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Showing 61-90 of 775
Journal Article
Perry, Henry B, David S Shanklin, and Dirk G Schroeder.
Impact of a community-based comprehensive primary healthcare programme on infant and child mortality in Bolivia
Journal of Health, Population and Nutrition 21, no. 4 (2003): 383-395.
Journal Article
Perry, Henry, Nathan Robison, Dardo Chavez, Orlando Taja, Carolina Hilari, David Shanklin, and John Wyon.
The census-based, impact-oriented approach: its effectiveness in promoting child health in Bolivia
Health Policy and Planning 13, no. 2 (1998): 140-151.
Journal Article
Caruso, Bethany, Rob Stephenson, and Juan S Leon.
Maternal behavior and experience, care access, and agency as determinants of child diarrhea in Bolivia
Revista Panamericana de Salud Publica 28, no. 6 (2010): 429-439.
Journal Article
Ahmed, Saifuddin, and W. Henry Mosley.
Simultaneity in the use of maternal-child health care and contraceptives: Evidence from developing countries
Demography 39, no. 1 (2002): 75-93.
Blum, Lauren, Anicet Yemweni, CCelé Manianga, Delores Nembunzu, Leon Mubikayi, Jacques Katele, Michel Mpunga, and William Clemmer.
Living with fistula: An examination of the social and cultural consequences and careseeking behavior in DR Congo
Journal Article
Beals, Ralph E, Mildred B Levy, and Leon N Moses.
Rationality and Migration in Ghana
The Review of Economics and Statistics 49, no. 4 (1967): 480-486.
Journal Article
Ricca, Jim, Debra Prosnitz, Henry Perry, Anbrasi Edward, Melanie Morrow, Pieter Ernst, and Leo Ryan.
Comparing estimates of child mortality reduction modelled in LiST with pregnancy history survey data for a community-based NGO project in Mozambique
BMC Public Health 11, no. Suppl 3 (2011): S35.
Journal Article
Moser, Kath, Chris Frost, and David A Leon.
Comparing health inequalities across time and place—rate ratios and rate differences lead to different conclusions: analysis of cross-sectional data from 22 countries 1991-2001
International journal of epidemiology 36, no. 6 (2007): 1285-1291.
Bijlmakers, Leon A, Marty T Bassett, and David M Sanders.
Socioeconomic Stress, Health and Child Nutritional Status in Zimbabwe at a Time of Economic Structural Adjustment: A Three Year Longitudinal Study
: Nordic Africa Institute, 1998.
Journal Article
Segall, Malcolm, Gill Tipping, and Henry Lucas.
Health care seeking by the poor in transitional economies: The case of Vietnam
Working Paper
Okurut, Henry Edison.
Nature, Causes And Magnitude Of Teacher Absenteeism In The Rights, Education And Development (Read) Project Schools In Uganda
Working Paper
Gierend, Albert, Henry Ojulong, and Nelson Wanyera.
A combined ex-post/ex-ante impact analysis for improved sorghum and finger millet varieties in Uganda
Henry-Lee, Aldrie.
Poverty and Conflict Management in Jamaica
Working Paper
Ahmed, Tanvir, Gerald Bloom, Mohammad Iqbal, Henry Lucas, Sabrina Rasheed, Linda Waldman, Azfar S Khan, Rubana Islam, and Abbas Bhuiya.
E-health and M-health in Bangladesh: Opportunities and Challenges
Journal Article
Grogger, Jeffrey, Tamara Arnold, Sofía León , Alejandro Ome, and Margaret Triyana.
Identificación y análisis de los efectos del Seguro Popular en el gasto en salud de los afiliados
(2011) México: CIDE.
Journal Article
Canales I, Alejandro.
Remesas y pobreza en México
Trayectorias: revista de ciencias sociales de la Universidad Nacional de Nuevo León , no. 25 (2007).
Working Paper
Sandee, Henry, Piet Rietveld, Hendrawan Supratikno , and Prapto Yuwono.
Promoting Small Scale and Cottage Industries in Indonesia: An Impact Analysis for Central Java
(1994) Research Memorandum.
Akplu, Henry Fram, and John Yaw Amankrah.
Technical and vocational education and training (TVET) sector mapping
Journal Article
Ostau de Lafont de León, Francisco Rafael.
La sociabilidad y la solidaridad como elementos culturales de la protección social
Diálogos de Saberes , no. 31 (2009).
Journal Article
Rodriguez, Sergio Manuel Gonzalez.
Politicas de promocion economica y competencia por inversion extranjera en Aguascalientes y Leon
Carta economica regional: CER.
Conference Paper
Machina, Henry.
Women’s Land Rights in Zambia: Policy Provisions, Legal Framework and Constraints
Regional Conference on Women’s Land Rights.
Harare, Zimbabwe, May 26-30, 2002.
Vos, Rob, and Mauricio León.
Dolarización, Dinámica de Exportaciones y Equidad: ¿Cómo Compatibilizarlas en el Caso de Ecuador?
: Unidad de Informaci{\'o}n y An{\'a}lisis--SIISE--de la Secretar{\'\i}a T{\'e}cnica del Frente Social, 2003.
Working Paper
Bermeo Moyano V, Henry.
Proyecto: Dipecho VII “Implementación de la Metodología de Análisis de Vulnerabilidades a Nivel Cantonal” – La Tronca
Journal Article
Moorsom, Toby Leon.
The zombies of development economics: Dambisa Moyo's Dead Aid and the fictional African entrepreneurs
Review of African Political Economy 37, no. 125 (2010): 361-371.
Working Paper
Musonda M, Henry.
A rapid assessment of rural transport services in Luapula Province, Zambia
Thesis or Dissertation
Anda Leon D, Maria.
Household Response to Higher Costs of Domestic Services in Ecuador
Master Thesis, University of Minnesota, 2013.
Journal Article
Medellin Mendoza, Laura Nelly.
La accountability del proceso electoral del 2009 en nuevo leon. Diagnostico en el marco de la teoria sobre la calidad de la democracia
Iberoforum. Revista de Ciencias Sociales de la Universidad Iberoamericana 7, no. 14 (2012): 157-194.
Ortega-Gaucin, David.
Sequía en Nuevo León: Vulnerabilidad, Impactos Y Estrategias de Mitigación
Working Paper
Jasso Martinez, Ivy Jacaranda.
Vulnerabilidad y poblacion indigena en Leon, Guanajuato
Working Paper
Xing-yuan, Gu, Gerald Bloom, Tang Sheng-lan, and Henry Lucas.
Health Expenditure and Finance in Three Poor Counties of China
Showing 61-90 of 775