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Showing 1-22 of 22
Journal Article
Petarli, Glenda B, Luciane B Salaroli, Nazaré S Bissoli, and Eliana Zandonade.
Autoavaliação do Estado de Saúde e Fatores Associados: Um Estudo em Trabalhadores Bancários
Cadernos de Saúde Pública 31, no. 4 (2015): 787-799.
Journal Article
McIntyre, James A, Guy de Bruyn, and Glenda E Gray.
Southern Africa (South Africa, Botswana, Lesotho, Malawi, Mozambique, Namibia, Swaziland, Zambia, Zimbabwe)
(2009) Public Health Aspects of HIV/AIDS in Low and Middle Income Countries.
Journal Article
Dunkle, Kristen, Rachel Jewkes, Heather Brown, James McIntyre, Glenda Gray, and Siobán Harlow.
Gender-based violence and HIV infection among pregnant women in Soweto
(2003) Gender and Health Group, Men on relationships with and abuse of women, Medical Research Council Technical Report, Medical Research Council, Tygerberg.
Journal Article
Vo, Anne N, and Glenda Strachan.
Gender equity in a male-dominated industry: the case of the steel industry in Vietnam
(2009) Diversity Management in Asia a Research Companion.
Journal Article
Pick, James B, Glenda I Tellis, Edgar W Butler, and Suhas Pavgi.
Determinantes socioeconomicos de migracion en Mexico
Thesis or Dissertation
Alay, Tania Boni M, Melissa Salazar J Coronel, and Glenda Tigrero K Del Pezo.
Implementacion de una Agencia de Desarrollo Empresarial en la Peninsula de Santa Elena
Thesis, Escuela Superior Politecnica del Litoral, 2003.
Thesis or Dissertation
Asencio Vera K, Glenda.
Análisis Tributario de los Grandes Contribuyentes del Sector Automotriz del Ecuador Período 2007-2012
Grado de Magister, Universidad de Guayaquil, 2014.
Thesis or Dissertation
Maya Aguirre J, Glenda.
Gestión Financiera para el Complejo de la Asociación de Servidores del Banco del Estado (ASOBdE)
Thesis, ESPE, 2012.
Finch, Glenda, and Peter O Way.
: US Department of Commerce, Bureau of the Census, 1981.
Thesis or Dissertation
Colcha K, Glenda Cauja.
Estudio de factibilidad para el posecionamiento de la empresa electrorepuesto vcc en la ciudad de Guayaquil
Título de Ingeniera Comercial, Universidad Laica Vicente Rocafuerte de Guayaquil, 2015.
Journal Article
Santos, Glenda D, and Rosa Sato Y Chubaci.
O Conhecimento Sobre o Câncer de Mama e a Mamografia das Mulheres Idosas Frequentadoras de Centros de Convivência em São Paulo (SP, Brasil)
Ciência & Saúde Coletiva 16, no. 5 (2011): 2533-2540.
Journal Article
Dietrich, Janan, Kathleen Sikkema, Kennedy N Otwombe, Amy Sanchez, Busisiwe Nkala, Guy Bruyn, Martin Van Der Watt, and Glenda E Gray.
Multiple levels of influence in predicting sexual activity and condom use among adolescents in Soweto, Johannesburg, South Africa
Journal of HIV/AIDS & social services 12, no. 3-4 (2013): 404-423.
Journal Article
Otwombe, Kennedy, Janan Dietrich, Fatima Laher, Stefanie Hornschuh, Busisiwe Nkala, Lucy Chimoyi, Angela Kaida, Glenda E Gray, and Cari L Miller.
Health-seeking behaviours by gender among adolescents in Soweto, South Africa
(2015) Global health action.
Working Paper
Barlow-Jones, Glenda, and Duan Van der Westhuizen.
Digital literacy in the 21st century: fact or fiction?
Journal Article
Leder, Gilah C, Helen J Forgasz, and Glenda Jackson.
Mathematics, English and Gender Issues: Do Teachers Count?
Australian Journal of Teacher Education 39, no. 9 (2014).
Journal Article
Coetzee, Jenny, Janan Dietrich, Kennedy Otwombe, Busi Nkala, Mamakiri Khunwane, Martin Watt, Kathleen J Sikkema, and Glenda E Gray.
Predictors of parent - adolescent communication in post-apartheid South Africa: A protective factor in adolescent sexual and reproductive health
Journal of adolescence 37, no. 3 (2014): 313-324.
Journal Article
Roberts, Danielle, and Glenda Matthews.
Risk factors of malaria in children under the age of five years old in Uganda
Malaria Journal 15, no. 1 (2016): 246.
Journal Article
Onono, Maricianah, Kevin Owuor, Janet Turan, Elizabeth A Bukusi, Glenda E Gray, and Craig R Cohen.
The role of maternal, health system, and psychosocial factors in prevention of mother-to-child transmission failure in the era of programmatic scale up in western Kenya: A case control study
AIDS Patient Care and STDs 29, no. 4 (2015): 204-211.
Journal Article
Onono, Maricianah, Zachary Kwena, Janet Turan, Elizabeth A Bukusi, Craig R Cohen, and Glenda E Gray.
“You know you are sick, why do you carry a pregnancy again?” Applying the socio-ecological model to understand barriers to PMTCT service utilization in Western Kenya
Journal of AIDS & Clinical Research 6, no. 6 (2015): 467.
Journal Article
Dietrich, Janan Janine, Fatima Laher, Stefanie Hornschuh, Busisiwe Nkala, Lucy Chimoyi, Kennedy Otwombe, Angela Kaida, Glenda Elisabeth Gray, and Cari Miller.
Investigating Sociodemographic Factors and HIV Risk Behaviors Associated With Social Networking Among Adolescents in Soweto, South Africa: A Cross-Sectional Survey
JMIR public health and surveillance 2, no. 2 (2016).
Journal Article
Coetzee, Jenny, Rachel Jewkes, and Glenda E Gray.
Cross-sectional study of female sex workers in Soweto, South Africa: Factors associated with HIV infection
PloS one 12, no. 10 (2017).
Journal Article
Ajayi, Oluwakemi Rachel, Glenda Beverley Matthews, Myra Taylor, Jane Dene Kvalsvig, Leslie Davidson, Shuaib Kauchali, and Claude Mellins.
structural equation Modeling of the effects of Family, Preschool, and stunting on the cognitive Development of school children
(2017) Frontiers in Nutrition.
Showing 1-22 of 22