
Showing 1-30 of 300
Thesis or Dissertation
Munthali, Grace Timanyechi. "Assessing farmers’ willingness-to-way for improved common bean seed varieties in Malawi: a case study of Kasungu and Dedza districts." Master of Science, University of Pretoria, 2014.
Journal Article
Cherop, Elizabeth C, Grace A Ettyang, and Grace M Mbagaya. "Mixed feeding among infants aged 0-6 months in an urban setting of Eldoret, Kenya." Journal of Food, Agriculture & Environment 8, no. 1 (2010): 59.
Journal Article
Raimond, Christine, Hecheked Boukar, Dieudonne Bouba, Simon Boubakary, and Flora Pennec. "‪Migrations des agriculteurs et de leurs plantes : une recomposition de l’agrobiodiversité à l’échelle régionale." Les Cahiers d'Outre Mer , no. 2 (2014).
Journal Article
Skenderi, Nagip, Xhavit Islami, and Enis Mulolli. "The Influence of Macroeconomic Factors in the Failure of Returning the Bank Credits in Kosovo." Mediterranean Journal of Social Sciences 7, no. 1 (2016).
Munthali, Alister, Eliya M Zulu, Nyovani Madise, Ann M Moore, Sidon Konyani, James Kaphuka, and Dixie Maluwa-Banda. Adolescent sexual and reproductive health in Malawi: results from the 2004 National Survey of Adolescents. : Alan Guttmacher Institute New York, 2006.
Journal Article
Bentley, Jeffery W, Mike Robson, Bright B Sibale, Edwin Nkhulungo, Yolice Tembo, and Fransisca Munthali. "Travelling Companions: Emerging Diseases of People, Animals and Plants Along the Malawi-Mozambique Border." Human Ecology 40, no. 4 (2012): 557-569.
Munthali, Alister, Eliya M Zulu, Nyovani Madise, Ann M Moore, Sidon Konyani, James Kaphuka, and Dixie Maluwa-Banda. Adolescent Sexual and Reproductive Health in Malawi. 2013.
Working Paper
Munthali C, Alister. "A Situation Analysis of Persons with Disabilities in Malawi." (2011)
Book Section
Munthali, Alister. "Current Issues of Rural Development in Malawi. Chiba: Institute of Developing Economies." (2006) The Impact of the 2001/2002 Hunger Crisis on Child Labour and Education: A Case Study of Kasungu and Mchinji Districts in Central Malawi.
Munthali, Alister, Peter Mvula, and Sandra Ali. Effective HIV/AIDS and reproductive health information to people with disabilities. : University of Malawi Center for Social Research , 2004.
Thesis or Dissertation
Munthali M, Spy. "An institutional analysis of community and home based care and support for HIV/AIDS sufferers in rural households in Malawi." PhD thesis, Rhodes University, 2008.
Godlonton, Susan, Rebecca Thornton, and Alister Munthali. Behavioral Response to Information? Circumcision, Information, and HIV Prevention. 2011.
Journal Article
Munthali, Alister C, Wiseman C Chirwa, and Peter Mvula. "Malawi." (2008) The Political Cost of AIDS in Africa: Evidence from Six Countries.
Munthali, Alister C, Agnes Chimbiri, and Eliya Zulu. Adolescent sexual and reproductive health in Malawi: a synthesis of research evidence. NYC and Washington: Alan Guttmacher Institute, 2004.
Journal Article
Mulla, Y., J. Munthali, E. Makasa, and K. Kayumba. "Joint replacement in Zambia: a review of Hip & Knee Replacement surgery done at the Zambian-Italian Orthopaedic Hospital." Medical Journal of Zambia 37, no. 3 (2012): 153-159.
Journal Article
Pemba, D, P Kawale, R Ter Haar, E de Jonge, C Kulanga, and L Munthali. "Indoor residual spraying (irs) impact after 4 years on Malaria indicators in Nkhoma health delivery area." Malawi Medical Journal 25, no. 4 (2013): 125-186.
Journal Article
Ingstad, Benedicte, Alister C Munthali, Stine H Braathen, and Lisbet Grut. "The evil circle of poverty: a qualitative study of malaria and disability." Malaria Journal 11, no. 11 (2012): 15.
Journal Article
Munthali, Alister C, Peter M Mvula, and Lois Silo. "Early childhood development: the role of community based childcare centres in Malawi." Springer Plus 3, no. 1 (2014).
Journal Article
Berge, Erling, Daimon Kambewa, Alister Munthali, and Henrik Wiig. "Lineage and land reforms in Malawi: Do matrilineal and patrilineal landholding systems represent a problem for land reforms in Malawi?." (2014) Land Use Policy.
Journal Article
Munthali, Lumbani, Palwasha Y Khan, Nimrod J Mwaungulu, Femia Chilongo, Sian Floyd, Michael Kayange, Judith R Glynn, Neil French, and Amelia C Crampin. "The effect of HIV and antiretroviral therapy on characteristics of pulmonary tuberculosis in northern Malawi: a cross-sectional study." BMC infectious diseases 14, no. 1 (2014): 107.
Journal Article
Johns, Benjamin, Spy Munthali, Damian G Walker, Winford Masanjala, and David Bishai. "A cost function analysis of child health services in four districts in Malawi." Cost Effectiveness and Resource Allocation 11, no. 10 (2013).
Journal Article
Munthali, Alister, Stine H Braathen, Lisbet Grut, Yusman Kamaleri, and Benedicte Ingstad. "Seeking care for epilepsy and its impacts on households in a rural district in southern Malawi." African Journal of Disability 2, no. 1 (2013).
Journal Article
Mapira, Jemitias, and Ackim Munthali. "Household energy demand: wood fuel consumption and peri-urban deforestation in the city of Masvingo (Zimbabwe)." Journal of Sustainable Development in Africa 13, no. 5 (2011): 264-279.
Journal Article
Boniface, Respicious, Lawrence Museru, Othman Kiloloma, and Victoria Munthali. "Factors associated with road traffic injuries in Tanzania." Pan African Medical Journal 23, no. 46 (2016).
Journal Article
Munthali, Tendai, Chishala Chabala, Elson Chama, Raider Mugode, Nathan Kapata, Patrick Musonda, and Charles Michelo. "Tuberculosis caseload in children with severe acute malnutrition related with high hospital based mortality in Lusaka, Zambia." BMC Research Notes 10, no. 1 (2017): 206.
Journal Article
Robson, E, G Porter, K Hampshire, and A Munthali. "Heavy loads: children's burdens of water carrying in Malawi." Waterlines 32, no. 1 (2013): 23-35.
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