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Showing 2131-2160 of 9374
Working Paper
Obeng-Odoom, Franklin.
Enhancing Urban Productivity in Africa
Opticon 1826 2, no. 1 (2007).
Journal Article
Grosh E, Margaret.
The policymaking uses of multitopic household survey data: A primer
World Bank Research Observer 12, no. 2 (1997): 137-160.
Namazie, Ceema Zahra.
Early evidence of welfare changes in the Kyrgyz Republic: have things got worse with Reforms?
Journal Article
Khandker, Shahidur, Victor Lavy, and Deon Filmer.
Schooling and cognitive achievements of children in Morocco: Can the government Improve outcomes?
Journal Article
Heltberg, Rasmus.
Fuel switching: evidence from eight developing countries
Energy Economics 26, no. 5 (2004): 869 -887.
Journal Article
MacIsaac, Donna J, and Harry A Patrinos.
Labour market discrimination against Indigenous people in Peru
Journal of Development Studies 32, no. 2 (1995): 218-233.
Conference Paper
Helfand M, Steven.
What can be learned from the agricultural censuses about rural poverty in Brazil?
Sociedade Brasileira de Economia e Sociologia Rural (SOBER),.
Brazil, 07, 2004.
Medeiros, Marcelo.
Poverty, inequality and redistribution: a methodology to define the rich
Journal Article
Neri, Marcelo, Katia Carvalho, and Alessandra Corsi.
Financial motivations for old age
Journal Article
Handa, Sudhanshu.
Gender, headship and intrahousehold resource allocation
World Development 22, no. 10 (1994): 1535-.
Bustreo, Flavia, Eleonora Genovese, Elio Omobono, Henrik Axelsson, and Ian Bannon.
Improving child health in post conflict countries: Can the World Bank contribute?
Washington DC, USA: World Bank, 2005.
El Tawila, S.
Child well-being in Egypt: results of Egypt's Multiple Indicator Cluster Survey
: UNICEF Egypt Country Office, 1997.
Journal Article
Haub, Carl.
Flat birth rates in Bangladesh and Egypt challenge demographers' projections
(2000) Population Today.
Journal Article
Kabir, Ahmad.
Trends and patterns of marriage in Bangladesh
Proceedings-Pakistan Academy Of Sciences 42, no. 2 (2005): 77.
Journal Article
Marten, Lisa.
The effect of social interaction on fertility goals and behaviour among women in Bangladesh
Asia-Pacific Population Journal 17, no. 2 (2002): 87-110.
Slack T, Alison.
Food and nutrition security data on the World Wide Web
Washington DC, USA: International Food Policy Research Institute, 1999.
Working Paper
Deininger, Klaus W, and Julian D May.
Can there be growth with equity: an initial assessment of land reform in South Africa
World Bank Policy Research Working Paper 2451, no. 2451 (2000).
Journal Article
Haddad, Lawrence, and Manfred Zeller.
Can social security programmes do more with less? General issues and the challenges for Southern Africa
Development Southern Africa 14, no. 2 (1997): 125-1.
Sen, Gita, Piroska Ostlin, and Asha George.
Unequal, unfair, ineffective and inefficient. Gender inequity in health: why it exists and how we can change it
: WHO Commission on Social Determinants of Health, 2007.
Thesis or Dissertation
Kindstedt, Karin, and Magdalena Gustafsson.
Can CEDAW article 6 transform a broken girl into a precious gem? A study on the implementation of CEDAW article 6 concerning the exploitation of prostitution and trafficking in Cambodia
Masters, Göteborg University, 2002.
Journal Article
Robles, Arodys, and Noreen Goldman.
Can Accurate Data on Birthweight be Obtained from Health Interview Surveys?
International Journal of Epidemiology 28, no. 5 (1999): 925-931.
Huffman L, Sandra.
Can marketing of multiple vitamin/mineral supplements reach the poor? The Vitaldia Project, Bolivia.
USA: USAID, 2002.
Working Paper
Emina B, Jacques.
The paradoxical under-five diarrhea prevalence decline in the DRC. What can we learn from decomposition analysis?
Journal Article
White, Howard.
Using household survey data to measure educational performance: The case of Ghana
Social indicators research 74, no. 2 (2005): 395-422.
Journal Article
Bongaarts, John.
Can Family Planning Programs Reduce High Desired Family Size in Sub-Saharan Africa?
International Perspectives on on Sexual and Reproductive Health 37, no. 4 (2011): 209-216.
Journal Article
Retherford, Robert D, and B.M. Ramesh.
Fertility and contraceptive use in Tamil Nadu, Andhra Pradesh, and Uttar Pradesh
(1996) National Family Health Survey Bulletin.
Journal Article
Rao, K.V., Vinod Mishra, and Robert D Retherford.
Mass media can help improve treatment of childhood diarrhoea
(1998) National Family Health Survey Bulletin.
Journal Article
Piwoz, Ellen G, Sandra L Huffman, and Victoria J Quinn.
Promotion and advocacy for improved complementary feeding: Can we apply the lessons learned from breastfeeding?
Food and nutrition bulletin 24, no. 1 (2003): 29-44.
Journal Article
Rise in adolescent pregnancies--What can we do?
(2011) Policy Brief: A publication of the National Coordinating Agency for Population & Development.
Journal Article
Guindo, Gabriel, Dominique Dubourg, Bruno Marchal, Pierre Blaise, and Vincent De Brouwere.
Measuring unmet obstetric need at district level: how an epidemiological tool can affect health service organization and delivery
Health policy and planning 19, no. suppl 1 (2004): i87-i95.
Showing 2131-2160 of 9374