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Thesis or Dissertation
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Journal Article
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Book Section
Tiafack, Ojuku, and Chretien Ngouanet. "Visages et défis des principales villes camerounaises." (2008) Population Dynamics and Urban Growth Challenges in Kumba, South West Province of Cameroon.
Journal Article
Gomez-Camargo, Doris E, Margarita M Ochoa-Diaz, Carlos A Canchila-Barrios, Enrique C Ramos-Clason, German I Salguedo-Madrid, and Dacia I Malambo-Garcia. "Sexual and reproductive health in university students at an institution of higher learning in Colombia." Revista de Salud Publica 16, no. 5 (2014): 660-672.
Thesis or Dissertation
Rodriguez, German V, Oscar H Benalcazar, and Jose C Leon. "Planta Recicladora De Neumaticos Usados En La Ciudad De Guayaquil." Titulo de Magister, Escuela Superior Politecnica Del Litoral, 2013.
Book Section
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Working Paper
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Journal Article
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Journal Article
Miettinen, Kari, Maria Lahteenmaki, and Alfred Colpaert. "Exile and Repatriation: Experiences from the Zambezi Region, Namibia." (2017) Journal of Borderlands Studies.
Book Section
Jokisch, Alexander, Wilhelm Urban, and Thomas Kluge. "Implementing Climate Change Adaptation in Cities and Communities." (2016) Small Scale Rain- and Floodwater Harvesting for Horticulture in Central-Northern Namibia for Livelihood Improvement and as an Adaptation Strategy to Climate Change.
Thesis or Dissertation
Nedved, Radek. "Urbanisation of the! Xun Bushmen in the area of Grootfontein in Namibia." Doctor of Philosophy, Charles University in Prague, 2014.
Conference Paper
Umenne, Sampson, and Victor Chirwa. "Culture and Environment as Generators of Sustainable Design: the Case of Hoachanas Village, Hardap Region, Namibia." Sustainable Futures: Architecture and Urbanism in the Global South Kampala, Uganda, 27 – 30 June 2012. 2012.
Thesis or Dissertation
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Journal Article
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Working Paper
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Journal Article
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Journal Article
Pérez-Escamilla, Rafael, José A Cobas, Hector Balcazar, and Mary H Benin. "Specifying the antecedents of breast-feeding duration in Peru through a structural equation model." Public Health Nutrition 2, no. 04 (1999): 461-467.
Journal Article
Chinebuah, Bridget, and Rafael Pérez-Escamilla. "Unplanned pregnancies are associated with less likelihood of prolonged breast-feeding among primiparous women in Ghana." The Journal of nutrition 131, no. 4 (2001): 1247.
Journal Article
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Journal Article
Perez-Cueto, F J A, and P W V J Kolsteren. "Changes in the nutritional status of Bolivian women 1994 - 1998: demographic and social predictors." European journal of clinical nutrition 58, no. 4 (2004): 660-666.
Journal Article
Perez-Cueto, A, M Almanza, and P W Kolsteren. "Female gender and wealth are associated to overweight among adolescents in La Paz, Bolivia." European journal of clinical nutrition 59, no. 1 (2004): 82-87.
Book Section
Pérez, Betty A, and Rony Lenz. "A new social contract for Peru: an agenda for improving education, health care, and the social safety net." (2006) 4. Pro-poor policies in the Peruvian public health sector.
Journal Article
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