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Showing 31-60 of 135
Working Paper
Antlov, Hans, and Sutoro Eko.
Village and Sub-District Functions in Decentralized Indonesia
Journal Article
Evers, Hans-Dieter.
The Growth of an Industrial Labour Force and the Decline of Poverty in Indonesia
(1995) Southeast Asian Affairs.
Cicowiez, Hans Lofgren, and Mohammad Pournik.
Financing Human Development in Africa, Asia and the Middle East
Working Paper
Nagpaul, Hans.
Social work education in contemporary India: Need for indigenous foundations
Journal of Comparative Social Welfare 4, no. 2 (1988): 18-34.
Working Paper
Limburg, Hans, Abhay R Vasavada, Gautam Muzumdar, M Y Khan, K Vaidyanathan, Rupal Trivedi, and Deepa Bhatt.
Rapid assessment of cataract blindness in an urban district of Gujarat
Indian Journal of Ophthalmology 47, no. 2 (1999).
Journal Article
Garcia Medrano, Aida Elizabeth, Erika Robles Estrada, and Hans Oudhof Barneveld.
Actividades de crianza y autoatribucion de roles de genero en una muestra de padres mexicanos
Revista Electronica de Psicologia Iztacala.
Journal Article
Binswanger-Mkhize, Hans, and Fernando Im.
Economic and Social Trends in Townships and Informal Settlements
(2014) Economics of South African Townships.
Working Paper
Alderman, Harold, Jere R Behrman, Hans-Peter Kohler, John A Maluccio, and Susan Cotts Watkins.
Attrition in longitudinal household survey data: some tests for three developing country samples
World Bank Policy Research Working Paper , no. 2447 (2000).
Alwang, Jeffrey, and Hans J Jansen.
Public investment targeting in Rural Central America
Conference Paper
Delva, Wim, Françoise Wuillaume, Stijn Vansteelandt, Patricia Claeys, Hans Verstraelen, Davy Vanden Broeck, and Marleen Temmerman.
HIV testing and sexually transmitted infection care among sexually active youth in the Balkans
23rd International IUSTI-Europe Conference on Sexually Transmitted Infections.
Dubrovnik, Croatia, 2007.
Working Paper
Díaz-Bonilla, Carolina, Hans Lofgren, and Martín Cicowiez.
Public policies for the MDGs: The case of the Dominican Republic
(2008) CEDLAS, Working Papers.
Book Section
Laderchi, Caterina R, Hans Lofgren, and Rahimaisa Abdula.
Gender disparities in Africa's labor market
(2010) Addressing gender inequality in Ethiopia: Trends, impacts and the way forward.
Journal Article
Delavande, Adeline, and Hans-Peter Kohler.
Subjective expectations in the context of HIV/AIDS in Malawi
(2009) Demographic research.
Journal Article
Behrman, Jere R, Hans-Peter Kohler, and Susan Cotts Watkins.
How can we measure the causal effects of social networks using observational data? Evidence from the diffusion of family planning and AIDS worries in South Nyanza District, Kenya
(2001) Max Planck Institute for Demographic Research Working Paper.
Journal Article
Watkins, Susan, Eliya Zulu, Hans-Peter Kohler, and Jere Behrman.
Introduction to: Social interactions and HIV/AIDS in rural Africa
(2003) Demographic Research.
Journal Article
Kohler, Hans-peter, Jere Behrman, and Susan Watkins.
Social networks and HIV/AIDS risk perceptions
Demography 44, no. 1 (2007): 1-33.
Journal Article
Helleringer, Stephane, Hans-Peter Kohler, Jemima A Frimpong, and James Mkandawire.
Increasing uptake of HIV testing and counseling among the poorest in sub-Saharan countries through home-based service provision
Journal of acquired immune deficiency syndromes (1999) 51, no. 2 (2009): 185-193.
Working Paper
Behrman, Jere, Hans-Peter Kohler, and Susan Cotts Watkins.
Social networks, family planning and worrying about AIDS: What are the network effects if network partners are not determined randomly?
(2002) PIER Working Paper 02-002.
Journal Article
Krüger, Carsten, Mauri Niemi, Hans Espeland, Naftali Naman, and Isaack Malleyeck.
The effects of standardised protocols of obstetric and neonatal care on perinatal and early neonatal mortality at a rural hospital in Tanzania
International Health 4, no. 1 (2012): 55-62.
Working Paper
Kohler, Iliana, Philip Anglewicz, Hans-Peter Kohler, John McCabe, Ben Chilima, and Beth Soldo.
Evaluating health and disease in Sub-Saharan Africa: minimally invasive collection of plasma in the Malawi Longitudinal Study of Families and Health (MLSFH)
Population Studies Center Working Paper Series , no. 12-05 (2012).
Working Paper
Dübel, Hans J, W Brzeski J Brzeski, and Ellen Hamilton.
Rental choice and housing policy realignment in transition: Post-privatization challenges in the Europe and Central Asia region
(2006) World Bank Policy Research Working Paper No. 3884.
Working Paper
van den Brink, Rogier, Glen Thomas, Hans Binswanger, John Bruce, and Frank Byamugisha.
Consensus, confusion, and controversy: Selected land reform issues in Sub-Saharan Africa
World Bank Research Working Paper No. 71 1, no. 1 (2005): 1-64.
Journal Article
Christian Welzel, Ronald Inglehart , and Hans-Dieter Klingemann.
The theory of human development: A cross-cultural analysis
(2003) European Journal of Political Research.
Journal Article
Welzel, Christian, and Hans-Dieter Klingemann.
Evidencing and explaining democratic congruence: The perspective of ‘substantive’ democracy
World Values Research 1, no. 3 (2008): 57-90.
Journal Article
Jati, Ignasius R, Vellingiri Vadivel, Donatus Nöhr, and Hans K Biesalski.
Nutrient density score of typical Indonesian foods and dietary formulation using linear programming
Public health nutrition 15, no. 12 (2012): 2185-2192.
Working Paper
Lofgren, Hans, Hannah Nielsen, and Kene Ezemenari.
Scaling up Aid or Scaling down. The Global Economic Crisis and Rwanda's MDGs
(2009) Policy Research WPS4958.
Journal Article
Mori-Quispe, Elizabeth, Hans Contreras-Pulache, Willy David Hinostroza-Camposano, Enrique Gil-Guevara, Alexandra Vallejos-Matos, and Horacio Chacon-Torrico.
Relación con la pareja en madres de neonatos con bajo peso al nacer
Revista peruana de epidemiología 17, no. 1 (2013): 01-04.
Journal Article
Kohler, Hans-Peter, Susan C Watkins, Jere R Behrman, Philip Anglewicz, Iliana V Kohler, Rebecca L Thornton, James Mkandawire, Hastings Honde, Augustine Hawara, and Ben Chilima.
Cohort Profile: The Malawi Longitudinal Study of Families and Health (MLSFH)
(2014) International journal of epidemiology.
Journal Article
Baranov, Victoria, and Hans-Peter Kohler.
The impact of AIDS treatment on savings and human capital investment in Malawi
Book Section
Keck, Markus, Benjamin Etzold, Hans-Georg Bohle, and Wolfgang-Peter Zingel.
(2014) Food Security in Dhaka: Between Global Risks and Local Vulnerabilities.
Showing 31-60 of 135