
Showing 31-60 of 76
Working Paper
Alderman, Harold, Jesko Hentschel, and Ricardo Sabates. "Republic of Yemen-Fourth Education Project."
Journal Article
Christiaensen, Luc, and Harold Alderman. "Child Malnutrition in Ethiopia: Can Maternal Knowledge Augment the Role of Income?*." Economic Development and cultural change 52, no. 2 (2004): 287-312.
Journal Article
Khan, Ashfaque H, and Umer Khalid. "Is Consumption Pattern Homogeneous in Pakistan? Evidence from PSLM 2007-08." The Pakistan Development Review 50, no. 4 (2011): 629-648.
Working Paper
Ardington, Cally, and Megan Little. "The Impact of Maternal Death on Children’s Health and Education Outcomes." Saldru Working Paper , no. 184 (2016).
Kuombola, Harold, and Limbani Kakhome. Integrated child labour elimination project - phase II. : Together ensuring children's security (TECS), 2008.
Lubell, Harold. Urban development and employment: the prospects for Calcutta. : Concept Publishing Company, 1982.
Working Paper
Banguero, Harold. "El proceso migratorio en Colombia Determinantes y consecuencias." (2013)
Thesis or Dissertation
Durán Ramírez, Harold G, Silva Cantillana, Hamel Alexander, and Nicolás A Torres Guajardo. "Barreras y motivos para la práctica de actividad física en adolescentes entre 13-17 años pertenecientes al Liceo Leopoldo Lucero González de la Ciudad de Concepción.." Licenciado en Kinesiología, Universidad Católica de la Santísima Concepción, 2016.
Katsura, Harold M, and Clare Romanik. Housing Demand Among Panama's Middle-and Low-Income Population. : Urban Institute, 1996.
Journal Article
Coulombe, Harold, and Andrew McKay. "An assessment of trends in poverty in Ghana 1988 - 1992." Poverty and Social Policy Discussion Paper , no. 81 (1995).
Journal Article
Coulombe, Harold, and Lionel Demery. "Household size in Cote d'Ivoire: sampling bias in the CILSS." Living standards measurement study (LSMS) working paper , no. LSM97 (1993).
Working Paper
Canagarajah, Sudharshan, and Harold Coulombe. "Child labor and schooling in Ghana." World Bank Policy Research Working Paper , no. 1844 (1997).
Coulombe, Harold, and Andrew McKay. Selective Poverty Reduction in a Slow Growth Environment: Ghana in the 1990s. 2003.
Working Paper
Coulombe, Harold, and Quentin Wodon. "Poverty, livelihoods, and access to basic services in Ghana (Draft)." (2007)
Working Paper
Adams, Arvil V, Harold Coulombe, Quentin Wodon, and Setarah Razmara. "Education, skills, and labor market outcomes in Ghana." (2007)
Journal Article
Coulombe, Harold, and Andrew McKay. "La mesure de la pauvreté : vue d’ensemble et méthodologie avec illustration dans le cas du Ghana." L'Actualité économique 74, no. 3 (1998): 415-443.
Working Paper
Wodon, Quentin, Clarence Tsimpo , Prospere Backiny-Yetna , George Joseph , Franck Adoho, and Harold Coulomb. "Potential impact of higher food prices on poverty: Summary estimates for a dozen west and central African countries." (2008)
Journal Article
Chirwa, Ephraim W, and Harold P Ngalawa. "Determinants of Child Nutrition in Malawi." South African Journal of Economics 76, no. 4 (2008): 628-640.
Working Paper
Coulombe, Harold, and Thomas Otter. "Mongolia Census-Based Poverty Map: Region, Aimag and Soum Level Results." (2009)
Working Paper
Coulombe, Harold. "Millennium Development Goals and Geographical Targeting in Mongolia." (2009) UNDP Project “Poverty Research and Employment Facilitation for Policy Development”, Phase II.
Journal Article
Caballero, July, Milena Alfaro, Yesenia Nuñez, and Harold Torres. "Violencia psicológica contra la mujer por su pareja en el Perú, 2004 – 2007." Revista Peruana de Epidemiologia 13, no. 3 (2009): 1-7.
Thesis or Dissertation
Wilhelm, Martha. "Impact of climate change in Namibia: A case study of Omusati region.." Masters of International Business, Polytechnic of Namibia, Harold Pupkewitz Graduate School of Business, 2013.
Thesis or Dissertation
Osei, Joseph Harold Nyarko. "Assessing transmission of lymphatic filariasis using mosquitoes in communities with at least five rounds of mass drug administration in Ghana." Master of Philosophy, Kwame Nkrumah University of Science and Technology, 2013.
Working Paper
Palamuleni, Lobina, Prediskas M Ndomba, and Harold Annegarn. "Evaluating land cover change and its impact on hydrological regime in Upper Shire River Catchment, Malawi." (2011)
Journal Article
Mapoma, Harold, and Xianjun Xie. "Basement and alluvial aquifers of Malawi: An overview of groundwater quality and policies." African Journal of Environmental Science and Technology 8, no. 3 (2014): 190-202.
Journal Article
Francis, Elizabeth R, Chin-Chi Kuo, Antonio Bernabe-Ortiz, Lisa Nessel, Robert H Gilman, William Checkley, Jaime J Miranda, and Harold I Feldman. "Burden of Chronic Kidney Disease in Resource-limited Settings from Peru: A Population-based Study." BMC Nephrology 16, no. 114 (2015).
Journal Article
Ogunsanya, Mobolaji, and Harold Thomas. "Unblocking the Blockages: Challanges for Nigerian Education." Journal of Developing Societies 20, no. 1-2 (2004): 79-88.
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