A Moultrie.
Teenage childbearing and educational attainment in South Africa
Working Paper
Racelis, Rachel H, and JM Ian Salas.
Lifecycle consumption and labor income patterns through time: Philippines 1994, 1999 and 2002
Pandey, Bikash, Prem S Subedi, May Sengendo, and Ian Monroe.
Biogas for a better life: An African initiative. Report on the Feasibility for a National Household Biogas Commercialization Program in Uganda
Lister, Stephen, Masooda Bano, Roy Carr-Hill, and Ian MacAuslan.
Mid-Term Evaluation of the EFA Fast Track Initiative - Country Case Study: Pakistan
: Cambridge-Mokoro-Oxford Press, 2010.
Thomas, Ian Lloyd.
Drivers of Forest Change in the Greater Mekong Subregion
Working Paper
Seccombe J, Ian.
Manpower and migration: the effects of international labour migration on agricultural development in the East Jordan Valley 1973-1980
Working Paper
Hutchison, Dougal, and Ian Schagen.
Comparisons Between PISA and TIMSS – Are We the Man with Two Watches
(2007) Lessons learned: What international assessments tell us about math achievement.
Working Paper
Medland, Louise S, Ian K Smout, C C Ngouanet, M M Oteng-Ababio, E E Twarabamenye, E E Lazaro, S S Amekudzie, and Julie Fisher.
Access to services in low income urban communities in Cameroon, Ghana, Rwanda and Tanzania
Krishnan, Sudha B, Dino Merotto, Teresa Peterburs, Ian Walker, and Vanya Pasheva.
Zambia Jobs Diagnostic. Volume 2: Policy Framework
Washington, DC, USA: International Bank for Reconstruction and Development / The World Bank, 2017.
Journal Article
Bradshaw, Debbie, Ria Laubscher, Rob Dorrington, David E Bourne, and Ian M Timaeus.
Unabated rise in number of adult deaths in South Africa
South African Medical Journal 94, no. 4 (2008).
Showing 31-60 of 193