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Showing 1201-1230 of 11268
Journal Article
Kerr, Nancy L, Mark Hauswald, Suman R Tamrakar, David A Wachter, and Gillian M Baty.
An inexpensive device to treat postpartum hemorrhage: a preliminary proof of concept study of health provider opinion and training in Nepal
BMC pregnancy and childbirth 14, no. 1 (2014): 81.
Journal Article
Deressa, Teshome Kebede.
Application of Multilevel Logistic Model to Identify Correlates of Poverty in Ethiopia
East African Journal of Sciences 6, no. 2 (2012): 137-146.
Journal Article
Tadesse, Luche, and Ali Ardalan.
Health Sector Initiatives for Disaster Risk Management in Ethiopia: A Narrative Review
(2014) PLoS currents.
Journal Article
Yisma, Engida, Berhanu Dessalegn, Ayalew Astatkie, and Nebreed Fesseha.
Completion of the modified World Health Organization (WHO) partograph during labour in public health institutions of Addis Ababa, Ethiopia
Reproductive health 10, no. 1 (2013): 23.
Journal Article
Ooteghem, Patrick.
Work-related injuries and illnesses in Botswana
International journal of occupational and environmental health 12, no. 1 (2006): 42-51.
Võrk, Andres.
Labour supply incentives, and income support systems in Estonia
Journal Article
Animaw, Worku, and Binyam Bogale.
Awareness and attitude to liberalized safe abortion services among female students in University and Colleges of Arba Minch Town, Ethiopia
Science Journal of Public Health 2, no. 5 (2014): 440-446.
Journal Article
Dop, Claude, Clodomir Pereira, Lorenza Mistura, Claudio Martinez, and Edith Cardoso.
Using Household Consumption and Expenditures Survey (HCES) data to assess dietary intake in relation to the nutrition transition: A case study from Cape Verde
Food & Nutrition Bulletin 33, no. Supplement 2 (2012): 221S-227S.
Working Paper
Fabiosa, Jacinto F, and Ibrahim Soliman.
Egypt's Household Expenditure Pattern: Does It Alleviate a Food Crisis?
Journal Article
Tolossa, Ejara, Birhan Meshesha, and Amanuel Alemu Abajobir.
Assessment of level of knowledge and utilization of emergency contraception among female students of Hawassa University, south Ethiopia
Advances in Reproductive Sciences 1, no. 3 (2013): 51-56.
Journal Article
Cheng, AM Gulmezoglu, CJ Oel, G Piaggio, E Ezcurra, and PF Look.
Interventions for emergency contraception: review
(2008) Cochrane Database Syst Rev.
Journal Article
Ahmed, Selim, Rahamot A Sheikh, Shayla Nasrin, and Luthful Kabir.
The Etiological and Demographic Characteristics and Health Problems of the Hospitalized Adopted Children in Bangladesh: Study on 54 Cases
International Journal of Scientific and Research Publications 2, no. 7 (2012).
Journal Article
Arif, Tahmid, and Shamim Ahmed.
Exploring Reasons of Variation in Target Achievement in Sanitary Latrine Construction Under School Sanitation Programme of BRAC WASH
(2010) WP No. 12 .
Journal Article
Begna, Bilusie, and Issac Paul.
An Assessment of Rural Poverty: The Case of Selected Kebeles of Shashemane Woreda, Ethiopia
Journal of Sustainable Development in Africa 12, no. 4 (2010).
Working Paper
Al-Samarrai, Samer.
Education Spending and Equity in Bangladesh
(2007) World Bank, A Background Paper for the Bangladesh Poverty Assessment.
Journal Article
Amoussou-Guenou, KM, B Awede, L Koukpemedji, SA Adehan, O Adjibode, and CI Gangnabakpo.
Intérêt du dosage de la thyroglobulinémie chez les sujets porteurs du goitre en zones de déficience iodée au Bénin
Médecine Nucléaire 35, no. 10 (2011): 517-521.
Rashid, Shahidur, and Asfaw Negassa.
Policies and performance of Ethiopian cereal markets
Thesis or Dissertation
Wilson, Victoria.
Including the Excluded: Recommendations for Improving the Enrollment of Disabled Children in Primary School in the United Republic of Tanzania
Master, Duke University, 2011.
Journal Article
Ahmed, Ishita, Nusrat Jahan, and Fatema-Tuz Zohora.
Social Safety Net Programme as a Mean to Alleviate Poverty in Bangladesh
Developing Country Studies 4, no. 17 (2014): 46-54.
Thesis or Dissertation
Wakjira, Lemma Asfaw.
Household Solid Waste Generation Rate and Composition Analysis in two Selected Kebeles of Adama Town
Master of Science in Environmental Science, Addis Ababa University, 2007.
Journal Article
Toda, Mitsuru, Antony Opwora, Evelyn Waweru, Abdisalan Noor, Tansy Edwards, Greg Fegan, Catherine Molyneux, and Catherine Goodman.
Analyzing the equity of public primary care provision in Kenya: variation in facility characteristics by local poverty level
International Journal for Equity in Health 11, no. 1 (2012): 75.
Working Paper
Ahmed, Faizuddin, Cheku Dorji, Shinya Takamatsu, and Nobuo Yoshida.
Hybrid Survey to Improve the Reliability of Poverty Statistics in a Cost-Effective Manner
World Bank Policy Research WP 6909 , no. 6909 (2014).
Working Paper
Rojas, Eduardo, and Nadine Medellin.
Housing Policy Matters for the Poor
(2011) IDB working paper series.
Journal Article
Torres, Rosa Elena Mejia, Dora Nelly Franco Garcia, Gustavo Adolfo Fontecha Sandoval, Adriana Hernandez Santana, Prabhjot Singh, Sandra Tamara Mancero Bucheli, Martha Saboya, and Mirian Yolanda Paz.
Prevalence and Intensity of Soil-Transmitted Helminthiasis, Prevalence of Malaria and Nutritional Status of School Going Children in Honduras
PLoS Neglected Tropical Diseases 8, no. 10 (2014).
Journal Article
Zere, Eyob, Yuki Suehiro, Aminul Arifeen, Loshan Moonesinghe, Sanchoy K Chanda, and Joses M Kirigia.
Equity in Reproductive and Maternal Health Services in Bangladesh
(2013) International Journal for Equity in Health.
Thesis or Dissertation
Khaliukova, Olga.
Demand Analysis for Tomato, Onion, Peppers, and Fresh Okra in Nigeria
Master of Science, The University of Tennessee, Knoxville, 2013.
Journal Article
Gustafson J, Daniel.
Rising Food Costs & Global Food Security: Key Issues & Relevance for India
The Indian Journal of Medical Research 138, no. 3 (2013): 398-410.
Journal Article
Edoumiekumo, Samuel Gowon, Stephen S Tombofa, and Tamarauntari Moses Karimo.
Multidimensional Energy Poverty in the South-South Geopolitical Zone of Nigeria
Journal of Economics and Sustainable Development 4, no. 20 (2013): 96-103.
Journal Article
Brück, Tilman, Damir Esenaliev, Antje Kroeger, Alma Kudebayeva, Bakhrom Mirkasimov, and Susan Steiner.
Household survey data for research on well-being and behavior in Central Asia
Journal of Comparative Economics 42, no. 3 (2013): 819-835.
Journal Article
Matkovic, Teo, Zoran Šucur, and Siniša Zrinšcak.
Inequality, poverty, and material deprivation in new and old members of the European Union
Croatian medical journal 48, no. 5 (2007): 636-652.
Showing 1201-1230 of 11268