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Showing 1051-1080 of 11268
Working Paper
Gu¨ndu¨z-Hogör, Ayse, and Jeroen Smits.
The status of rural women in Turkey: What is the role of regional differences
Nijmegen Center for Economics (NiCE) Working Paper 06, no. 101 (2006): 1-27.
Journal Article
Tesfaye, Tatek, Tizta Tilahun, and Eshetu Girma.
Knowledge, Attitude and Practice of Emergency Contraceptive among Women who Seek Abortion Care at Jimma University Specialized Hospital, Southwest Ethiopia
BMC Women's Health 12, no. 1 (2012): 3.
Journal Article
Ncube, Mthuli, and Abebe Shimeles.
The making of the middle class in Africa
Smith, Lisa C, Usha Ramakrishnan, Aida Ndiaye, Lawrence Haddad, and Reynaldo Martorell.
The importance of women's status for child nutrition in developing countries
Washington DC, USA: International Food Policy Research Institute, 2003.
Journal Article
Bosch-Capblanch, Xavier, K Banerjee, and A Burton.
Unvaccinated children in years of increasing coverage: how many and who are they? Evidence from 96 low-and middle-income countries
Tropical Medicine & International Health 17, no. 6 (2012): 697-710.
Bulatao A, Rodolfo.
Key indicators for family planning projects
Washington DC, USA: World Bank Publications, 1995.
Working Paper
Bhanumurthy, and Mitra.
Globalization, growth and poverty in India
(2006) Research Paper No. 2006/41 .
Journal Article
Neupane, Subas, and David T Doku.
Determinants of time of start of prenatal care and number of prenatal care visits during pregnancy among Nepalese women
Journal of Community Health 37, no. 4 (2012): 1-9.
Working Paper
Jha, Raghbendra, Raghav Gaiha, and Anurag Sharma.
Mean consumption, poverty and inequality in rural India in the Sixtieth Round of the National Sample Survey
(2006) Poverty and Inequality in Rural India in the Sixtieth Round of the National Sample Survey (October 2006).
Working Paper
Mahal, Ajay, Anup Karan, and Michael Engelgau.
The economic implications of non-communicable disease for India
(2010) HNP Discussion Paper.
Journal Article
Kayongo, M, M Rubardt, J Butera, M Abdullah, D Mboninyibuka, and M Madili.
Making EmOC a reality? CARE's experiences in areas of high maternal mortality in Africa
International journal of gynecology & obstetrics 92, no. 3 (2006): 308-319.
Working Paper
Smits, Jeroen, and Roel Steendijk.
The International Wealth Index (IWI)
Journal Article
Bhattacharjee, Mahua.
Sustainable livelihood in India: A comparative study between rural and urban areas
Asia-Pacific Journal of Rural Development 20, no. 1 (2010): 61-78.
Journal Article
Filippini, Massimo, and Shonali Pachauri.
Elasticities of electricity demand in urban Indian households
Energy policy 32, no. 3 (2004): 429-436.
Journal Article
Isanaka, Sheila, Nohelly Nombela, Ali Djibo, Marie Poupard, Dominique Van Beckhoven, Valérie Gaboulaud, Philippe Guerin, and Rebecca Grais.
Effect of preventive supplementation with ready-to-use therapeutic food on the nutritional status, mortality, and morbidity of children aged 6 to 60 months in Niger
JAMA: the journal of the American Medical Association 301, no. 3 (2009): 277-285.
Journal Article
Ghosh, Jayati.
Assessing poverty alleviation strategies for their impact on poor women (a study with special reference to India)
(1998) United Nations Research Institute for Social Development Discussion paper.
Journal Article
Kumar, Anjani, Sant Kumar, Dhiraj K Singh, and Shivjee.
Rural employment diversification in India: Trends, determinants and implications on poverty
Agricultural Economics Research Review 24, no. 2 (2011): 361-372.
Journal Article
Kumar, Praduman, Madan Dey, and Ferdinand J Paraguas.
Demand for fish by species in India: three-stage budgeting framework
Agricultural Economics Research Review 18, no. 2 (2005): 167-86.
Journal Article
Ismayilova, Leyla, and Nabila El-Bassel.
Prevalence and Correlates of Intimate Partner Violence by Type and Severity: Population-Based Studies in Azerbaijan, Moldova, and Ukraine
(2013) Journal of interpersonal violence.
Journal Article
Srivastava, Leena, Anandajit Goswami, Gaurang Diljun, and Sawata Chaudhury.
Energy access: Revelations from energy consumption patterns in rural India
(2012) Energy Policy.
Conference Paper
Vaidya, Shipra.
Integrating enterprise education under systemic schooling - A case for India
APERA Conference 2006 .
Hong Kong, November, 2006.
Conference Paper
Deolalikar, Anil B, and Amaresh Dubey.
Levels and determinants of hunger poverty in urban India during the 1990s
Urban Research Symposium.
Washington, DC, USA, December 15-17, 2003.
Mngadi, Sibusiso, Nicole Fraser, Happiness Mkhatshwa, Tyrone Lapidos, Thandi Khumalo, Sanelisiwe Tsela, Nhlanhla Nhlabatsi, and Helen Odido.
Swaziland analysis of prevention response and modes of transmission study
Journal Article
Bhattacharya, Ruchira.
Comparative Analysis of the Extent of Free Education and Average Private Expenditure on Education in India
(2012) Procedia-Social and Behavioral Sciences.
Working Paper
Shanthi, K.
Female Labour Migration in India: Insights from NSSO Data
(2006) Madras School of Economics.
Journal Article
Mahadevia, Darshini.
Branded and renewed? Policies, politics and processes of urban development in the reform era
Economic & Political Weekly 46, no. 31 (2011): 56-64.
Conference Paper
Deolalikar, Anil B, and Amaresh Dubey.
Levels and determinants of hunger poverty in urban India during the 1990s
World Bank Urban Research Symposium.
Washington, DC, USA, December 15-17, 2003.
Journal Article
Gaurav, Sarthak, and Srijit Mishra.
Size-Class and Returns to Cultivation in India: A Cold Case Reopened
(2011) Mumbai, Indira Gandhi Institute of Development Research (IGIDR).
Journal Article
Klump, Rainer, and Patricia Prufer.
A robust ranking of pro-poor growth policies: the case of Vietnam
Journal Article
Doran, Christopher M, Joshua M Byrnes, Hideki Higashi, and Khoa Truong.
Revenue implications to the Vietnamese government of using taxes to curb cigarette smoking
(2010) Addictive Behaviors.
Showing 1051-1080 of 11268