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Showing 61-90 of 594
Journal Article
Sanchez, Tiffany R, Diane Levy, Mohammad H Shahriar, Mohammad N Uddin, Abu B Siddique, Joseph H Graziano, Angela Lomax-Luu, Alexander Geen, and Mary V Gamble.
Provision of well-water treatment units to 600 households in Bangladesh: A longitudinal analysis of urinary arsenic indicates fading utility
(2016) Science of the Total Environment.
Journal Article
Ahadi, Mohammad Jamaluddin, Sayed Ataullah Saeedzai, and Mohammad Hafiz Rasooly.
Review of Measles Epidemiological Situation and Trend in Afghanistan, 2016
MedicalJourna (GMJ) 2, no. 1 (2017): 66-74.
Journal Article
Haider, Mohammad Rifat, Mohammad Masudur Rahman, Md Moinuddin, Ahmed Ehsanur Rahman, Shakil Ahmed, and Mahmud M Khan.
Impact of maternal and neonatal health initiatives on inequity in maternal health care utilization in Bangladesh
PloS one 12, no. 7 (2017).
Hanifi, SMA, Amena Sultana, Mohammad Nahid Mia, Shahidul Hoque, Shehrin Shaila Mahmood, Mohammad Iqbal, and Abbas Bhuiya.
Chakaria health and demographic surveillance system report-2014: focusing on the Sustainable Development Goals
Dhaka, Bangladesh: ICDDR,B, 2016.
Kemal, Abdul Razzaq, Mohammad Irfan, and Ghulam Mohammad Arif.
MIMAP synthesis report: major conclusions and policy implications
Journal Article
Bicak, Hasan A, Glenn P Jenkins, Chun-Yan Kuo, and M Benjamin Mphahlele.
An operational guide to the estimation of the economic opportunity cost of labour in South Africa.
South African Journal of Economics 72, no. 5 (2004): 1057-1068.
Working Paper
Hasan, Lubna.
On Measuring the Complexity of Urban Living
(2008) Munich Personal RePEc Archive Paper No. 7413, posted 2.
Ismail, Zafar H, Michael G McGarry, John Davies, and Javed Hasan.
Alternative Delivery Mechanisms for Social Services: Some Case Studies from Pakistan
Khalid, Younas, Simi Kamal, Hassan Akbar, Bilal Hasan, Khalid Mahmud, and Tahir Noor.
Social Audit of Local Governance and Delivery of Public Services 2011-2012
: Islamabad: UNDP (United Nations Development Programme), 2012.
Hasan, Md, Katsushi S Imai, and Takahiro Sato.
Impacts of agricultural extension on crop productivity, poverty and vulnerability: Evidence from Uganda
Hasan A, Haji.
Laporan Penyiasatan Pendapatan Isi Rumah Dan Kemudahan Asas
Hasan, Amer, Marilou Hyson, and Mae Chu Chang.
Early Childhood Education and Development in Poor Villages of Indonesia: Strong Foundations, Later Success
: World Bank Publications, 2013.
Hasan, Wahidul.
Women’s education in India: Present status and future challenges
New Delhi, India: R&R Publications, 1994.
Working Paper
Imai, Katsushi S, Faruq Hasan, and Eleonora Porreca.
Do Agricultural Extension Programmes Reduce Poverty and Vulnerability? Farm Size, Agricultural Productivity and Poverty in Uganda
Working Paper
Hasan, Wahidul.
Girls' education in India: present status and future challenges
Commonwealth Youth and Development 2, no. 2 (2004): 24-44.
Conference Paper
Sirhan, Hasan, and Manfred Koch.
Numerical Modeling of the Effects of artificial Recharge on hydraulic heads in constant-Density Ground Water Flow to manage the Gaza Coastal Aquifer, South Palestine
6th International Conference on Water Resources and Environment Research, ICWRER.
Working Paper
Hasan, Md Nazmul, Shahadat M Hossain, Md Rafiqul Islam, Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujibur Rahman, and Md Abdul Bari.
Trends in the availability of agricultural land in Bangladesh
(2013) Soil Resource Development Institute. Dhaka. .
Journal Article
Khan, Mahmood Hasan.
Farm Size and Land Productivity Relationships in Pakistan
(1979) The Pakistan Development Review.
Journal Article
Farooqui, Naseem Iqbal M, Ghulam Yasin Soomro, and Akhtar Hasan Khan.
An Analysis of Fertility Change in Pakistan
(1984) The Pakistan Development Review.
Journal Article
Hasan, Arif.
Housing security and related issues: the case of Karachi
(2008) Unpublished paper, October, UN-Habitat.
Journal Article
Hasan, Arif, and Masooma Mohib.
Karachi, Pakistan
Journal of PedmtncSurgen 6, no. 6 (1973).
Hasan, Arif, and Masooma Mohib.
Reporting on ‘slums’in selected cities A Case Study of Karachi, Pakistan
Journal Article
Tan, Andrew KG, Steven T Yen, and Abdul Rahman Hasan.
At-Home Consumption of Fish Products in Malaysia: An Analysis of Household Expenditure Survey Data
Marine Resource Economics 30, no. 4 (2015): 417-433.
Working Paper
Bakilana, Anne, Corrina Moucheraud, Christin McConnell, and Rifat Hasan.
Policy Brief: Malawi. Early Childhood Development: Situation Analysis for Malawi
(2016) The World Bank.
Working Paper
Hasan, Rifat, Corrina Moucheraud, and Anne Bakilana.
Policy Brief: Malawi. Beginning a Family and Adopting a Healthy Lifestyle
(2016) World Bank Group.
Thesis or Dissertation
Kamrul, Hasan.
Food security in Bangladesh: role of public policies
Masters of Arts in Governance and Development, BRAC University, 2009.
Journal Article
Islam, Mazharal, and Saidal Hasan.
Mass media exposure and its impact on family planning in Bangladesh
Journal of biosocial science 32, no. 4 (2000): 513-526.
Journal Article
Mercer, AJ, S Hossain, J Khatun, H Kabir, N Saha, J Uddin, and Y Hasan.
Screening for service needs in primary health care clinics: an evaluation in Bangladesh
(2005) J Health Popul Developing Countries.
Journal Article
Giashuddin, M.S., M. Kabir, and M. Hasan.
Economic disparity and child nutrition in Bangladesh
Indian journal of pediatrics 72, no. 6 (2005): 481-487.
Journal Article
Rukanuddin, Aabdul, and Zaki Hasan.
Maternal and child health
Demographic and Health-Survey 1, no. 28.1 (1992): 125.
Showing 61-90 of 594