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Showing 1-30 of 74
Journal Article
Sobrinho G, Guilherme F. Xavier.
“Classe C” e Sua Alardeada Ascensão: Nova? Classe? Média?
Indicadores Economicos FEE 38, no. 4 (2011): 67-80.
Feres, Juan Carlos, and Xavier Mancero.
El método de las necesidades básicas insatisfechas (NBI) y sus aplicaciones en América Latina
Journal Article
Cecatti, Jose Guilherme, Joao Paulo Souza, Marie Angela Parpinelli, Marie Helena De Sousa, and Ellena Amaral.
Research on severe maternal morbidities and near-misses in Brazil: what we have learned
Reproductive Health Matters 15, no. 30 (2007): 125-133.
Fan, Qimiao, José Guilherme Reis, Michael Jarvis, Andrew Beath, and Kathrin Frauscher.
The investment climate in Brazil, India and South Africa: A comparison of approaches for sustaining economic growth in emerging economies
1 ed. Vol. 1. Washington DC, United Sates of America: World Bank, 2008.
Journal Article
Souza, João Paulo, Mary Angela Parpinelli, Eliana Amaral, and Guilherme Cecatti.
Assistência obstétrica e complicações graves da gestação na América Latina e Caribe: análise das informações obtidas a partir de inquéritos demográficos de saúde
Revista Panamericana de Salud Pública 21, no. 6 (2007): 396-401.
Journal Article
Hirata, Guilherme I, and Ana F Machado.
Escolha Ocupacional e Transição no Brasil Metropolitano: Uma Análise com Ênfase no Setor Informal
Economia Aplicada 14, no. 4 (2010): 299-322.
Working Paper
Attuy M, Guilherme.
Decomposição dos Ciclos do Desemprego: Uma Aplicação para o Brasil a Partir dos Fluxos do Trabalho
Conference Paper
De Oliveira, Guilherme Ferreira N, and Kassia Martins O Siqueira.
Educação, Políticas Públicas e Idosos na Educação de Jovens e Adultos
I Seminário Internacional de Pesquisa em Políticas Públicas e Desenvolvimento Social.
Setembro 22-24, 2014.
Journal Article
Wildauer, Egon W, Talita Moura M Inaba, and Guilherme P Da Silva.
A Distribuição da Internet nos Domicílios Brasileiros e Suas Perspectivas Futuras
Revista Democracia Digital e Governo Eletrônico , no. 9 (2013).
Working Paper
Da Cruz, Mércia S, Guilherme D Irffi, and Fabrícia Vitorino J Carvalho.
Perfil Socioeconômico, Demográfico, Cultural, Regional e Comportamental da Gravidez na Adolescência no Brasil
Thesis or Dissertation
Silva G, Guilherme.
A Inconstitucionalidade do Fator Previdenciário
Título de Bacharel, Universidade Católica de Brasília , 2013.
Journal Article
Seker, Murat, and Paulo Guilherme Correa.
Obstacles to Growth for Small and Medium Enterprises in Turkey
Working Paper
Reis, Jose} Guilherme, Diego Angel-Urdinola, and Cristian Quijada Torres.
Informality in Turkey: Size, Trends, Determinants and Consequences Background Paper by
Journal Article
Pavão, Ana Braz L, Guilherme L Werneck, and Mônica R Campos.
Autoavaliação do estado de saúde e a associação com fatores sociodemográficos, hábitos de vida e morbidade na população: um inquérito nacional
Cad. Saúde Pública 29, no. 4 (2013): 723-734.
Journal Article
Tabak, Benjamin M, Guilherme MR Gomes, and Mauricio Silva Medeiros.
The impact of market power at bank level in risk-taking: The Brazilian case
(2015) International Review of Financial Analysis.
Journal Article
Souen, Jacqueline A, and Guilherme C Souza Campos.
Da Euforia Ao Retrocesso: O Comportamento Do Emprego Formal No Brasil No Período Recente/ From Euphoria To Regression: The Behavior Of Formal Employment In Brazil In The Recent Period
Revista da ABET 15, no. 2 (2017): 87-106.
Hilber, Adriane M, Xavier Bosch-Capblanch, Christian Schindler, Lise Beck, Florence Sécula, Oran McKenzie, Sara Gari, Christina Stuckli, and Sonja Merten.
Gender and immunisation
Basel, Switzerland: Swiss Centre for International Health, 2010.
Journal Article
Aguayo, Victor M, Shawn K Baker, Xavier Crespin, Harouna Hamani, and Aissa MamadoulTaïbou.
Maintaining high vitamin A supplementation coverage in children. lessons from Niger
Food and Nutrition Bulletin 26, no. 1 (2005): 26-31.
Journal Article
Rolon, Pedro A, Jennifer S Smith, Nubia Munoz, Stefanie J Klug, Rolando Herrero, Xavier Bosch, Fernando Llamosas, Chris J Meijer, and Jan M Walboomers.
Human papillomavirus infection and invasive cervical cancer in Paraguay
International Journal of Cancer 85, no. 4 (2000): 486-491.
Journal Article
Bosch-Capblanch, Xavier.
Harmonisation of variables names prior to conducting statistical analyses with multiple datasets: an automated approach
BMC medical informatics and decision making 11, no. 33 (2011).
Journal Article
Said-Mohamed, Rihlat, Xavier Allirot, Makamto Sobgui, and Patrick Pasquet.
Determinants of overweight associated with stunting in preschool children of Yaounde, Cameroon
Annals of Human Biology 36, no. 2 (2009): 146-161.
Working Paper
Alonzo, Haydee, and Xavier Mancero.
Escalas de equivalencia en los países de América Latina
Thesis or Dissertation
Xavier, Anowie Francis.
Imroving water resources management through integration of community based actions: The case of black Volta Basin
Master of Science, Kwame Nkrumah University of Science and Technology, 2012.
Journal Article
Oudin, Xavier.
Education and Career Patterns among Small Scale Entrepreneurs in Thailand
(1994) Entrepreneurship and Socio-economic Transormation in Thailand and South-East Asia.
Working Paper
Ordeñana, Xavier, and Ramon Villa.
Mobility and Entrepreneurship in Ecuador: A Pseudo-Panel Approach
IDB WP , no. 319 (2012).
Working Paper
Nkurunziza, François-Xavier.
Analyse des Principales Contraintes de Développement des Régions de Montagnes du Burundi
Journal Article
Talleri, Andrés V, Xavier Llinas-Audet, and Josep-Oriol Escardíbul.
International briefing 27: training and development in Peru
International Journal of Training and Development 17, no. 1 (2013): 61-75.
Journal Article
Dupriez, Vincent, Xavier Dumay, and Anne Vause.
How Do School Systems Manage Pupils’ Heterogeneity?
Comparative Education Review 52, no. 2 (2008): 245-273.
Journal Article
Ordenana, Xavier, and Elizabeth Arteaga.
Middle-Class Entrepreneurship and the Effect of Social Capital
Thesis or Dissertation
Knox, Xavier.
Exploring family resilience processes in a low socio-economic grandmother-headed household with HIV affected orphans
Master in Educational Psichology, University of Pretoria, 2015.
Showing 1-30 of 74