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Showing 211-240 of 565
Conference Paper
Yeboah-Boateng, Ezer Osei, and Reza Tadayoni.
CYBER-SECURITY - Implications on SMEs in Developing Economies - the case of Ghana
21th European regional ITS conference-Telecommunications at new crossroads: Changing value configurations, user roles, and regulation.
Journal Article
Gedzi, Victor Selorme.
Property relations and women’s access to courts among the Anlo and the Asante in Ghana
European Scientific Journal 8, no. 29 (2012).
Journal Article
Mohammed, Iddrisu Ngmenipuo, and Osman Issah.
Developing an Organized Commodity Exchange in Ghana: Challenges and Economic Prospects
International Journal of Finance and Banking 1, no. 05 (2014): 14-29.
Journal Article
Koprencka, Luciana, Edmira Cakrani, and Migena Petani.
Real Estate Taxes in Albania
European Journal of Sustainable Development 2, no. 4 (2013): 243-252.
Thesis or Dissertation
Quarshie, Emmanuel Nii-Boye.
Public's Perception of the Phenomenon of Street Children: A Qualitative Study of Students and Shopkeepers in Accra, Ghana
Master Thesis, Norvegian University of Science and Technology, 2011.
Thesis or Dissertation
Osuanyi, Quaicoo Essel.
Evolution of Ghana's dress culture
University of Culture, Winneba, 2015.
Thesis or Dissertation
Fava C, Ana.
Market Work and Household Production in Brazil
PhD Thesis, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, 2010.
Thesis or Dissertation
Makufwe M, William.
Prospects and challenges of greening the Kumasi Metropolis
Master of Science, Kwame Nkrumah University of Science and Technology, 2014.
Working Paper
Whitehead, Judy.
Space, place and primitive accumulation in Narmada Valley and beyond
(2003) Economic and Political Weekly.
Journal Article
Ntata, Pierson, Peter Mvula, and Adamson S Muula.
“Condoms make you lose both the child and pleasure”: perceptions on family planning and contraceptives in Malawi
Tanzania Journal of Health Research 15, no. 1 (2013).
Book Section
Van Hook, Jennifer, and Frank Bean.
Migration between Mexico and the United States, binational study
(1998) Estimating unauthorized Mexican migration to the United States: Issues and results.
Thesis or Dissertation
Rivera Chugulí A, Mayra.
Propuestas para Mejorar la Sostenibilidad Financiera del Gobierno Autónomo Descentralizado del Cantón Cayambe
Thesis, Universidad Central del Ecuador, 2014.
Journal Article
Arce, Jaciel Montoya.
Minors in street condition in Toluca city
Papeles de Poblacion , no. 48 (2006).
Working Paper
Kadi, Adiveppa S, and Kumaresh P Nelavigi.
Migration Models and its Applications
International Journal of Recent Scientific Research 6, no. 3 (2015).
Working Paper
Canelas, Carla.
Minimum Wage and Informality in Ecuador
WIDER WP , no. 2014/006 (2014).
Thesis or Dissertation
Chiwaula, Chinunda.
An analysis of the prevalence of defilement cases in Zambia
Bachelor of Laws Degree, University of Zambia, 2013.
Thesis or Dissertation
Chiluwa, Kakusa.
Factors influencing drug trafficking among women in Zambia: A gendered analysis
Master of Arts, University of Zambia, 2015.
Thesis or Dissertation
Hugo Manosalvas, Tatiana M, and Ángela E Monteros Guerrero.
Análisis del Impacto del Impuesto al Valor Agregado (IVA) en los Hogares Urbanos en los Puntos temporales 2003 y 2011
Thesis, Escuela Politecnica Nacional, 2014.
Journal Article
Çarkoglu, Asli, Nilüfer Kafescioglu, and Asli Akdas Mitrani.
Review of explicit family policies in Turkey from a systemic perspective
Journal of Child and Family Studies 21, no. 1 (2012): 42-52.
Thesis or Dissertation
Siri, Troili.
Local Implications of Higher Global Food Prices: A Study of Poverty and Possibilities in Zambia
Bachelor’s Thesis, Södertörns University College, 2011.
Journal Article
Ozer, Erdal, Mehmet Can Nacar, Ali Yildirim, Ozgur Enginyurt, Hasan Din, and Durmus Evcuman.
Underage mothers in Turkey
(2014) Medical science monitor: international medical journal of experimental and clinical research.
Working Paper
Agea, Jacob G, Suzan Nansereko, Joseph Obua, Daniel Waiswa, Mukadasi Buyinza, and Fred Yikii.
Attitudes of Out-of-School Youths Towards Tree Planting Activities in Central Uganda: A Case Study of Masaka District
Rao, N.
"Good Women Do Not Inherit Land": Politics of Land and Gender in India
New Delhi, India: Social Science Press, 2008.
Working Paper
Gulesci, Selim, and Erik Meyersson.
‘For the Love of the Republic’ Education, Secularism, and Empowerment
Thesis or Dissertation
Mumba, Davies Chali.
The juvenile criminal justice system in Zambia vis-a-vis the international protection of children's rights
Master of laws, The University of Zambia, 2011.
Working Paper
Erdogdu, Seyhan, and Gülay Toksöz.
The visible face of women’s invisible labour: Domestic workers in Turkey
Journal Article
Bernard, Barasa, Egeru Anthony, Okello Patrick, and Mutuzo Fridah.
Dynamics of Land Use/Cover Trends in Kanungu District, South-western Uganda
Journal of Applied Sciences and Environmental Management 14, no. 4 (2010): 67-70.
Working Paper
Chadchan, J, and R Shankar.
An analysis of urban growth trends in the post-economic reforms period in India
International Journal of Sustainable Built Environment 1, no. 1 (2012): 36-49.
Journal Article
Coria, Sergio R, Monica Perez Meza, Elsa Mendoza Cortes, and Rafael Martinez Pelaez.
Brecha digital y pobreza digital en el estado de Oaxaca
Conciencia Tecnologica , no. 42 (2011).
Working Paper
Ayee, Joseph, and Richard Crook.
" Toilet wars": urban sanitation services and the politics of public-private partnerships in Ghana
Showing 211-240 of 565