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Thesis or Dissertation
Kuehl, Hannah. "An Analysis of Socioeconomic Influences on Health Care Seeking Behavior in Humla, Nepal." Master of Arts in Cultural Anthropology, The University of Montana Missoula, MT, 2015.
Journal Article
Manjurano, Alphaxard, Nuno Sepulveda, Behzad Nadjm, George Mtove, Hannah Wangai, Caroline Maxwell, Raimos Olomi, Hugh Reyburn, Eleanor M Riley, and Christopher J Drakeley. "African glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase alleles associated with protection from severe malaria in heterozygous females in Tanzania." PLoS Genetics 11, no. 2 (2015): e1004960.
Journal Article
Van Waeyenberge, Elisa, and Hannah Bargawi. "Moving beyond the paradox of macroeconomic stability in Uganda?." Journal of Contemporary African Studies 33, no. 1 (2015): 121-140.
Journal Article
Howard, Alexander L, Hannah M Pezzi, David J Beebe, and Scott M Berry. "Exclusion-based capture and enumeration of CD4+ T cells from whole blood for low-resource settings." Journal of laboratory automation 19, no. 3 (2014): 313-321.
Working Paper
Waeyenberge, Elisa, and Hannah Bargawi. "Employment Sector Employment Working Paper No. 91." (2011) International Labour Organization.
Journal Article
Koenker, Hannah M, Joshua O Yukich, Alex Mkindi, Renata Mandike, Nick Brown, Albert Kilian, and Christian Lengeler. "Analysing and recommending options for maintaining universal coverage with long-lasting insecticidal nets: the case of Tanzania in 2011." Malaria Journal 12, no. 1 (2013): 150.
Journal Article
Watson, Oliver J, Hannah C Slater, Robert Verity, Jonathan B Parr, Melchior K Mwandagalirwa, Antoinette Tshefu, Steven R Meshnick, and Azra C Ghani. "Modelling the drivers of the spread of Plasmodium falciparum hrp2 gene deletions in sub-Saharan Africa." (2017) eLife.
Journal Article
Koenker, Hannah, Beatriz Munoz, Marc Boulay, Harran Mkocha, Joshua Levens, Sheila K West, and Matthew Lynch. "Trends in weekly reported net use by children during and after rainy season in central Tanzania." Malaria journal 11, no. 1 (2012).
Journal Article
Bonilla, Juan, Rosa Castro Zarzur, Sudhanshu Handa, Claire Nowlin, Amber Peterman, Hannah Ring, and David Seidenfeld. "Cash for Women’s Empowerment? A Mixed-Methods Evaluation of the Government of Zambia’s Child Grant Program." (2017) World Development.
Journal Article
Kuper, Hannah, Matthew Walsham, Flora Myamba, Simeon Mesaki, Islay Mactaggart, Morgon Banks, and Karl Blanchet. "Social protection for people with disabilities in Tanzania: a mixed methods study." Oxford Development Studies 44, no. 4 (2016): 441-457.
Mamun, Arif, Duncan Chaplin, Ali Protik, John Schurrer, Divya Vohra, Kristine Bos, Hannah Burak, Laura Meyer, and Anca Dumitrescu. Grid Electricity Expansion in Tanzania: Findings from a Rigorous Impact Evaluation. 2017.
Journal Article
Babalola, Stella, Emily Ricotta, Grace Awantang, Nan Lewicky, Hannah Koenker, and Michael Toso. "Correlates of intra-household ITN use in Liberia: a multilevel analysis of household survey data." PloS one 11, no. 7 (2016).
Journal Article
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Book Section
Yates, Robert, Christine Kirunga Tashobya, Valeria Oliveira Cruz, Barbara McPake, Freddie Ssengooba, Grace Murindwa, Peter Lochoro, Juliet Bataringaya, Hanif Nazerali, and Francis Omaswa. "Health systems reforms in Uganda: processes and outputs." (2006) The Ugandan health systems reforms: miracle or mirage?.
Kolesar, Robert, Eckhard Kleinau, Marco Polo Torres, Candida Gil, Victoria Cruz, and May Post. Combining hygiene behavior change with water and sanitation: monitoring progress in Hato Mayor, Dominican Republic. Washington, DC: EHP Activity Report, 120, 2003.
Thesis or Dissertation
Chavez Cruz, Laura Yannina. "Nivel de empoderamiento en el hogar de las madres de niños menores de cinco años que asisten al Centro de Salud "San Juan de Miraflores"." Tesis Para optar el Título de Licenciada en Enfermería, Universidad Nacional Mayor De San Marcos. Facultad De Medicina Humana. E.A.P. de Enfermería , 2011.
Working Paper
La Cruz Bonilla, Juan. "La autoadscripción étnica bajo la lupa: subjetividades de personas de origen quechua, aymara y amazónico en torno a las categorías étnico/raciales de las encuestas sociales." (2012) Proyecto “Nuevos dilemas en el análisis y seguimiento público de la desigualdad étnica en el Perú”.
Journal Article
Cruz, Jasson, and Julian Torres. "¿De qué depende la satisfacción subjetiva de los colombianos?." Cuadernos de Economía 25, no. 45 (2006): 131-154.
Conference Paper
Giron, Jemima, Maria A Cruz Constantino, Julia G Aranha, Cinthia R Monteiro, Laura F Furlanetto, Francisco B Assumpcao Jr, and Denise C Cyrillo. "Auto Percepção da Imagem Corporal: Análise Comparativa em Crianças e Adolescentes em Escolas Municipais da Cidade de Indaiatuba-SP no Bairro da Freguesia do o, Sao Paulo-SP." IV Congresso Brasileiro de Psicologia da Saude. Julho-Agosto 31-2, 2014.
Book Section
Cruz, Jesus Solis, Cuerpo Acttdemieo, and Patrimonio Sociocultural. "Cultura y etnicidad zoque: nuevos enfoques en la investigacion social de Chiapas." (2002)
Journal Article
Cruz, Manuel Angel Gomez. "Sistema agroindustrial de hortalizas congeladas en Mexic." Revista de Geograffa Agrfcola .
Cruz, Pedro Maldonado. Demografia/Demography: Conceptos Y Tecnicas Fundamentales. : Plaza y Valdes, 2006.
Journal Article
Cruz, Maria Santiago J, and Jose Garcia Salazar. "Economia de la Agroindustrializacion de la Papa en Mexico." Revista Latinoamericana de la Papa.
Journal Article
Cruz E, Clara Salazar. "La relacion poblacion-recursos en la periferia urbana. Una experiencia teorico-metodologica." Estudios Demograficos y Urbanos , no. 45 (2000).
Thesis or Dissertation
Morales C, Jane Oliveira. "Gênero e Acesso Aos Serviços Públicos de Saúde." Grau de Especialista, Fundação Oswaldo Cruz- FIOCRUZ, 2005.
Cruz, Wilfrido, and Robert Repetto. The environmental effects of stabilization and structural adjustment programs: the Philippines case. : World Resources Institute Washington, DC, 1992.
Journal Article
Reyes M, Fray Cruz. "Turismo Factor de Desarrollo de los Pueblos del Callejon de Huaylas." Investigaciones Sociales 4, no. 6 (2000): 141-166.
Working Paper
Güemes, Juan José, Alicia Coduras, and Cristina Cruz Rachida Justo. "Global Entrepreneurship Monitor. Informe Ejecutivo GEM España 2010." (2010)
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