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Thesis or Dissertation
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Thesis or Dissertation
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Journal Article
Romero, Hugo Grisales, and Maria Patricia Arbelaez. "Perfil de las condiciones de vida de los Adolescentes jovenes, zona urbana, ciudad de Medelliin, 2006." Revista Investigaciones Andina 10, no. 16 (2015): 7-31.
Journal Article
Castano, Victor Hugo Alvarez. "Distribución territorial y determinantes de la fecundidad adolescente en Colombia." Poblacion notas de 42, no. 101 (2015): 79-107.
Working Paper
Blunch, Niels-Hugo. "A Teenager in Love: Multidimensional Human Capital and Teenage Pregnancy in Ghana." (2017) The Journal of Development Studies.
Journal Article
Mbatchou Ngahane, Bertrand Hugo, Emmanuel Afane Ze, Cyrille Chebu, Njankouo Yacouba Mapoure, Elvis Temfack, Malea Nganda, and Namme Henry Luma. "Effects of cooking fuel smoke on respiratory symptoms and lung function in semi-rural women in Cameroon." International Journal of Occupational and Environmental Health 21, no. 1 (2015): 61-65.
Journal Article
Grisales Romero, Hugo, Guillermo Castano, Leydy Johana Colorado, and Juan David Rodas. "Factores asociados a las prácticas sexuales de riesgo en estudiantes de colegios públicos y privados de la ciudad de Medellín, (Colombia) 2011." Investigaciones Andina 16, no. 29 (2014): 1030-1044.
Journal Article
Chaulagain, Hemchandra, Hugo Rodrigues, Enrico Spacone, and Humberto Varum. "Design procedures of reinforced concrete framed buildings in Nepal and its impact on seismic safety." Advances in Structural Engineering 17, no. 10 (2014): 1419-1442.
Journal Article
Chaulagain, Hemchandra, Hugo Rodrigues, Enrico Spacone, and Humberto Varum. "Seismic response of current RC buildings in Kathmandu Valley." Structural Engineering and Mechanics 53, no. 4 (2015): 791-818.
Journal Article
Chaulagain, Hemchandra, Hugo Rodrigues, Vitor Silva, Enrico Spacone, and Humberto Varum. "Earthquake loss estimation for the Kathmandu Valley." Bulletin of Earthquake Engineering 14, no. 1 (2016): 59-88.
Journal Article
Chaulagain, Hemchandra, Hugo Rodrigues, Enrico Spacone, Ramesh Guragain, Radhakrishna Mallik, and Humberto Varum. "Response reduction factor of irregular RC buildings in Kathmandu valley." Earthquake engineering and engineering vibration 13, no. 3 (2014): 455-470.
Journal Article
Yam Chalé, Hugo A, and Patricia T Ruiz. "Condiciones del cautiverio y significados construidos del secuestro extorsivo económico, desde la narrativa de los sobrevivientes." Revista Criminalidad 58, no. 3 (2016): 37-47.
Working Paper
Blunch, Niels-Hugo, and Dorte Verner. "Revisiting the link between poverty and child labor: the Ghanaian experience." (2001)
Journal Article
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Journal Article
Diaz-Olavarrieta, Claudia, Sandra G Garcia, Becca S Feldman, Alberto M Polis, Rita Revollo, Freddy Tinajeros, and Daniel Grossman. "Maternal syphilis and intimate partner violence in Bolivia: a gender-based analysis of implications for partner notification and universal screening." Sexually transmitted diseases 34, no. 7 (2007): S42.
Working Paper
Zeng, Wu, Karla R Jovel, Eduardo A Undurraga, James Broesch, Dan T Eisenberg, Colleen Nyberg, Susan Tanner, Victoria Reyes-Garcia, Thomas W McDade, William R Leonard, Yuan Ma, Tomas Huanca, and Ricardo Godoy. "Sib composition and child educational attainment: Theory and evidence from native Amazonians in Bolivia." (2010) TAPS Working Paper Series.
Journal Article
Alderman, Harold, and Marita Garcia. "Food security and health security: Explaining the levels of nutritional status in Pakistan." Economic Development and Cultural Change 42, no. 3 (1994): 485-507.
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Book Section
Pallitto, Christina, and Claudia García-Moreno. "Family problems and family violence: Reliable assessment and the ICD-11." (2013) Chapter 2: Intimate partner violence and its measurement: Global considerations.
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Working Paper
Esteve Palós, Albert, Joan García Román, and Robert McCAA. "La Complementariedad de Censos Y Encuestas En La Estimación de Indicadores de Soltería." (2010) Papers de Demografia.
Thesis or Dissertation
Hinojosa García, Carlos. "La participación de las organizaciones de la sociedad civil en las políticas para garantizar el derecho a la identidad : el caso de Perú." Tesis, Maestría en Derechos Humanos y Democracia, FLACSO Mexico, 2013.
Working Paper
Díaz-Guerrero Galván, Esperanza, and Sulima García Falconi. "Cultura institucional y equidad de género." (2012) Inequidades en la prestación de servicios de salud en Latinoamérica y el Caribe.
Journal Article
Guillen de Bográn, María Antonieta, María Elena Zepeda, Rodrigo García, Dalila Pinel, María Deni Sanchez, Pablo Ibarraran, Renán Rápalo Castellanos, Michael Reynolds, and Helmis Cardenas. "Equipo Directivo Y Tecnico Del Programa Bono 10,000 Y Responsables De La Evaluacion De Impacto." (2013)
Conference Paper
Faustino, Izabel A, Elisangela Luzia L Araujo, Maria F Garcia, and Eliane C Araujo. "Impactos das Variáveis Macroeconômicas Sobre o Emprego eo Primeiro Emprego no Brasil: Uma Análise para o Período 1999-2009." Impactos das Variáveis Macroeconômicas Sobre o Emprego eo Primeiro Emprego no Brasil: Uma Análise para o Período 1999. Agosto 11-13, 2010.
Journal Article
Garcia, Maria F, Eliane Araújo, Elisangela Araujo, Mara L Castilho, and Rinaldo A Galete. "A Geração de Emprego Formal e Trabalho (in) Decente no Brasil: Uma Incursão no Debate." (2013) DOSSIÊ DA CRISE IV.
Conference Paper
Rippel, Valderice Limberger C, Marcos R Mesquita, Jesus Delgado C Garcia, and Lucir R Alves. "Necessidade de Políticas Públicas de Inclusão de Jovens à Educação e ao Trabalho no Brasil." Redes de Ensino Superior: Contributos e Novos Desafios para a Economia e para a Sociedade. Abril 3, 2013.
Working Paper
Garcia Gomez, Viviana, and Cristian Camilo Jimenez. "Es la educacion un determinante de la productividad agricola en Colombia?." (2011)
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