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Showing 331-360 of 422
Oosthuizen, Morne.
Inflation Inequality in South Africa
: Development Policy Research Unit, University of Cape Town, 2013.
Journal Article
Phiri, Madalitso Zililo.
Durable Inequalities under Progressive Social Policy Reforms—Comparative Perspectives on South Africa and Brazil
Working Paper
Meth, Charles.
Unemployment and poverty halved by 2014?
Journal Article
Mulongo, Salva, Gilbert Kapila, Trad Hatton, Davina Canagasabey, Jennifer Arney, Tifa Kazadi, Lisa M Scott, and Grant Colfax.
Applying Innovative Approaches for Reaching Men Who Have Sex With Men and Female Sex Workers in the Democratic Republic of Congo
(2015) JAIDS Journal of Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndromes.
Journal Article
Bowman, Cynthia Grant, and Elizabeth Brundige.
Child Sex Abuse Within the Family in Sub-Saharan Africa: Challenges and Change in Current Legal and Mental Health Responses
(2014) Cornell Int'l LJ.
Journal Article
Rossouw, Jannie, Fanie Joubert, and Adele Breytenbach.
Suid-Afrika se fiskale afgrond:'n Blik op die aanwending van owerheidshulpbronne.
Tydskrif vir Geesteswetenskappe 54, no. 1 (2014).
Walton, Marion, and Jonathan Donner.
Public access, private mobile The interplay of shared access and the mobile Internet for teenagers in Cape Town
Ngowi, Daniel, Emmanuel Malangalila, and Grant Rhodes.
Health Care Financing Strategy Background Paper# 1 Options for the Minimum Benefit Package in Tanzania
Journal Article
Udom, Akaninyene Amos, and Usang Usang Bassey.
Fiscal Allocation and Administrative Effectiveness of University Managers in Southern Nigeria
Canadian Social Science 6, no. 6 (2010): 206-216.
Journal Article
Dodds, Grant.
Differences in Rates of Return to Education: Immigrant and Native Men in the 1980's
The Park Place Economist.
Working Paper
Freeman B, Richard.
Does Globalization of the Scientific/Engineering Workforce Threaten U.S. Economic Leadership?
Graham, Lauren, Tessa Hochfeld, Lauren Stuart, and Maya Van Gent.
Evaluation study of the national school nutrition programme and the tiger brands foundation in-school breakfast feeding programme in the Lady frere and Qumbu districts of the Eastern Cape
Journal Article
Fitchett, Jennifer M, Bronwyn Grant, Gijsbert Hoogendoorn, and Jennifer Fitchett.
Climate change threats to two low-lying South African coastal towns: Risks and perceptions
South African Journal of Science 112, no. 5/6 (2016).
Journal Article
Stoner, Chantal, Tim Caro, Simon Mduma, Charles Mlingwa, George Sabuni, Markus Borner, and Christiane Schelten.
Changes in large herbivore populations across large areas of Tanzania
African Journal of Ecology 45, no. 2 (2007): 202-215.
Bhutan, Nepal.
Gender review of national energy policies and programmes in Sri Lanka
Tesliuc, Cornelia, Jose Silverio Marques, Lillian Mookodi, Jeanine Braithwaite, Siddarth Sharma, and Dolly Ntseane.
Social Protection
Working Paper
Addo, Sheila, Morgan Bazilian, and Samuel Oguah.
Ghana: Lessons Learned, New Strategies
(2017) The Political Economy of Energy Subsidy Reform.
Thesis or Dissertation
Sam, Victoria Nyarkoah.
Child Labor in Ghana: A multidimensional analysis
Doctor, Christian-Albrechts Universitat Kiel, 2016.
Becker, Charles, and Irina Merkuryeva.
Disability risk and miraculous recoveries in Russia
Working Paper
Galbraith, James K, Beatrice Halbach, Aleksandra Malinowska, Amin Shams, and Wenjie Zhang.
UTIP global inequality data sets 1963-2008: updates, revisions and quality checks
Shackel, Rita, and Lucy Fiske.
Making Justice Work for Women: Kenya Country Report
Thesis or Dissertation
Nohemí P, Hurtado.
Can Gender-Stereotyped Depictions of Occupations in Primary School Textbooks Help Shape Students' Career Choice in the Dominican Republic?
Master’s Thesis, City College of New York, 2015.
Journal Article
Wedekind, Vera, and Tomaida Milingo.
Second chances for girls: the Zambian re-entry into school policy
(2015) Time to Learn Case Studies Series.
Journal Article
Wirth, James P, Magali Leyvraz, Prahlad R Sodani, Grant J Aaron, Narottam D Sharma, and Bradley A Woodruff.
Coverage of adequately iodized salt is suboptimal and rice fortification using public distribution channels could reach low-income households: findings from a cross-sectional survey of Anganwadi center catchment areas in Telangana, India
PloS one 11, no. 7 (2016).
Journal Article
Oyunga, Mary Anyango, David Okeyo Omondi, and Fredrick Kobina Ebo Grant.
Awareness in the Context of Prevalence of Vitamin A Deficiency Among Households in Western Kenya Using a Cross-Sectional Study
Journal of Food and Nutrition Sciences 4, no. 3 (2016): 55-64.
Journal Article
Oyunga, Mary Anyango, FKE Grant, DO Omondi, H Ouedraogo, C Levin, and JW Low.
Prevalence and predictors of vitamin a deficiency among infants in western Kenya using a cross-sectional analysis
African Journal of Food, Agriculture, Nutrition and Development 16, no. 1 (2016): 10765-10786.
Journal Article
Osterbauer, Beth, James Kapisi, Victor Bigira, Florence Mwangwa, Stephen Kinara, Moses R Kamya, and Grant Dorsey.
Factors associated with malaria parasitaemia, malnutrition, and anaemia among HIV-exposed and unexposed Ugandan infants: a cross-sectional survey
Malaria Journal 11, no. 1 (2012): 432.
Journal Article
Jagannathan, Prasanna, Mary K Muhindo, Abel Kakuru, Emmanuel Arinaitwe, Bryan Greenhouse, Jordan Tappero, Philip J Rosenthal, Frank Kaharuza, Moses R Kamya, and Grant Dorsey.
Increasing incidence of malaria in children despite insecticide-treated bed nets and prompt anti-malarial therapy in Tororo, Uganda
Malaria Journal 11, no. 1 (2012): 435.
Journal Article
Steinhardt, Laura C, Adoke Yeka, Sussann Nasr, Ryan E Wiegand, Denis Rubahika, Asadu Sserwanga, Humphrey Wanzira, Geoff Lavoy, Moses Kamya, and Grant Dorsey.
The effect of indoor residual spraying on malaria and anemia in a high-transmission area of northern Uganda
The American Journal of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene 88, no. 5 (2013): 855-861.
Journal Article
Wanzira, Humphrey, Adoke Yeka, Ruth Kigozi, Denis Rubahika, Sussann Nasr, Asadu Sserwanga, Moses Kamya, Scott Filler, Grant Dorsey, and Laura Steinhardt.
Long-lasting insecticide-treated bed net ownership and use among children under five years of age following a targeted distribution in central Uganda
Malaria Journal 13, no. 1 (2014): 185.
Showing 331-360 of 422