
Showing 31-60 of 62
Journal Article
Okiro, Emelda A, David Bitira, Gladys Mbabazi, Arthur Mpimbaza, Victor A Alegana, Ambrose O Talisuna, and Robert W Snow. "Increasing Malaria Hospital Admissions in Uganda between 1999 and 2009." BMC medicine 9, no. 1 (2011).
Conference Paper
Aquino Zúñiga, Silvia Patricia, Perla Carmen Rodríguez Manríquez, and Gladys Carmen Medina Morales. "Información y Formación. Aspectos Claves para Asumir el Reto de la Inclusión en la Universidad.." Xl Congreso Internacional Retos y Expectativas de la Universidad (2011). 2011.
Working Paper
Marín-Castro, Marco Antonio, Virginia Silva-Díaz, Gladys Linares-Fleites, Ana María Castagnino, and José Antonio Ticante-Roldán. "La biodiversidad de los hongos ectomicorrízicos y su importancia para la conservación del bosque en la zona poblana del Parque Nacional Malintzi." (2015)
Journal Article
Chirisa, Innocent, Elmond Bandauko, Abraham Matamanda, and Gladys Mandisvika. "Decentralized domestic wastewater systems in developing countries: the case study of Harare (Zimbabwe)." (2016) Applied Water Science.
Journal Article
Pierre, Absalon, María Eugenia Chávez Arrellano, Liberio Victorino Ramírez, Gladys Martínez Gómez, and Oliverio Hernández Romero. "Higher education in agriculture and sustainable development in Haiti." International Journal of Social Sciences and Entrepreneurship , no. Special Issue 2 (2014).
Journal Article
Pérez-Bravo, Francisco, Elena Carrasco, José L Santos, Marcelo Calvillán, Gladys Larenas, and Cecilia Albala. "Prevalence of type 2 diabetes and obesity in rural Mapuche population from Chile." Nutrition 17, no. 3 (2001): 236-238.
Thesis or Dissertation
Esau, Charlene Alicia Gladys. "Prevention and management of occupational injuries at selected higher eduction institution in the Western Cape, South Africa." Master of Technology Occupational Health Nursing, the Cape Peninsula University of Technology, 2015.
Journal Article
Dohwe, Moline, Clara Haruzivishe, Mathilda Zvinavashe, Maxwell Mhlanga, and Gladys Mugadza. "Domestic violence and its association with adverse pregnancy outcomes in Zimbabwe: a descriptive correlational study." International journal of innovative research and development 5, no. 3 (2016).
Journal Article
Alabi, Reuben Adeolu, Christopher I Aghimien, Daniel I Osasogie, and Gladys Erie Otasowie. "Environmental Effects of Poultry Production In Edo State, Nigeria." American Journal of Experimental Agriculture 4, no. 12 (2014): 1773-1782.
Working Paper
Savchenko, Yevgeniya, Gladys Lopez-Acevedo, and Raymond Robertson. "Globalization and the gender earnings gap: evidence from Sri Lanka and Cambodia." (2016)
Thesis or Dissertation
Nuñez G, Gladys Barreto. "Plan de marketing para asociación centro artesanal Huambaló "Cenarhu" y el posicionamiento." Thesis, Universidad Regional Autónoma De Los Andes, 2017.
Thesis or Dissertation
Gaibor J, Gladys Fiallos. "Análisis del sector de la microempresa en el cantón Montalvo provincia de Los Ríos, período 2010-2013, propuesta de un módulo de capacitación." Grado De Magíster, Universidad de Guayaquil, 2015.
Journal Article
Álvarez, Oscar M, Irma A Onofre, Silvia S Falquez, and Gladys L Sigua. "¿Soy emprendedor o soñador?." Revista Científica Yachana 2, no. 1 (2016).
Thesis or Dissertation
Zambrano Munoz, Fanny Gladys. "Desaceleracion del sector constructor de viviendas en la provincia del Guayas 2015." grado de magister en economía con mención en finanzas y proyectos, Universidad de Guayaquil Facultad de Ciencias Economicas, 2016.
Thesis or Dissertation
Pacheco Rios, Gladys Elsa. "Idas y venidas: El flujo migratorio entre Colombia y Venezuela 1999-2015." Maestría en gestión de organizaciones, Universidad Militar Nueva Granada , 2017.
Journal Article
Muema, Daniel M, Gladys N Macharia, Babatunde A Olusola, Amin S Hassan, Greg W Fegan, James A Berkley, Britta C Urban, and Eunice W Nduati. "Proportions of circulating follicular helper T cells are reduced and correlate with memory B cells in HIV-infected children." PloS One 12, no. 4 (2017): e0175570.
Journal Article
Lopez-Acevedo, Gladys, and Raymond Robertson. "Apparel in South Asia." (2016) Trade and Competitiveness Global Practice.
Journal Article
Onsarigo, Thomas Gisemba, and Gladys Nyaiburi Ogaro. "Gender based violence: an examination of its effect on women’s social economic status a survey of Langas Estate, Uasin Gishu County." International Journal of Advanced Research in Management and Social Sciences 4, no. 4 (2015): 281-290.
Journal Article
Kenu, Ernest, Adjoa Obo-Akwa, Gladys B Nuamah, Anita Brefo, Miriam Sam, and Margaret Lartey. "Knowledge and disclosure of HIV status among adolescents and young adults attending an adolescent HIV clinic in Accra, Ghana." BMC Research Notes 7, no. 1 (2014): 844.
Working Paper
Floreani, Vincent A, Gladys López-Acevedo, and Martín Rama. "Conflict and Poverty in Afghanistan's Transition." Policy Research WP , no. 7864 (2016).
Thesis or Dissertation
Caiza Changoluisa, Gladys A, and Maritza G Cóndor Viracocha. "Diseño y desarrollo de un calentador de agua mediante el uso de energía calorífica generado por una compostera para áreas rurales." Título de Ingeniero en Diseño Industrial, Universidad Central Del Ecuador, 2016.
Journal Article
Glover-Amengor, Mary, Isaac Agbemafle, Lynda Larmkie Hagan, Frank Peget Mboom, Gladys Gamor, Asamoah Larbi, and Irmgard Hoeschle-Zeledon. "Nutritional status of children 0-59 months in selected intervention communities in northern Ghana from the africa RISING project in 2012." Archives of Public Health 74, no. 1 (2016): 12.
Journal Article
Cuervo-Vergara, Sergio Augusto, Jesus David Garrido-Gutierrez, Gladys Adriana Velez-Avarez, and John Jairo Zuleta-Tobon. "Asociacion entre conocimientos de anticoncepcion y embarazo no planeado. Estudio de corte transversal." Revista Colombiana de Obstetricia y Ginecologia 66, no. 3 (2015): 160-170.
Thesis or Dissertation
Cazares, Gladys. "Estilos parentales y el autoconcepto en los estudiantes del quinto grado de educacion primaria de la Institucion Educativa Tecnica Sumapaz sede “Antonio Maria Lozano”, Melgar, Colombia, 2014." Magíster en Ciencias de la Familia con mención en Terapia Familiar, Universidad Peruana Union, 2017.
Journal Article
Burgos Davila, Delia, Gladys Eugenia Canaval Erazo, Natalia Tobo Medina, Pilar Bernal de Pheils, Janice Humphreys, and others. "Violencia de pareja en mujeres de la comunidad, tipos y severidad cali, colombia." Journal of Public Health; Vol. 14, num. 3 (2012); 377-389 Revista de Salud Publica; Vol. 14, num. 3 (2012); 377-389 0124-0064.
Journal Article
Embashu, Werner, Ahmad Cheikhyoussef, Gladys K Kahaka, and Selma M Lendelvo. "Processing methods of Oshikundu, a traditional beverage from sub-tribes within Aawambo culture in the Northern Namibia." (2013) Journal for Studies in Humanities and Social Sciences.
Journal Article
Mahiti, Gladys Reuben, Dickson Ally Mkoka, Angwara Dennis Kiwara, Columba Kokusiima Mbekenga, Anna-Karin Hurtig, and Isabel Goicolea. "Women's perceptions of antenatal, delivery, and postpartum services in rural Tanzania." Global health action 8, no. 1 (2015).
Journal Article
Siphambe, Gladys, Joseph E Mbaiwa, and Jaloni Pansiri. "Cultural Landscapes And Tourism Development In Botswana: The Case Of Moremi Gorge In Eastern Botswana." Botswana Journal of Business 10, no. 1 (2017): 117-137.
Thesis or Dissertation
Cusimayta Lobo, Gladys Gabriela. "El empleo precario en las empresas de intermediación laboral en el Perú." Máster en Política Social, Universidad Autónoma de Barcelona, 2017.
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