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Showing 1-30 of 716
Journal Article
Darga, Amedee L, and Gilles Daniel Joomun.
South African Journal of International Affairs 12, no. 1 (2005): 95-110.
Journal Article
Yadegari, Tahereh.
From Modernization of Daniel Lerner (1950s) to Present Day Modernization of Tehran, Iran
International Journal of Research and Review 1, no. 3 (2014): 22-30.
Thesis or Dissertation
Wajajay Nuñez, Walter Yossi.
Percepción de la calidad de atención del parto en usuarias del servicio de centro obstétrico del hospital nacional Daniel Alcides Carrión. Enero - Febrero 2013
Tesis Para optar el Título Profesional de Médico Cirujano, Universidad Nacional Mayor De San Marcos. Facultad de Medicina Humana. E.A.P. de Medicina Humana, 2013.
Thesis or Dissertation
Orihuela, Tony Alejandro.
Evaluación de la calidad de atención del Servicio de Planificación Familiar del Hospital Nacional Daniel Alcides Carrión - Callao
Tesis para optar el Titulo Profesional de Médico Cirujano, Universidad Nacional Mayor De San Marcos. Facultad De Medicina Humana. E.A.P. De Medicina Humana , 2011.
Borraz, Fernando, José María Cabrera, Alejandro Cid, Daniel Daniel Ferrés, and Daniel Miles.
Pobreza, educacion y salarios en America Latina
Conference Paper
Pison, Gilles, and Annabel D Du Loû.
Evaluation of the role of vaccination in the reduction of childhood mortality: A case study in Senegal
Demographic Evaluation of Health Programmes: Proceedings of a seminar in Paris.
Paris, France, February 26-28, 1996.
Book Section
Gohy, Gilles.
La pauvreté, une fatalité?: promouvoir l'autonomie et la sécurité humaine des groupes défavorisés : Bénin, Burkina Faso, Mali, Niger
(2002) Pauvreté: les mots et les faits au Bénin.
Journal Article
Pestana, Gilles.
Femmes, Bas-fonds et Capitaux..Problématique du Genre et Dynamiques des Systèmes Ruraux en Afrique de L’ouest: L’exemple du Fouta-Djalon (République de Guinée)
(2004) Montagnes Méditerranéennes.
Journal Article
Lahmam, A., Abdellatif Baali, Mohamed-Kamal Hilali, Mohammed Cherkaoui, Nicole Chapuis-Lucciani, and Gilles Boetsch.
Obesity, Overweight and Body-weight Perception in a High Atlas Moroccan Population
Obesity Reviews 9, no. 2 (2008): 93-99.
Working Paper
Cogneauy, Denis, Sandrine Mespl¶e-Sompsz, and Gilles Spielvogel.
Development at the border: a study of national integration in post-colonial West Africa
Journal Article
Cogneau, Denis, Charlotte Guénard, Sandrine Mesplé-Somps, Gilles Spielvogel, and Constance Torelli.
Development at the border: A study of national idiosyncrasies in post-colonial West-Africa
Journal Article
Du Loû, Annabel D, and Gilles Pison.
Le rôle des vaccinations dans la baisse de la mortalité des enfants au Sénégal
Population 50, no. 3 (1995): 591-620.
Journal Article
Pinchinat, Sybil, Catherine Enel, Gilles Pison, Géraldine Duthe, Emmanuel Lagarde, Francois Simondon, and Kirsten Simondon.
No improvement in weight-for-age of young children in southern Senegal, 1969-1992, despite a drastic reduction in mortality. Evidence from a growth monitoring programme
International journal of epidemiology 33, no. 6 (2004): 1202-1208.
Journal Article
Enel, Catherine, Sybil Pinchinat, Gilles Pison, and Kirsten B Simondon.
Assessment of 24 years of infant growth monitoring in a rural area of Senegal (1969-1992)
Cahiers d'etudes et de recherches francophones/Sante 16, no. 2 (2006): 97-101.
Journal Article
Helleringer, Stéphane, Géraldin Duthé, Almamy Malick Kanté, Armelle Andro, Cheikh Sokhna, François Trape, and Gilles Pison.
Misclassification of pregnancy-related deaths in adult mortality surveys: case study in Senegal
Tropical Medicine & International Health 18, no. 1 (2013): 27-34.
Journal Article
Kakai, Hygin Faust, Alban Gilles Kakai, and Armelle Grey Tohouegnon.
Agriculture urbaine et valorisation des déchets au Bénin: une approche de développement durable
VertigO-la revue électronique en sciences de l'environnement 10, no. 2 (2010).
Journal Article
Khuntonthong, Puttawan, Nopasit Chakpitak, Gilles Neubert, and Aree Wiboonpongse.
Development of a High-Value Agricultural Product Cluster to Increase Income for Rural Farmers: Case Study of Bresse Chicken Cluster in Northern Thailand
Kasetsart Journal Social Sciences 34, no. 3 (2013).
Working Paper
Maystadt, Jean Francois, and Gilles Duranton.
The development push of refugees: Evidence from Tanzania
Working Paper
Duranton, Gilles.
Roads and trade in Colombia
(2014) Economics of Transportation. University of Pennsylvania.
Journal Article
Nabirye, Minah, and Gilles-Maurice De Schryver.
Digitizing the Monolingual Lusoga Dictionary: Challenges and Prospects
Lexikos 23, no. 1 (2014): 297-322.
Journal Article
Nabirye, Minah, and Gilles-Maurice De Schryver.
The Monolingual Lusoga Dictionary Faced with Demands from a New User Category
Lexikos 20, no. 1 (2010): 326-350.
Journal Article
Ferrinho, Paulo, Seter Siziya, Fastone Goma, and Gilles Dussault.
The human resource for health situation in Zambia: deficit and maldistribution
Human Resources for Health 9, no. 30 (2011).
Journal Article
Nabirye, Minah, and Gilles-Maurice De Schryver.
A Quantitative Analysis of the Morphology, Morphophonology and Semantic Import of the Lusoga Noun
(2010) AFRICANA Linguistica.
Journal Article
Duboz, Priscilla, Enguerran Macia, Lamine Gueye, Gilles Boëtsch, and Nicole Chapuis-Lucciani.
Migrations Internes au Sénégal. Caractéristiques Socioéconomiques, Démographiques et Migratoires des Dakarois
Diversité Urbaine 11, no. 2 (2011): 113-135.
Journal Article
Bemelmans, Marielle, Delphine Goux, Saar Baert, Gilles Cutsem, Mabaruti Motsamai, Mit Philips, Wim Damme, Hilary Mwale, Marc Biot, and Thomas Akker.
The uncertain future of lay counsellors: continuation of HIV services in Lesotho under pressure
(2015) Health policy and planning.
Thesis or Dissertation
Sarter, Gilles.
Manger et Elever des Moutons au Maroc: Sociologie des Préférences et des Pratiques de Consommation et de Production de Viande
PhD Thesis, Universite Paris I – Pantheon Sorbonne, 2006.
Journal Article
Cabral, Jorge, Gilles Dussault, James Buchan, and Paulo Ferrinho.
Scaling-up the medical workforce in Timor-Leste: challenges of a great leap forward
(2013) Social science & medicine.
Journal Article
Pison, Gilles, Laetitia Douillot, Almamy M Kante, Ousmane Ndiaye, Papa N Diouf, Paul Senghor, Cheikh Sokhna, and Valerie Delaunay.
Health & Demographic Surveillance System Profile: Bandafassi Health and Demographic Surveillance System (Bandafassi HDSS), Senegal
International journal of epidemiology 45, no. 1 (2014).
Journal Article
Helleringer, Stéphane, Gilles Pison, Almamy M Kanté, Géraldine Duthé, and Armelle Andro.
Reporting errors in siblings’ survival histories and their impact on adult mortality estimates: results from a record linkage study in Senegal
Demography 51, no. 2 (2014): 387-411.
Journal Article
R’Kha, Samia, E Crognier, Gilles Boetsch, and A Baali.
La pratique contraceptive dans la Wilaya de Marrakech (Maroc): niveau, but, evolution et relation avec la fecondite
Bulletins et memoires de la Societe d’Anthropologie de Paris , no. 18 (3-4) (2006).
Showing 1-30 of 716