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Showing 61-90 of 109
Journal Article
Mancini, Dominic, Guy Stecklov, and John F Stewart.
The effect of structural characteristics on family planning program performance in Côte d'Ivoire and Nigeria
Social Science & Medicine 56, no. 10 (2003): 2123-2137.
Journal Article
Harling, Guy, Wezi Msisha, and S.V. Subramanian.
No association between HIV and intimate partner violence among women in 10 developing countries
PloS one 5, no. 12 (2010).
Journal Article
Harling, Guy, Rodney Ehrlich, and Landon Myer.
The social epidemiology of tuberculosis in South Africa: A multilevel analysis
Social Science & Medicine 66, no. 2 (2008): 492-505.
Journal Article
Collins, J., and J.D. Champion.
Descriptions of behaviours by partner type for ethnic minority female adolescents with histories of abuse
Sexually Transmitted Infections 87, no. Suppl 1 (2011): A265-A266.
Book Section
Kennedy, Gina, Guy Nantel, and Prakash Shetty.
Globalization of food systems in developing countries: impact on food security and nutrition
(2004) Globalization of food systems in developing countries: a synthesis of country case studies .
Journal Article
Todd, Jessica E, Paul Winters, and Guy Stecklov.
Evaluating the impact of conditional cash transfer programs on fertility: the case of the Red de Protección Social in Nicaragua
(2010) Journal of Population Economics.
Journal Article
Norman, Guy, and Steve Pedley.
Exploring the Negative Space: Evaluating Reasons for the Failure of Pro-Poor Targeting in Urban Sanitation Projects
Journal of Water, Sanitation and Hygiene for Development 1, no. 2 (2011): 86-101.
Working Paper
Xu, Ke, Frode Ravndal, David Evans, and Guy Carrin.
Assessing the Reliability of Household Expenditure Data: Results of the World Health Survey
Health Policy 91, no. 3 (2009): 297-305.
Journal Article
Yaya, Sanni, Guy Sourou Nouatin, and Sagbohan Jacques Singbo.
Préfinancement communautaire?: le consentement à payer des ménages pour les soins de santé primaires au Bénin
Santé Publique 25, no. 4 (2013): 527-533.
Working Paper
Hutton, Guy.
Monitoring “Affordability” of water and sanitation services after 2015: Review of global indicator options
Working Paper
Roy, Manoj, Simon Guy, David Hulme, and Ferdous Jahan.
Poverty and Climate Change in Urban Bangladesh (CLIMURB): An Analytical Framework
Brooks World Poverty Institute WP 148 , no. 148 (2011).
Working Paper
Saksena, Priyanka, Adélio Fernandes Antunes, Ke Xu, Laurent Musango, and Guy Carrin.
Impact of mutual health insurance on access to health care and financial risk protection in Rwanda
(2010) World Health Report Background Paper.
Journal Article
Stecklov, Guy, Calogero Carletto, Carlo Azzarri, and Benjamin Davis.
Gender and migration from Albania
Demography 47, no. 4 (2010): 935-961.
Journal Article
Agha, Sohail, Ronan Van Rossem, Guy Stallworthy, and Thankian Kusanthan.
The impact of a hybrid social marketing intervention on inequities in access, ownership and use of insecticide-treated nets
Malaria journal 6, no. 13 (2007).
Journal Article
Bryssinckx, Ward, Els Ducheyne, Bernard Muhwezi, Sunday Godfrey, Koen Mintiens, Herwig Leirs, and Guy Hendrickx.
Improving the Accuracy of Livestock Distribution Estimates Through Spatial Interpolation
Geospatial Health 7, no. 1 (2012): 101-109.
Journal Article
Bryssinckx, Ward, Els Ducheyne, Veerle Versteirt, Herwig Leirs, and Guy Hendrickx.
Optimizing Denominator Data Estimation through a Multimodel Approach
Geospatial Health 8, no. 2 (2014): 573-582.
Journal Article
Sakandé, Jean, Abdoulaye Nikièma, Elie Kabré, Charles Sawadogo, Eric W Nacoulma, Mamadou Sanou, Lassana Sangaré, Rasmata Traoré-Ouédraogo, Mamadou Sawadogo, and Guy Michel Gershy-Damet.
Implementation of a National External Quality Assessment Program for Medical Laboratories in Burkina Faso Challenges, Lessons Learned, and Perspectives
American journal of clinical pathology 141, no. 2 (2014): 181-187.
Journal Article
Mosites, Emily M, Peter M Rabinowitz, Samuel M Thumbi, Joel M Montgomery, Guy H Palmer, Susanne May, Ali Rowhani-Rahbar, Marian L Neuhouser, and Judd L Walson.
The Relationship between Livestock Ownership and Child Stunting in Three Countries in Eastern Africa Using National Survey Data
PloS One 10, no. 9 (2015).
Journal Article
Faustin, Meet.
Rwanda: Systematic and Sustained Killing of the Hutu Civilian Populations by KAGAME, a USA Client, and his RPF Soldiers
Hamalainen, Anna-Mari, Guy-Michel Brandtner, Larissa Titarenko, and Howard Williamson.
Youth policy in Moldova An international review
Strasbourg: Council of Europe Publishing, 2009.
Gotz, Graeme, Chris Wray, Christo Venter, Willem Badenhorst, Guy Trangos, and Christina Culwick.
Mobility in the Gauteng City-Region
Journal Article
Dietrich, Janan, Kathleen Sikkema, Kennedy N Otwombe, Amy Sanchez, Busisiwe Nkala, Guy Bruyn, Martin Van Der Watt, and Glenda E Gray.
Multiple levels of influence in predicting sexual activity and condom use among adolescents in Soweto, Johannesburg, South Africa
Journal of HIV/AIDS & social services 12, no. 3-4 (2013): 404-423.
Journal Article
Desrochers, Rachelle E, Kendra Siekmans, Peter R Berti, Karen Bramhill, Sarah AW Buchan, Guy K Battah, Dodji Gbetoglo, Kokou Vignikin, and Alice Sabino.
Effectiveness of Post-campaign, Door-to-door, Hang-up, and Communication Interventions to Increase Long-lasting, Insecticidal Bed Net Utilization in Togo (2011-2012): A Cluster Randomized, Control Trial
(2014) Malaria Journal.
Journal Article
Mathauer, Inke, Laurent Musango, Sibusio Sibandze, Khosi Mthethwa, and Guy Carrin.
Is universal coverage via social health insurance financially feasible in Swaziland?
South African Medical Journal 101, no. 3 (2011): 179-183.
Working Paper
Michaels, Guy.
Technology, Complexity and Information: The Evolution of Demand for Office Workers
Working Paper
Michaels, Guy, Ferdinand Rauch, and Stephen J Redding.
Task specialization in US cities from 1880-2000
Working Paper
Michaels, Guy, Ferdinand Rauch, and Stephen J Redding.
Urbanization and structural transformation
Journal Article
Abel, Guy J, Bilal Barakat, KC Samir, and Wolfgang Lutz.
Meeting the Sustainable Development Goals leads to lower world population growth
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 113, no. 50 (2016): 14294-14299.
Journal Article
Kamga, Guy-Roger, Fanny N Dissak-Delon, Hugues C Nana-Djeunga, Benjamin D Biholong, Stephen Mbigha-Ghogomu, Jacob Souopgui, Honorat GM Zoure, Michel Boussinesq, Joseph Kamgno, and Annie Robert.
Still mesoendemic onchocerciasis in two Cameroonian community-directed treatment with ivermectin projects despite more than 15 years of mass treatment
Parasites & Vectors 9, no. 1 (2016).
Journal Article
Baketa, Nikola, and Dragana Gundogan.
Inclusion of the Roma in Croatia and Serbia: the institutional framework and its implementation
(2016) Challenges and perspectives of inclusive education.
Showing 61-90 of 109