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Showing 151-180 of 217
Journal Article
Blunch, Niels-Hugo, Amit Dar, Lorenzo Guarcello, and Scott Lyon.
Child work in Zambia: A comparative study of survey instruments
(2002) Int'l Lab. Rev.
Thesis or Dissertation
Hugo Manosalvas, Tatiana M, and Ángela E Monteros Guerrero.
Análisis del Impacto del Impuesto al Valor Agregado (IVA) en los Hogares Urbanos en los Puntos temporales 2003 y 2011
Thesis, Escuela Politecnica Nacional, 2014.
Journal Article
Montoya-Arce, Jaciel B, and Hugo Montes-de-Oca-Vargas.
Situación laboral de la población adulta mayor en el Estado de México
Papeles de población 15, no. 59 (2009): 193-238.
Working Paper
Nava-Bolaños, Isalia, Abraham Granados-Martinez, Bernardino Jaciel Montoya-Arce, and Hugo Montes Oca-Vargas.
Factors Associated to the Labor Participation of Elderly in Mexico
Working Paper
Magallanes, Hugo.
Desarrollo orientado al transporte como esquema rector de ordenamiento en zonas metropolitanas. Caso de estudio Corredor Tlaxcala – Puebla
Journal Article
Montanez-Armenta, María Paz, Gertrudis Yanes-Arvayo, and Hugo Silva-Kurumiya.
Manejo de recursos naturales en la Sierra de Sonora bajo el esquema de UMAFOR. Casos de estudio: Sierra alta y Sierra La Madera
Ra Ximhai 7, no. 002 (2011).
Working Paper
Víctor Hugo, Marín Domínguez.
Estructura y Condiciones del Mercado Laboral en la Zona Metropolitana del Valle de México 1999-2010
Journal Article
López Aceves E, Hugo.
Del alimento al guiso: fiesta y alimentación entre los yoremes de Sinaloa, México
Amérique Latine Histoire et Mémoire , no. 25 (2013).
Working Paper
Matus López, Juliana, and Hugo Alejandro Villar Pinto.
Frecuencias divinas, las radios religiosas en Chiapas
Journal Article
Wiesner, Martha Luz Rojas, and Hugo Angeles Cruz.
Migración femenina y derechos: la situación de las migrantes guatemaltecas en México
Coleccion de ensayos sobre poblacio y derechos humanos en America Latina.
Journal Article
Clements, Tom, Hugo Rainey, Dara An, Vann Rours, Setha Tan, Sokha Thong, WJ Sutherland, and EJ Milner-Gulland.
An evaluation of the effectiveness of a direct payment for biodiversity conservation: The Bird Nest Protection Program in the Northern Plains of Cambodia
Biological Conservation , no. 157 (2013).
Conference Paper
De Groote, Hugo, Simon Kimenju, George Owuor, Japheter Wanyama, and others.
Market Liberalization and Agricultural Intensification in Kenya (1992-2002)
26th Conference of the International Association of Agricultural Economics.
April 30, 2006.
Journal Article
Hidalgo, Rodrigo, and Hugo M Zunino.
Negocios Inmobiliarios en Centros Turísticos de Montaña y Nuevos Modos de Vida. El Papel de los Migrantes de Amenidad Existenciales en la Comuna de Pucón - Chile
Estudios y Perspectivas en Turismo 20, no. 2 (2011): 307-326.
Journal Article
De Groote, Hugo, Michael D Hall, David J Spielman, Stephen N Mugo, Kwaw Andam, Bernard G Munyua, and Marianne Banziger.
Options for pro-poor maize seed market segmentation in Kenya
(2011) African Journal of Biotechnology .
Journal Article
Morawetz, Ulrich B, Hugo De Groote, and Simon Chege Kimenju.
Improving the use of experimental auctions in Africa: Theory and evidence
(2011) Journal of Agricultural and Resource Economics.
Working Paper
Carneiro, Pedro, Jishnu Das, and Hugo Reis.
Estimating the Demand for School Attributes in Pakistan
Journal Article
Tapia Martínez, Hugo, Marta Angélica Iossi Silv, Iñiga Pérez Cabrer, and Araceli Jiménez Mendoz.
Perfil obstétrico de adolescentes grávidas em um hospital público: risco no início do trabalho de parto, parto, pós-parto e puerpério
Revista Latino-Americana de Enfermagem 23, no. 5 (2015): 829-836.
Journal Article
Hernández Pacheco, Alejandro, María Cristina Enríquez Reyna, Rosa María Cruz Castruita, Blanca Rangel Colmenero, and Hugo Aguirre Zuazua.
Aptitud física de adultos mayores: cambios basales generados por dos tipos de entrenamiento
Revista de Ciencias del Ejercicio FOD 10, no. 10 (2015): 1-15.
Journal Article
Siegel, Jeff.
Pidgin English in Fiji: A sociolinguistic history
Pacific Studies 9, no. 3 (1986): 53-106.
Journal Article
Lyimo, Stephen, Zubeda Mduruma, and Hugo De Groote.
The use of improved maize varieties in Tanzania
African Journal of Agricultural Research 9, no. 7 (2014): 643-657.
Journal Article
De Groote, Hugo, Getachew Dema, George B Sonda, and Zachary M Gitonga.
Maize for Food and Feed in East Africa—The Farmers’ Perspective
(2013) Field Crops Research.
Journal Article
Hugo, Graeme.
International migration and the labour market in Australia
Working Paper
Blunch, Niels-Hugo, and Caterina Ruggeri Laderchi.
The Winner Takes It All: Internal Migration, Education and Wages in Ethiopia
IZA Discussion Papers , no. 8926 (2015).
Working Paper
Nopo, Hugo, Nancy Daza, and Johanna Ramos.
Gender earnings gaps in the world
(2011) Econstor.
Journal Article
Zamora-Torres, América I, César Navarro-Chávez, and Oscar Hugo Pedraza-Rendon.
The Impact in Customs Efficiency of the ITSW: Mexico Case of Study
iBusiness 5, no. 02 (2013): 1.
Journal Article
Van der Merwe, Hugo.
Violence as a form of communication: Making sense of violence in South Africa
African Journal on Conflict Resolution 13, no. 3 (2014): 65-84.
Journal Article
Le Roux, Hugo Alexander, Ronald James Urry, Benn Sartorius, and Colleen Aldous.
Prostate Cancer at a regional hospital in South Africa: we are only seeing the tip of the iceberg
South African Journal of Surgery 53, no. 4 (2015): 57-62.
Journal Article
Tarapuez Chamorro, Edwin, Hugo Osorio Ceballos, and Juan Jose Botero Villa.
Entrepreneurship Policy in Colombia 2002-2010
Estudios Gerenciales 29, no. 128 (2013): 274-283.
Journal Article
Azocar, Gerardo, Hugo Romero, Rodrigo Sanhueza, Claudia Vega, Mauricio Aguayo, and Maria D Munoz.
Urbanization patterns and their impacts on social restructuring of urban space in Chilean mid-cities: The case of Los Angeles, Central Chile
Land Use Policy 24, no. 1 (2007): 199-211.
Working Paper
Blunch, Niels-Hugo, and Victor Sulla.
The Financial Crisis, Labor Market Transitions and Earnings: A Gendered Panel Data Analysis for Serbia
Discussion Paper series, Forschungsinstitut zur Zukunft der Arbeit , no. 6151 (2011).
Showing 151-180 of 217